Vue Storefront + Vendure = Fullstack Open Source Ecommerce

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Building an online store these days is not an easy task. With so many competitors Time to Market is the key to success. That's why we decided to build an integration between Vue Storefront- Lightning-Fast Frontend Platform for Headless Commerce, and Vendure - modern, headless GraphQL-based e-commerce framework. Both tools are built using modern JavaScript stack (Nuxt.js and Nest.js) and have several out of the box integrations like search engines, CMS's, payments, and so on. Also, both projects have a huge community of Open Source contributors who support the development process. In this presentation, I will show you how fast you can create your store with VSF and Vendure.


Vue Storefront is a lightning-fast frontend platform for headless commerce that separates the UI from the backend, allowing flexibility and scalability in e-commerce operations. It connects to various e-commerce platforms, CMSs, payment gateways, and other third-party services.

Headless commerce refers to the separation of the front-end or user interface part of an e-commerce store from the back-end. This approach allows businesses to enhance flexibility and adapt quickly like a startup, using platforms like Vue Storefront to manage the front-end.

Vue Storefront is built using Nuxt.js (a framework for Vue.js), TypeScript, and GraphQL. It is also compatible with REST API, making it versatile for various development needs.

Composables in Vue Storefront are functions used to map specific functionalities or domains of an e-commerce store, such as products or addresses. They include methods for managing data fetch, updates, and error handling, enhancing the modularity and maintainability of the application.

Vue Storefront allows extensive customization through custom queries that override default queries, and through extensions that can modify API methods, application lifecycle hooks, and more, catering to specific business requirements.

Venger is a framework designed for the backend part of headless commerce, complementing Vue Storefront. It supports functionalities like inventory management, checkouts, promotions, and multiple languages, and is built using NestJS, TypeScript, GraphQL, and supports Elasticsearch.

Contributors can participate in the development of Vue Storefront and Venger by engaging in their respective communities on platforms like the Vue Storefront Discord channel and the Venger Slack channel. Both projects are open-source and welcome contributions.

Venger offers a wide range of e-commerce functionalities including inventory, commerce operations like checkouts, promotions, multilingual support, and tax configuration. It is scalable, cloud-ready, and supports extensive customization for tailored e-commerce solutions.

Vue Storefront enhances e-commerce performance by providing a fast, flexible front-end solution that integrates seamlessly with various backends and services. Its headless nature allows businesses to improve site speed, user experience, and adaptability in the market.

Jakub Andrzejewski
Jakub Andrzejewski
19 min
20 Oct, 2021


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Video Summary and Transcription

This Talk discusses the full stack open-source e-commerce using ViewStorefront and Venge. ViewStorefront is a lightning-fast frontend platform for headless commerce, while Venge is a framework for the back-end. Both tools are highly customizable and built using modern frameworks. Creating an online store with Venge is quick and easy. Overall, this Talk presents a dream stack for open-source e-commerce and encourages contributions to the projects.

1. Introduction

Short description:

Hi, VJs London. Let's talk about full stack open source e-commerce, shall we? My name is Jakub and I am a technology leader at Vue storefront. I am also a core team member of storefront.UI, which is a UI library for e-commerce.

Hi, VJs London. Let's talk about full stack open source e-commerce, shall we? My name is Jakub and I am a technology leader at Vue storefront. I am also a core team member of storefront.UI, which is a UI library for e-commerce. I'm also a core maintainer of Vue storefront and Venger integration. Apart from work, I'm also a technical diver and currently doing a cave dive course, and I'm also a mountain hiker. In the second picture, there is me on the top of volcano Tabor de Tenerife, which was actually our Vue storefront location in May this year. Yes, we are hiding.

2. Overview of ViewStorefront and Headless Commerce

Short description:

In August this year, I set myself a long-term and ambitious goal. I told myself, next year, I would like to join Filip Rakowski, who is Vue storefront CTO in one of the greatest Vue.js conferences and give a speech. Have you ever wondered what it's like to build an e-commerce store from scratch? What if I told you that there are all the solutions on the market that you can just pick and play in minutes or hours instead of waiting for the developers to develop the solution from scratch? We want to present to you what I'm calling a dream stack for open-source e-commerce, which is ViewStorefront and Vengeo. ViewStorefront is a lightning-fast frontend platform for headless commerce. But in more detail, what is headless commerce? Headless commerce basically means that you are separating your front-end, or the UI part of your e-commerce store, from the back-end. It allows even mature businesses to have the flexibility and maneuverability of a startup. What about the technology stack? So basically, ViewStoreFront is built using three main tools. Nuxt.js, which is a framework for Vue.js. We are using also TypeScript and GraphQL, but ViewStoreFront works with REST API as well. ViewStoreFront uses the concept of composables, which are used to map certain functionality of your e-commerce or map a certain domain of your e-commerce.

Now let me tell you a short story. In August this year, I set myself a long-term and ambitious goal. I told myself, next year, I would like to join Filip Rakowski, who is Vue storefront CTO in one of the greatest Vue.js conferences and give a speech. Right now, in two months, I'm here giving a speech instead of next year. Everything is possible, guys. Just make this first step.

Have you ever wondered what it's like to build an e-commerce store from scratch? Handling all these orders, products, categories takes time. Time is the resource that you might not have as someone who wants to be a market leader. What if I told you that there are all the solutions on the market that you can just pick and play in minutes or hours instead of waiting for the developers to develop the solution from scratch? Which basically takes weeks or months. What if I told you that these tools are free, open-source, and backed by the huge community of contributors that are doing their best to make the project as good as possible.

We want to present to you what I'm calling a dream stack for open-source e-commerce, which is ViewStorefront and Vengeo. ViewStorefront is a lightning-fast frontend platform for headless commerce, but what exactly is headless commerce? If you have been playing some computer games in the recent years, you might probably know this character. This is a character from the game Team Fortress 2, and his name is HeadlessHorselessHorseman. Why am I bringing this example as a comparison to headless commerce? HeadlessHorselessHorseman was a very powerful character, and so is headless commerce. But in more detail, what is headless commerce? Headless commerce basically means that you are separating your front-end, or the UI part of your e-commerce store, from the back-end. It allows even mature businesses to have the flexibility and maneuverability of a startup. It basically means that, for example, ViewStoreFront can connect to many different e-commerce platforms, headless CMSs, payment gateways, search engines, and many other third-party services.

What about the technology stack? So basically, ViewStoreFront is built using three main tools. Nuxt.js, which is a framework for Vue.js. We are using also TypeScript and GraphQL, but ViewStoreFront works with REST API as well. Some basic concepts of ViewStoreFront. ViewStoreFront uses the concept of composables, which are used to map certain functionality of your e-commerce or map a certain domain of your e-commerce. So in this case, we will be taking a look at the product domain. Each composable will contain four main functions or four main elements. The first one will be a variable. In this case, products. This products variable will contain a value of your product domain. Next, we'll have a search method or the load method that will be used to fetch the data from your e-commerce platform to Vue Storefront. Composables may have several methods. Like, for example, use product or use address.

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