Bring AI-Based Search to Your Web App

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ChatGPT took the tech world by storm. Everyone talks about it, from your CTO to your hairdresser (at least my barber does). And there are many reasons why we should all be excited about it and many other AI/ML innovations.

But how do you bring them into your tech stack, your website/backend, to work with your data and provide AI-driven search and data augmentation?

There is a new generation of AI Native databases, which use deep learning models to find answers to natural language queries. We are talking about the ability to search through text, images, videos, DNA, or any unstructured data, all with a single query.

The rule of thumb: if there is an ML model, we can search through it.

Join me to learn about the foundation blocks (LLMs and vector embeddings, Vector Databases), how they all play together and most importantly - how you can build something yourself with open-source tech.

And, of course!!! There will be a live-coding demo, where I will take you through the experience of building an AI-based search – with Weaviate, an open-source Vector Database – and adding it to an app. Now the question... should this be done in Angular, React, Vue or just pure JS ;)



Machine learning (ML) is a field of artificial intelligence (AI) that focuses on building systems that learn from data, identify patterns, and make decisions with minimal human intervention. It involves training algorithms on data sets to create models that can perform tasks such as recognition, prediction, and decision-making.

No, you do not need a PhD to understand machine learning. Many resources and tools are designed to make ML accessible to individuals without advanced degrees in the field.

Semantic search in machine and natural language processing involves understanding the intent and contextual meaning of a search query, rather than just matching keywords. It aims to improve the accuracy of search results by understanding the semantics, or meaning, of the words in the query.

Vector embeddings are mathematical representations of text or other data in a high-dimensional space. Machine learning models convert data into vectors of numbers that capture the essence of the data. These vectors are then used in various ML tasks, such as finding similarities between items or classifying data.

Machine learning has a wide range of applications including speech recognition, image recognition, medical diagnosis, predictive analytics, personalization in retail, and more. It is used to automate decision-making processes and create more personalized user experiences.

ChargPT appears to be a typographical error in the text, likely referring to 'ChatGPT', a variant of the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) models developed by OpenAI. These models use machine learning to generate human-like text based on the input they are given.

There are many tools available for implementing machine learning models, including TensorFlow, PyTorch, OpenAI's API, Hugging Face's Transformers, and others. These tools provide the infrastructure and pre-trained models that can be used to develop and deploy machine learning applications.

Search plays a crucial role in machine learning as it is often the starting point for gathering information and gaining insights. Improving search capabilities using ML can lead to more efficient data retrieval, better user experiences, and enhanced decision-making processes.

Sebastian Witalec
Sebastian Witalec
31 min
01 Jun, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

The Talk discusses the use of machine learning in search engines, specifically focusing on semantic search and vector embeddings. It explores the integration of JavaScript and machine learning models, using Weaviate as an open-source vector database. The Talk demonstrates how to connect to Weaviate, query data, and perform machine learning queries. It also highlights the benefits of Weaviate, such as its superior developer experience and performance. Additionally, the Talk addresses customization options, data privacy concerns, and the varying effectiveness of different machine learning models.

1. Introduction to Machine Learning and Search

Short description:

I'm super excited to introduce you to this topic. I didn't have any idea about it a year ago. Let's get cracking. My journey begins with a conference talk on machine learning. At first, I was confused and thought I needed a PhD. But then I realized that machine learning tools have become accessible to everyone. I will focus on the topic of search using machine learning, as everything on the internet begins with search.

So, thank you for this very nice introduction. And I'm super excited to introduce you to this topic that, let's face it, a year ago I didn't have any idea about. So I'm going to bring you on my one year journey with me. So let's get cracking.

So you heard the introduction, my name is Sebastian Vitales, I build cool stuff, and I want to talk to you about it. So my journey begins a few years ago, a long long time ago in a galaxy far away. I went to a conference and there was a very interesting talk that I was very excited about that promised that you don't need a PhD to understand machine learning. And obviously I was super excited about it because A, I didn't have any clue about ML but I really wanted to get into it, like, hey, there was a promise, like, maybe I didn't need to study for five years to do something around ML. The thing is that 10 minutes into that talk I was so confused I didn't even know what my name was. And immediately my assumption was like, yep, you need a PhD, I'm never touching ML again in my life, you know. That's it. Over. But then I was like, OK, I'm not going to give up.

The thing that changed and is happening lately, and I'm sure you're all experiencing that, is that everybody's talking about ChargPT, AI, ML, like, all those things that you're hearing. Like, I currently live in Denmark. I don't speak any Danish but if I'm in a café there's, like, people speaking randomly Danish and catching ChargPT, something, something, like, you keep catching it. I went to get a haircut, right, like, and my hairdresser got confused. It was like, OK, I'm going to ask ChargPT what kind of haircut will go with you. Even ChargPT can help with it so that's OK. And the thing is, like, what changed? Why is everyone now talking again about machine learning? Where is this buzz coming from? Why is everyone excited, not just even people in tech, but even, like, regular people that, you know, don't, you know, don't use computers for professional stuff, right? And what changed is actually that those machine learning tools became accessible, right? Like, suddenly, they're, like, at your fingertips. Suddenly, you can go, you know, to OpenAI and, like, create a login, and then you could start writing prompts and ask questions to the AI and this is mind-blowing. And there are so many different applications, all sort of, like, image generation, all sort of things happening. But I only have 20 minutes for the talk. And the organizers, like, asked me already five times. So, I'm going to finish on time. So, I'm going to narrow down and only talk about, like, a very specific thing of the machine learning, especially I have 20 minutes and I want to do some live coding as well. So, let's stick to that.

So the topic of the presentation was search or using machine learning, search. And let's face it, everything that we do on the internet begins with search, right? You want to listen to music? You search. You want to watch a movie? You're going shopping? You want to find some information? You go to Wikipedia, you always search.

2. Challenges with Traditional Search

Short description:

Search works, but it could be better. Traditional search engines may not understand the meaning of a question, leading to irrelevant results. Semantic search, on the other hand, focuses on the meaning of the question and can provide more accurate answers. By using machine learning, we can enhance the power of semantic search.

And I mean, you probably think it's like, okay, what's the problem? We've been doing that for decades. Search works. Well, I beg to differ, right? Like, it kind of works, but it could be better. And let me give you an example. So, with traditional search, you may face some challenges. So, if you went and asked, like, a traditional search engine, like, why do airplanes fly? So, maybe you have a whole database of documents that explain it. You may get an answer like, why you should fly with expensive airplanes? And it's like, well, I mean, it's pretty good because it matches airplanes, it matches why do and fly and all this. Why is this guy complaining? It's like a perfect match. Well, I mean, in reality, we asked how planes fly, and we were told to fly with expensive airlines. Well, that solves it for me. Thank you. Well, the solution for me is kind of like looking for the question from the semantic point of view. What is the meaning of the question and what sort of answer can I find for you? And actually, if you put this question into Google Search, you'll get an answer like this. You go and we'll find the dynamics of fly from NASA. And then in there, the bit that helped us find the answer was like airplanes wings are shaped to make air move faster over the top of the wing, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Like we don't really have any of the keyword matches, but the meaning is there, right. And that's basically the power of semantic search. So by looking at those two examples and the kind of things that you can get between the two, I mean, the conclusion is pretty straightforward, right? Like we should be going and looking more at the semantic type of search and like using machine learning for it.


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