#api development

API stands for Application Programming Interface. It is a set of functions and procedures that allow two or more applications to communicate with each other. In the context of JavaScript, an API is a set of commands, functions, protocols, and objects that can be used to create interactive web-based applications. APIs help developers access data from external sources and integrate it into their own web applications, making them more dynamic and user friendly.
Step aside resolvers: a new approach to GraphQL execution
GraphQL Galaxy 2022GraphQL Galaxy 2022
16 min
Step aside resolvers: a new approach to GraphQL execution
Though GraphQL is declarative, resolvers operate field-by-field, layer-by-layer, often resulting in unnecessary work for your business logic even when using techniques such as DataLoader. In this talk, Benjie will introduce his vision for a new general-purpose GraphQL execution strategy whose holistic approach could lead to significant efficiency and scalability gains for all GraphQL APIs.
Get rid of your API schemas with tRPC
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
29 min
Get rid of your API schemas with tRPC
Do you know we can replace API schemas with a lightweight and type-safe library? With tRPC you can easily replace GraphQL or REST with inferred shapes without schemas or code generation. In this talk we will understand the benefit of tRPC and how apply it in a NextJs application. If you want reduce your project complexity you can't miss this talk.
The Swiss Army Knife of Every Vue Developer
Vue.js Live 2024Vue.js Live 2024
9 min
The Swiss Army Knife of Every Vue Developer
Composables (composition functions) are stateful/stateless functions that can leverage Vue's reactivity API, decoupling it from components. This shift in perspective opens the possibility for tackling common scenarios in a new and creative way.
Data Loaders - Elevating Data Fetching in Vue
Vue.js Live 2024Vue.js Live 2024
30 min
Data Loaders - Elevating Data Fetching in Vue
Data fetching is a critical part of modern web applications. It's a complex problem that has been (partially) solved in many different ways. In this talk, we'll explore the new Data Loaders API for Vue Router, how it compares to existing solutions, and how it can greatly simplify data fetching in your Vue applications.
Understanding Async Context
Node Congress 2024Node Congress 2024
29 min
Understanding Async Context
The AsyncLocalStorage API in Node.js is a powerful tool that has since been adopted across multiple runtimes. There is even an effort underway to standardize a variation of the API within JavaScript itself. But what is it? And more importantly, how does it work?
Making My Node.js API Super Fast
Node Congress 2024Node Congress 2024
34 min
Making My Node.js API Super Fast
Node.js servers need to process a large number of requests concurrently as the scale grows.  A Node.js micro service which receives an API request needs to do multiple actions, like parsing JWTs, use caching, work with the databases and more. In this talk, Tamar will show strategies to improve your REST API performance - starting from new Node.js frameworks that can work faster, better parsing of request parts, efficient work with caching and DB , better parallelism and more strategies. The talk will include demos, benchmarks and profiling of code to see the improvements. At the end of this talk, developers will have practical knowledge on how to improve API performance in various Node.js platforms.
The Future of Web Storage: Exploring Advanced Storage APIs
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
9 min
The Future of Web Storage: Exploring Advanced Storage APIs
Are you tired of relying on outdated web storage techniques? Join us as we explore the latest advancements in web storage and data management that will supercharge your web applications! In this presentation, we will dive into the world of advanced APIs such as IndexedDB, CacheStorage, FileSystem API, and more. We'll compare the benefits and limitations of each API, discussing their persistence, quota, security, and performance. We'll also explore real-world use cases and discuss web storage beyond local-storage and session-storage
Superpowers of Browser's Web API
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
30 min
Superpowers of Browser's Web API
When writing code for the Web, there are a lot of capabilities that are offered out of the box by our browsers. If you ever wrote a File Upload component, used timers and intervals, interacted with the DOM, or stored something in the Local/Session Storage, you had to go to the MDN’s Web API docs, to find some relevant information on how to implement that code.
In this session, we will delve into the exciting world of browser Web APIs that are not so commonly used (although they should be) and explore their incredible capabilities 🚀
All these features offer new opportunities for creating immersive web experiences that can help businesses grow and connect with customers.
So if you are the kind of an engineer who wants to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to web development, learn how Intersection Observer, Background Sync API, Screen Wake Lock API (and many more) can help you create better web applications that will keep users engaged and coming back for more! 
How to Automatically Consume APIs with React
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
7 min
How to Automatically Consume APIs with React
In this talk, I'll introduce the audience to the potential of OpenAPI in simplifying and enhancing the development process for React applications. I will demonstrate how OpenAPI can be harnessed to seamlessly autogenerate REST APIs, streamlining the consumption of data within React projects. With a keen focus on efficiency and reliability, attendees will gain valuable insights into implementing automated tests to ensure robustness and quality in their applications.
Real-Time Collaborative State on the Edge
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
26 min
Real-Time Collaborative State on the Edge
Practical talk showing how to go from a local state to an on-the-edge offline capable persisted state to make an app like Figma, Notion, and more.
All You Need Is a Contract…
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
29 min
All You Need Is a Contract…
How many times have you had to wait for your backend team to finish building the API so you can start your tasks? What if all you needed to move that task to in progress was the API contract? What if there was a library that did this for REST and GraphQL APIs and, at the same time, taking your tests to the next level? Join me and prepare to enhance your developer experience while learning all the battle-earned experiences of using one of my favorite libraries: Mock Service Worker.
Advanced GraphQL Architectures: Serverless Event Sourcing and CQRS
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
28 min
Advanced GraphQL Architectures: Serverless Event Sourcing and CQRS
GraphQL is a powerful and useful tool, especially popular among frontend developers. It can significantly speed up app development and improve application speed, API discoverability, and documentation. GraphQL is not an excellent fit for simple APIs only - it can power more advanced architectures. The separation between queries and mutations makes GraphQL perfect for event sourcing and Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS). By making your advanced GraphQL app serverless, you get a fully managed, cheap, and extremely powerful architecture.
APIs are Evolving. Again.
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
28 min
APIs are Evolving. Again.
As developers we stand on the shoulders of giants, and it can be helpful to take a look at the past to gain a better perspective. In this talk we’ll briefly explore the past decade of backend development and architectural patterns.
We’ve often ditched technologies in an attempt to make the developer experience frictionless. However we sometimes forget what we can learn from “the good old days”.
What are you building: a monolith, a microservices system or something in between? A shift in how we see things can help us keep moving forwards.
Creating My First Open Source Vue 3 Library
Vue.js London 2023Vue.js London 2023
27 min
Creating My First Open Source Vue 3 Library
Learn about how to create a Vue.js library, and what best practices you should follow. We'll also learn about open source, and how maintainers work. We'll touch on xState, the composition API and testing strategies including Cypess and Vue test utils!
Ref() vs. Reactive(): What to Choose Using Vue 3 Composition API?
Vue.js London 2023Vue.js London 2023
22 min
Ref() vs. Reactive(): What to Choose Using Vue 3 Composition API?
There are two approaches to add a reactive state to Vue components using the Composition API. As a result, you must choose whether to utilize reactive(), ref(), or both. I'll guide you in making the best decision.
tRPC - Move Fast and Break Nothing
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
26 min
tRPC - Move Fast and Break Nothing
How, why and how to use tRPC by the creator of it
Exploring the Data Mesh Powered by GraphQL
GraphQL Galaxy 2022GraphQL Galaxy 2022
34 min
Exploring the Data Mesh Powered by GraphQL
Different approaches are being explored for building an operational data lake with an easy data access API, as well as a federated data access API, and GraphQL opens up opportunities for enabling these architectures by laying the foundation for a data mesh.
Handling Breaking Changes in GraphQL
GraphQL Galaxy 2022GraphQL Galaxy 2022
22 min
Handling Breaking Changes in GraphQL
Top Content
Requirements change, but API contracts are forever - I wish! A breaking change is something that is not backwards compatible. This means that a consumer of your API would not be able to use the new version without making a code change themselves. We avoid breaking changes if possible, but there are cases when they are inevitable. It could be something small: like making a mandatory field optional. Or it could be something big: like removing a query or a mutation. In this talk we'll review the types of breaking changes you may encounter and how to deal with them gracefully.
Automated Security Testing for JS Apps
TestJS Summit 2022TestJS Summit 2022
9 min
Automated Security Testing for JS Apps
Traditional security testing for JS apps has focused on the front-end, but actual security issues most often lie in the backing REST API. Join StackHawk co-founder Scott Gerlach for a quick overview of why you need to rethink how you test your JS apps and how StackHawk can help you find and fix security bugs fast.
Automated Application Security Testing
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
9 min
Automated Application Security Testing
Traditional security testing for JS apps has focused on the front-end, but actual security issues most often lie in the backing REST API. Join StackHawk co-founder Scott Gerlach for a quick overview of why you need to rethink how you test your JS apps and how StackHawk can help you find and fix security bugs fast.
Building a Serverless GraphQL API in 7 Minutes
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
8 min
Building a Serverless GraphQL API in 7 Minutes
At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Johns Hopkins University worked on gathering and refining data from multiple sources and provided the world with a Github repository and a bunch of CSV files. The Problem? It’s nearly impossible to build anything from raw data like this.In this live coding session, MongoDB Developer Advocate Maxime Beugnet will show you how to build a serverless GraphQL API based on this dataset using Python and the MongoDB Data Platform. We are finally going to put serverless and the MongoDB generous free tier to good use!
Building GraphQL APIs on Ethereum
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
8 min
Building GraphQL APIs on Ethereum
Blockchains are databases with a unique set of properties. Unlike most databases which are optimized for both read and write operations, blockchains are optimized for write operations, typically focused on optimizing and scaling transaction cost, transaction volume, and transaction speed.
In this talk, I'll dive into the web3 space, and show how developers can leverage The Graph Protocol to build performant, scalable, and decentralized GraphQL APIs and dapps on decentralized networks like Ethereum and IPS.
GraphQL Beyond HTTP APIs
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
8 min
GraphQL Beyond HTTP APIs
You might be familiar with HTTP GraphQL APIs. Did you know GraphQL does not have to be delivered over HTTP? We can use GraphQL in some different contexts. asynchronous queries, batch operations, user-provided scripts, WebAssembly, webhooks, and many more. We will explore how Shopify uses GraphQL in different contexts and how you can extend your current GraphQL schema beyond HTTP APIs.
All Things Graph...
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
8 min
All Things Graph...
REST is an API design architecture, which, in the last few years, has become the norm for implementing web services. It uses HTTP to get data and perform various operations (POST, GET, PUT, and DELETE) in JSON format, allowing better and faster parsing of data. But REST comes with some downsides that have enterprises considering alternative mechanisms to manage performance, developer time, and production of their APIs — enter GraphQL. GraphQL doesn't have to be a replacement to REST, the two API designs can co-exist and be leveraged for the appropriate use-case. Join us for a conversation about what benefits, shortcomings, tooling, and design decisions you need to consider while making this evaluation.
GraphQL Performance and Monitoring
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
32 min
GraphQL Performance and Monitoring
GraphQL abstracts the downstream API calls from the frontend and all that frontend has to do is request fields in a query that are required for the rendering of the component. The frontend is not aware that a corresponding field might result in an API call or heavy computations on the backend side. This abstraction hits the performance when the GraphQL schema is not structured properly. Let's take an example to understand more:Here's the query to get available rooms for a hotel:hotel (id: $hotelId) { id rooms { id type name } }The frontend doesn't know that the rooms field inside the query hotel will fire another API call even type field would be fetched from another API endpoint. These nested API calls worsen the performance if there are more rooms. We can effectively solve this structuring the schema well and using data loaders.
How to Edge Cache GraphQL APIs
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
23 min
How to Edge Cache GraphQL APIs
For years, not being able to cache GraphQL was considered one of its main downsides compared to RESTful APIs. Not anymore. GraphCDN makes it possible to cache almost any GraphQL API at the edge, and not only that but our cache is even smarter than any RESTful cache could ever be. Let's dive deep into the inner workings of GraphCDN to figure out how exactly we make this happen.
E2E Tests for API – Saving Nerves and Hours
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
8 min
E2E Tests for API – Saving Nerves and Hours
Having adequate test coverage means a lot for the good API. But what can make the whole life pathetic is endless mocking of data and functions for integration tests. Every time you've changed the code you need to fix the mock. After several iterations the correct thought is - what's went wrong?
Alternative approach is e2e tests for the API. Which require only minimal mocks and data preparation. The rest - pure code of your API. Change the code - e2e test remains the same.This talk is about my experience of switching from integration tests to e2e tests for the API, proc and cons and how I started to feel happy about tests.
Automated Application Security Testing
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
9 min
Automated Application Security Testing
With StackHawk, engineering teams can run security tests against JS applications and the backing APIs to find and fix vulnerabilities faster. With automated testing on every PR, you can be confident that your app is secure. Join StackHawk co-founder Scott Gerlach for a quick overview of JS application security testing with StackHawk.
Go Find What We May Have Missed!
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
27 min
Go Find What We May Have Missed!
Coming into software with an exploratory testing mindset is like coming to a multi-layer canvas with lots of information and an open ended task: find what we may have missed! This is the assignment for us all in software teams in our quest for quality.
Framing the search of how our system falls short of expectations is easier when we are able to see software from its user’s perspective. However, useful tests aren’t a collection of end-to-end tests we automate, but great tests to leave behind will decompose the testing problem differently. In this talk, we learn about using architecture as a filter in decomposing tests and look at an example of taking control over the API responses to test a React frontend.
Users don’t know or care if the problem is in the frontend and services your team provided if it fails to meet their expectations but you care. Granularity of feedback matters. Recognizing the same problems in incomplete scope - half-done features or only in frontend or APIs - is a skillset the software industry needs to be building.
Advanced Patterns for API Management in Large-Scale React Applications
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
20 min
Advanced Patterns for API Management in Large-Scale React Applications
Top Content
In this talk, you will discover how to manage async operations and request cancellation implementing a maintainable and scalable API layer and enhancing it with de-coupled cancellation logic. You will also learn how to handle different API states in a clean and flexible manner.
The Diminishing API Layer
GraphQL Galaxy 2020GraphQL Galaxy 2020
30 min
The Diminishing API Layer
Apps are hard enough to build without having to worry about layers and layers that sit between your users and the database. In this talk we examine trends in serverless computing, and their impact on modern databases and API layers.
Safely Handling Dynamic Data with TypeScript
Node Congress 2021Node Congress 2021
29 min
Safely Handling Dynamic Data with TypeScript
Top Content
TypeScript makes JavaScript safer adding static type definitions. Static definitions are wonderful; they prevent developers from making trivial mistakes ensuring every assignment and invocation is done correctly. A variable typed as a string cannot be assigned a number, and a function expecting three arguments cannot be called with only two. These definitions only exist at build time though; the code that is eventually executed is just JavaScript. But what about the response from an API request? In this talk Ethan Arrowood, Software Engineer 2 @ Microsoft, he will cover various solutions for safely typing dynamic data in TypeScript applications. This talk features popular technologies such as Fastify, JSON Schema, Node.js, and more!