Remote Team Collaboration Techniques

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Whether your team has recently moved to a distributed setup or you’ve been working remotely for some time, keeping team collaboration up can be difficult. Working in a silo, not physically surrounded teammates can make morale and code suffer. I was fortunate to be on a team that found ways to not only make us feel united in building projects together but also as a team of people who could laugh, commiserate, and be open with each other. In this talk I’ll cover the techniques and tools teams have found that strengthen team bonds and morale while keeping up productivity and collaborative project work.

Tara Z. Manicsic
Tara Z. Manicsic
24 min
25 Oct, 2021


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Video Summary and Transcription

Welcome to Remote Team Collaboration Techniques. Telecommuting has led to professional isolation and a lack of networking and mentoring. Companies are encouraged to adapt their work policies to the new reality of telework. Remote work has impacted stress levels and employee autonomy, but not productivity. GitHub and Jamstack are effective collaboration tools. Mob pairing promotes learning and progress in projects. Engaging in fun activities and taking breaks from work can boost team morale.

1. Introduction to Remote Collaboration

Short description:

Welcome to Remote Team Collaboration Techniques. Today we will discuss how we got here, how we are doing the work, how we are feeling, and what we need. Telecommuting started in the 70s and has led to professional isolation and a lack of interpersonal networking, informal learning, and mentoring. As teams move remotely, these challenges become more prominent.

Hey, everyone. Welcome to Remote Team Collaboration Techniques. Remotely, how fitting. Very excited to have you here. So let's go ahead and jump in. So today I want to basically cover what we're going to talk about, so you're prepared.

First, we want to think about, how did we get here? How did we get to this point where a lot of us are working remotely? And what put us in the situation that we are now, that we need to talk about Remote Team Collaboration Techniques? Then we'll talk about, how are we doing? That's usually quite a general question, but we're actually going to talk about, how are we doing the work that we're supposed to be doing? Then we'll talk about, how are we feeling? Because funnily enough, that matters. So we'll look into that. Mostly, though, how to make ourselves feel better as a team and in collaboration, et cetera. And then I'm going to say, what do we need? And then that is basically, I'm going to recap all of the tools that I've covered in this talk thus far.

So how did we get here? Thanks to the creator of Buxana, Zahid Mahmoud. He actually did his whole dissertation on how we are doing remotely, working remotely, or you'll see it as telecommuting, which is the way that it started in the 70s. He actually offered me up a bunch of different research papers. So we have a very smart section coming up for you right now. So here's one of the papers. And this is actually a much older paper because telecommuting started back in the 70s. They wanted to push this forward of trying to get people out of offices and working from home, which they called telecommuting. They were mostly on telephones then. But this one is from the 90s. And it already talks about professional isolation, employee development, and public and private organizations. And a few things stick out to me that we're really seeing a lot of as a lot of teams are moving remotely from where they used to be.

In this paper, we found that telecommuters missed three types of developmental activities that occur frequently in conventional workplaces. And that is interpersonal networking, informal learning, and mentoring. So you may be aware of this now. If you or your team has moved from being in office in a location to now being remote, that it's not as easy to network with each other. It's not as easy to just pick up different things as you're walking by somebody's desk. And you say, oh, I've never used that tool. I've never used that technology. How are you doing that? Because everything is usually much more kind of set up now. And we call it like you're kind of coding in a silo, unfortunately now.

2. Remote Work Impact and Policy Changes

Short description:

Mentoring in remote work can be challenging, but the majority of respondents have found positive impacts on conventional work elements during the COVID-19 pandemic. Companies are encouraged to reexamine their work policies and expectations to adapt to the new reality of telework.

And then mentoring, it's not as easy to mentor unless you're doing it very intentionally seemingly. And then there's another paper that we looked at recently. So, how did a lot of us get to moving too remotely? COVID, unfortunately, a pandemic happened, pretty unavoidable. So, the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on conventional work settings. So again, this is all of us moving from how we used to work to now. And so, one of the things it said is the majority of respondents found that overall conventional work elements either remain the same or had been impacted positively. So, we're seeing that hey, maybe this telecommuting or this remote working thing isn't such a bad idea. There are things that are actually maybe it have a positive impact. And it said, it is biased that companies reexamine their conventional work policies and expectations so as to better adapt the new and emerging reality of telework. This probably isn't going away soon. I know my company did not re-up their lease for their building, we've all made remote work. We had always been a half distributed team at least. And so, now more and more we're working from home and we don't need a place to convene or now you have the option of going to places that you can rent out for a day or whatnot.

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