Supercharge Your Game’s Social Features with Nakama

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Explore the impact of social features on game success and learn how to integrate them swiftly with Nakama OSS game server. This session will guide you through code examples, revealing how to enhance your game’s social capabilities. Discover a faster, simpler way to supercharge your game development journey and unleash your game’s social potential with Nakama!


Nakama is an open-source game back-end created by Heroic Labs, designed to power large multiplayer games across mobile and desktop platforms.

Nakama can add various social features including friend systems, leaderboards, chat functionalities, group or guild memberships, achievement tracking, live event participation, and more.

Social features like multiplayer and cooperative experiences can increase the time players spend in a game, drive in-app purchases, help form player communities, and encourage players to invite friends, all of which can lead to increased player base and retention.

Apart from Nakama, Heroic Labs also offers Satori, a live ops platform; Hero, a game framework; and Heroic Cloud, which provides managed server hosting.

Nakama supports various authentication mechanisms, including device authentication, email and password, and third-party integrations like Apple, Google, and Facebook, as well as custom authentication that allows for the creation of user accounts if they do not already exist.

Nakama's game server can be extended using TypeScript, allowing developers to write custom code, interact with lifecycle hooks, and implement additional functionalities such as daily rewards or profanity filters for chat messages.

Developers can access Nakama documentation at Heroic Labs' documentation portal,, and seek support or discuss issues at the community forum,

Developers can start by installing the nakama.js package, setting up the client and session objects, and then implementing features like authentication, friend lists, and leaderboards as demonstrated in the provided code examples.

Tom Glenn
Tom Glenn
17 min
28 Sep, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

Social features in games increase player engagement, drive in-app purchases, and allow for community building. Nakama is a tool that enables the addition of multiple social features to games, such as authentication, friend management, and leaderboards. The implementation process involves installing the nakama.js package, creating a client object, and using custom authentication. Users can log out, manage friends, view user information, and interact with leaderboards. Additionally, Nakama allows for the implementation of player participation rewards through custom code.

1. Introduction to Social Features in Games

Short description:

Hi, I'm Tom Glenn, a software engineer with 15 years of experience. Heroic Labs is a team of 40 people, creators of the open-source game back-end Nakama. Social experiences in games, like adding friends and participating in leaderboards, are important because they increase player engagement and allow for community building. These features can also drive in-app purchases and monetization opportunities.

♪♪ Hi, I'm Tom, and welcome to this talk on how to supercharge your games' social features with Nakama. Before we begin, let me give you a brief background on who I am. I'm Tom Glenn, I'm a software engineer with roughly 15 years of experience across a wide variety of sectors, including web development, banking, 3D simulations, and more. I'm also an engineer and part of the developer relations team here at Heroic Labs, as well as a content creator and educator over on YouTube, and you can find me at CodeWithTom.

So who are Heroic Labs? Well, we're a team of roughly 40 people and creators of the open-source game back-end, Nakama. We power some of the largest multiplayer games across mobile and desktop, and our clients include the likes of Paradox Interactive, Lightheart Entertainment, Lion Studios, and more. Our other products include our live ops platform, Satori, as well as our game framework, Hero, and Heroic Cloud for our managed server hosting.

So what are social experiences? I have no doubt you will all have experienced these before, but social experiences in games can include things like being able to add friends, participate in leaderboards, chat to other players, join groups or guilds, complete achievements, and show them off on your public profile, take part in live events, and so on. There are so many different kinds of social experiences that you can encounter in games today. But why are these important? Well, multiplayer and cooperative experience have been shown to increase the amount of time that players spend in your game, and social competitions such as leaderboards keep your players coming back for more. They can also allow your players to form communities with shared interests and experiences, and this can lead to an increased player base as players are incentivized to invite friends, share achievements, and collaborate to complete goals. Social features, such as gifting or live events, can also drive in-app purchases and open the door for other monetization opportunities.

2. Adding Social Features with Nakama

Short description:

I will demonstrate how to add multiple social features to your game using Nakama. We'll cover authentication, adding and listing friends, viewing leaderboards, submitting scores, and rewarding player participation. To implement these functions, we'll install the nakama.js package, create a client object, and use the custom authentication method. The authenticate function returns a session object, allowing us to access different user account information. After implementing the restore session flow, users will be automatically logged in when they return to the application. Finally, we'll implement a log-out function to complete the authentication flow.

So rather than talk to you about the theory of adding social features to your game, what I want to do is give you a practical demonstration of how you can add multiple social features to your game using Nakama. We're going to quickly run through how to add authentication, adding and listing friends, viewing a global and a friend-specific leaderboard, submitting scores to that leaderboard, and then rewarding that player participation by giving the player some coins for participating in that leaderboard.

So let's jump over to the code. Okay, so you can see we've got our demo application running here. It's a simple React application with a login screen that if I try to log in right now, nothing's going to happen because we haven't implemented any of these functions here which the React application is expecting to call to perform various things such as authenticating, getting the account details, adding a list in friends, and so on. So what I'd like to do is quickly run through how easy it is to implement these functions using Nakama.

So before I start, what I have done here is I've ran npm install and I have installed the nakama.js package which you can find at heroic.labs.nakama-js. Once you've done that, we can then import the client and session object from the nakama.js package. We're then going to create a client object. Now, this client object expects to take a server key, the default one is default-key, the host address of the Nakama instance, in which case I'm currently running this using Docker on my local machine, and the port number for where the Nakama instance is running. We're then gonna implement the authenticate function. Now, Nakama supports various different mechanisms for authentication, these include device authentication, email and password, Apple, Google, Facebook, and custom authentication to name a few. We're gonna use custom authentication here just because it allows us to pass in a custom identifier as well as a username, and this true flag here also allows us to specify if the user account doesn't already exist, then we will go ahead and create it. Now, this authenticate custom function as well as all of the other authenticate functions will return a session object, which you can see we have up here. This session object allows us then to call into various other functions within Nakama to get different pieces of information for that user account. If we save this file now and come over to our login screen and try and log in again, you can see that we are now logged in. It says, hi, CodewithTom. We can't access anything such as friends or leaderboard right now as we haven't implemented those functions, but let's go ahead and do that now. I'll just quickly log out.

And before we go any further in to get an account or anything else, what I'd like to do is implement a restore session flow so that the next time the user comes back to the application, they don't have to re-log into their account. To do that, we're going to set, we're going to get rather two items from local storage. These are going to be session token and refresh token. Now, we're also going to have to set these items. So what we'll do is just after we authenticate, we will go to local storage and set the session token as our session.token value and the refresh token as the session.refresh token. We'll also implement a function here called restore session. And what we're going to do here is we're going to get the two values for session token and refresh token just to make sure we have the most up-to-date version. And if they have a value, then we're going to use the session.restore. Now this is a function that lives on the session class itself passing the session token and the refresh token and assign that value back to our session variable. We will save that and let's log in here code with Tom and you can see now if I refresh the page I'm automatically logged back in, which is great. Now, the last thing we need to do is implement a log-out function and that is our authentication flow complete.

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