Advanced Patterns for API Management in Large-Scale React Applications

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In this talk, you will discover how to manage async operations and request cancellation implementing a maintainable and scalable API layer and enhancing it with de-coupled cancellation logic. You will also learn how to handle different API states in a clean and flexible manner.

Thomas Findlay
Thomas Findlay
20 min
25 Oct, 2021


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Video Summary and Transcription

This Talk covers advanced patterns for API management in large-scale React applications. It introduces the concept of an API layer to manage API requests in a more organized and maintainable way. The benefits of using an API layer include improved maintainability, scalability, flexibility, and code reusability. The Talk also explores how to handle API states and statuses in React, and provides examples of canceling requests with Axios and React Query. Additionally, it explains how to use the API layer with React Query for simplified API management.

1. Introduction to API Management in React

Short description:

Welcome to Advanced Patterns for API Management in Large-Scale React Applications. Today, we'll cover managing API requests in React, handling different API states, creating custom hooks, canceling requests with Axios and React query. Performing API requests in React can lead to code duplication and lack of reusability. To address this, we can implement an API layer. By creating a base API file and importing it into other API files, we can manage API requests in a more organized and maintainable way.

Hello, and welcome to Advanced Patterns for API Management in Large-Scale React Applications. My name is Tomasz Fienli and I'm a full-stack web and mobile developer with nine years of programming experience. I'm a co-owner of Fienli web tech and a mentor and consultant at I'm also the author of Vue and React the Road to Enterprise books, as well as a technical writer for Telerik and the Road to Enterprise blogs.

Now, let's have a look at what we are going to cover today. So, first of all, we will start with how to manage API requests in React in a scalable and flexible manner with an API layer. Then we will see how to handle different API states while performing API requests. We'll also create custom hooks to manage API requests and states, as well as how to cancel requests with Axios and an API layer. Finally, we'll have a look at how to use React query and API layer and how to cancel requests with them.

Okay, so, how can we perform API requests in React? Actually, it's quite simple, right? We can, for instance, use Axios for that. We can just import it and use it in our components. And, well, it can work fine for, let's say, small applications. But there are some issues as the project grows, especially large ones, really. So, what are the main problems with this approach? First of all, code duplication and lack of reusability. Because imagine that we need to, for instance, fetch information about a user, let's say on logging page, register page, and the user profile page. So, all of these would have, well, the same code snippet. So, Axios gets a URL endpoint and so on and so on, right? So, that's not really reusable. And also, well, it's hard to maintain. Because if we had to make any changes to this code, like let's say, for instance, the URL endpoint change or we had to change the payload format, or, let's say, we had to migrate from using Axios to something like Firebase, right? We would need to visit every single component that is Axios and change them. Well, that's not really great, to be honest. So, let's have a look at how we can fix these issues by implementing an API layer. So, first, we would start with a base API file, where we would import Axios and create a new instance with some default configuration, like, for instance, a base URL. Then we have an API function that basically returns API wrapper methods around our Http client, in this case, Axios. And finally, we export it. Next, what we can do is, we can use this base API file and import it in another API file. So, for example, in this case, we'd have users API file. Because we want to do some things with users, like fetch information about users, add a new user, and so on. In this example, we have three methods, list users, get user, and add user. And as you can see, they all use the API methods from the base API file. And how would we use this in a component now? So, basically, what we would do is, we would import an API method from the API directory, and then just use it in a component.

2. API Layer Benefits and Flexibility

Short description:

The API layer in React allows you to abstract away the details of API endpoints and easily switch between different HTTP clients. By separating the API logic into a separate layer, your components remain agnostic to the underlying implementation. This improves maintainability, scalability, and flexibility. You can easily add new API methods, replace the HTTP client, and enhance the API layer with custom logic. Code reusability is also increased, as API methods can be imported and used anywhere in the application. The API layer pattern is framework agnostic, making it suitable for various development environments.

So, as you can see, the component doesn't have to think about what kind of API endpoint has to be hit, right? The API method takes care of that. So, what about if we wanted to use a different HTTP client, like let's say, for instance, Firebase instead of Axios. So, our base API file would look a bit different. So, here, we would just import some necessary Firebase methods, would initialize the Firebase app. And then we would export what we need, for instance, Firebase, Firestore, which gives us methods to basically, well, connecting with the database, and so on, and other things like off storage functions, etc.

Now, in the user API file, we would again have the same methods, like list users, getUser, and addUser. However, in this case, we're using Firebase, of course, right under the hood. But let's have a look at how it would look like from the components perspective now. Well, actually, for the component, nothing would change, because it still would import the API method from the user's API file, and it would just execute it, right? So that's a really great thing about the API layer, because it's like a black box to your components. Because your components don't really have to care about what you use to perform requests. It only is concerned with what methods you should call, what kind of input it should provide, and what kind of output it can expect. As long as you can preserve this input and output contract, you don't need to make any changes to your components. You only need to make changes to the API layer, really.

Now, let's have a look at the benefits of the API layer. First of all, maintainability, as all the API-related code is in one place. Scalability, as you can easily add new API methods and files. And we also have flexibility, it's much easier to replace the HTTP client, and also enhance the API layer with custom logic. So as you've just seen, we replaced access with Firebase and we didn't need to make any changes to the component. Also code reusability, because API methods can be just imported and used anywhere in the application. And the API layer pattern is also framework agnostic.

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