Understanding Async Context

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The AsyncLocalStorage API in Node.js is a powerful tool that has since been adopted across multiple runtimes. There is even an effort underway to standardize a variation of the API within JavaScript itself. But what is it? And more importantly, how does it work?

James Snell
James Snell
29 min
04 Apr, 2024


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Video Summary and Transcription

Async local storage is an API that has been around in Node for quite some time and is gaining popularity in other frameworks and runtimes. It allows for easier logging by eliminating the need to pass values through multiple functions. The storage frame in async local storage acts as a map, storing key-value pairs. Tasks and promise continuations are used to perform the next steps in a promise chain. Async Context is a TC39 proposal that adds async local storage to the JavaScript language.

1. Introduction to async local storage

Short description:

Hello, I'm James Snell, a principal engineer at Cloudflare and a member of the Node Technical Steering Committee. I will be discussing async local storage and how it works, providing insight into this API that has been around in Node for quite some time and is now gaining popularity in frameworks and runtimes like Deno and Workers. Let's delve into the details.

All right, hello Node Congress. I am James Snell. I'm going to be talking to you a little bit about async local storage and how it works. It's an API that's been around in Node for quite some time now, a number of years. And it's starting to be picked up by a number of frameworks, next and a few others, and it's being implemented in a variety of runtimes like Deno and Node and Workers and Bun. So, I kind of want to talk about how it works. Just kind of dig into the covers a little bit so you can kind of get an understanding of what's going on.

For some background on me, I'm James Snell. I'm a principal engineer at Cloudflare. I work on the Workers platform. I've also been on the Node Technical Steering Committee for, oh wow, almost a decade now. I've been contributing to Node since 2015. And I am the co-chair and one of the founders of the WinterCG, that's the Web Interoperable Runtimes Community Group, where we're focused on getting all these different runtimes, Bun and Deno and Workers and all these different things together to talk about standardized APIs across the board. So, that's me. If you've heard of me before, it's probably because some of the things I've contributed to Node over the years, things like the WG URL, web crypto implementation, web streams implementation, that kind of thing. But yeah, let's get into it.

2. Understanding async local storage

Short description:

Let's dive into the details of async local storage and understand how it works under the covers.

All right, so if we look at the async local source documentation on the Node website, this is the very helpful introduction that it gives, talking about, you know, these classes are used to associate state and propagate it through callbacks and promise chains. It doesn't really do a lot to help us understand what this API is doing under the covers. And if you haven't noticed, you know, just Node docs in general don't do a great job of explaining things. So, we're going to dig into the details just a bit more, explain how this works, how it all comes together.


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