The Future of Web Storage: Exploring Advanced Storage APIs

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Are you tired of relying on outdated web storage techniques? Join us as we explore the latest advancements in web storage and data management that will supercharge your web applications! In this presentation, we will dive into the world of advanced APIs such as IndexedDB, CacheStorage, FileSystem API, and more. We'll compare the benefits and limitations of each API, discussing their persistence, quota, security, and performance. We'll also explore real-world use cases and discuss web storage beyond local-storage and session-storage


IndexedDB is a low-level, no-SQL database API that allows websites to store large amounts of structured data on the client-side, providing robust data persistence. It supports web applications by enabling offline functionality, allowing users to access and interact with data without an internet connection.

Advanced features of IndexedDB include coding and indexing for efficient data retrieval, transactions to ensure data integrity, and versioning to manage database schema upgrades smoothly.

Cache Storage improves performance by storing and managing browser cache resources like HTML, CSS, and images. It supports various caching strategies such as 'cache first' and 'network first', enhancing user experience in unreliable network conditions.

The File System API is crucial for managing file-level access within web applications. It is used to create, read, write, and manage files on a client device, essential for applications involving user-generated content and local file management.

Both IndexedDB and the File System API operate in a secure sandbox environment. This setup isolates data storage to the origin, protecting user data from unauthorized access and ensuring data integrity.

Common caching strategies in Cache Storage include 'cache first', where assets are retrieved from the cache before falling back to the network, and 'network first', where the network is tried first with the cache as a fallback option.

The File System API supports interactive web applications by allowing file access and management directly from the browser. This is particularly beneficial for applications like document editors, image and video editors, and web-based games.

Cache namespaces in Cache Storage allow for organizing resources into multiple caches with different names, which is useful for versioning and grouping assets, thereby enhancing resource management and application performance.

Shubham Gautam
Shubham Gautam
9 min
12 Dec, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

Today's Talk explores three powerful web APIs: indexedDB, cache storage, and the filesystem API. IndexedDB enables offline functionality and provides advanced features like coding & indexing, transactions, versioning, and security. Cache storage supports various caching strategies and namespaces, while the File System API allows fine-grained control over files, facilitating file uploads and downloads. A code example of interacting with the File System API is also provided.

1. Introduction to indexedDB and cache storage

Short description:

Today we are going to explore three powerful web APIs: indexedDB, cache storage, and the filesystem API. IndexedDB is a client-side database that enables web apps to function offline and provides advanced features like coding & indexing, transactions, versioning, and security. Cache storage is a browser feature that allows web apps to store and manage cache resources.

Hey everyone, I'm Shubham and I'm currently a software engineer at Headon. Today we are going to explore three powerful web APIs that are fundamental in modern web development. First is indexedDB, then we have cache storage, and then the filesystem API. In a world where user expectations are higher than ever, these APIs address critical aspects of web development such as data persistence, offline capabilities, performance optimization, and seamless user experiences. So without further ado, let's dive in.

Okay, let's start by diving deeper into indexedDB, which is a powerful client-side database for web apps. If we have to define indexedDB, it is short for indexed database and it is a low-level, no-SQL database API that allows websites to store large amounts of structured data on the client-side. Unlike cookies and local storage, it is designed for storing a more significant amount of data efficiently. Talking about its role in web development, indexedDB plays a crucial role in modern web development by providing a robust and scalable solution directly in the browser. One of its primary roles is to empower web applications to function seamlessly in offline mode. IndexedDB ensures that users can access and interact with their data even when an internet connection is unavailable.

Talking about the advanced features of IndexedDB, first is Coding & Indexing. IndexedDB excels in coding and indexing data efficiently. You can create indexes on specific properties of objects stored in the database. This allows for a rapid data retrieval based on the indexed attributes. For example, if you have a database of customers, you can create an index on the email property, which will help in enabling quick lookups by using the email addresses. Now talking about Transactions, transactions in IndexedDB ensure data integrity. All the operations within a transaction are atomic, which means that either all operations succeed or all operations fail. This helps in maintaining a consistent application state. Now let's talk about Versioning. IndexedDB supports database versioning. When we make changes to our database structure, we can increment the version number. This allows us to handle database schema upgrades seamlessly. Now talking about security and privacy, IndexedDB operates in a secure sandbox environment, which helps in safeguarding user data from potential security risks. It isolates data storage to the origin, which helps in ensuring that data is protected and accessible by unauthorized parties. Now let's see how we can establish a connection with IndexedDB. In this example, we are opening a connection with a customer database and the version of the database is 1. In this example, we also have an On Success callback and also an On Error callback.

Now let's move on to Cache storage. If we have to define cache storage, it is basically a browser feature that allows web applications to store and manage cache resources such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Image Assets and other assets.

2. Cache Storage and File System API

Short description:

Cache storage enables various caching strategies, including cache first and network first. It also supports cache namespaces for organizing resources. Pre-caching ensures offline functionality from the first load. Dynamic caching and background sync are valuable for adapting to user actions and real-time data updates. The File System API allows fine-grained control over individual files and is useful for interacting with user files and managing local files on the client side.

It is basically designed to improve website performance and ensure a seamless user experience, particularly in unreliable network conditions. Talking about its advanced features, the first is caching strategy. Cache storage enables the implementation of various caching strategies. The choice of strategies depends on the application's requirements. Some of the common strategies include cache first where we retrieve assets from the cache first and fall back to the network if needed. Another one is network first where the application tries the network first and uses the cache as a fallback.

Then we have cache namespaces. Cache storage basically allows us to create multiple caches with different names for organizing resources. This can be extremely useful for versioning or grouping assets. For example, you can have one cache for static assets like images or their videos and another cache namespace for API responses. Talking about pre-caching, pre-caching is the practice of caching essential assets during the initial installation of the service worker activation. It ensures that our application can run offline effectively from the first load.

Talking about dynamic caching, in addition to pre-caching, cache storage also supports dynamic caching. In dynamic caching, resources are cached based on user interaction and specific events. This flexibility allows our web app to adapt to user actions and the changing content. Talking about background sync, cache storage together with service workers can be used for background synchronization of data. This means that data can be synchronized with the server even when the application is not actively in use or when the internet connection is intermittent. Background sync is invaluable for applications that rely on real-time data updates and for providing users with up-to-date information regardless of their network status.

Now, let's take a good example for cache storage. In this example, we are establishing a connection with the images cache namespace and we are trying to receive images from the cache and if the images are not found in the cache, we retrieve the images from the network, we save it in cache and then return the images. Now, let's move on to File System API.

Okay, this API is essential for working with user files and managing file access within web applications. Unlike Indexed, Db or cache storage, the File System API is primarily designed for file level access, which makes it a strong choice when you need a fine-grained control over individual files. If you have to define File System API, it is a browser feature that allows web applications to create, read, write, and manage files and directories on a client device. File System API fits into web development when you need to interact with user files, such as storing user-generated content or managing local files on the client side.

Now talking about the benefits and use cases, first is file access and management. One of the primary advantages of File System API is its capability to access and manage files on a client device. This is particularly useful for applications that involve user-generated content such as document editors, image editors, video editors, and more. Second, we have File Input Output. The File System API provides powerful input output capabilities.

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