Live Coding Workshop to Setup Rollbar Error Monitoring

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During this session you will learn how to create a new Rollbar account and integrate the Rollbar SDK with your application to monitor errors in real-time and respond and fix those errors. We will also cover how to customize payload data sent to Rollbar to extend your monitoring capabilities.


- Create a Rollbar Account (Free Account)

- Integrate your application with the Rollbar SDK

- Send handled and unhandled errors to Rollbar

Add Custom payload data to your configuration.

Nico Krüger
Nico Krüger
48 min
25 Sep, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

Today's Workshop focused on setting up a Vue TypeScript project and integrating it with Rollbar for error monitoring. Participants learned how to modify code to be TypeScript compliant, connect Rollbar plugin and test components, and add additional data to the payload. The Workshop also covered customizing the payload, configuring Rollbar, and using the transform function to modify the payload. Overall, participants gained insights into handling errors, capturing telemetry data, and integrating Rollbar with other tools.

1. Introduction to the Workshop

Short description:

Thank you for joining the live coding workshop. I've added links to a GitHub repo with the Vue TS demo and a PDF with step-by-step instructions. We'll be setting up Rollbar in a Vue TypeScript application. Use the Rollbar registration link for a $250 credit to your account. Let's get started!

Thank you very much, and good day, everybody from wherever you're joining today. So this will be a live coding workshop. So I've added a couple of links for you today to follow. There's a GitHub repo, The Dev Factory, that's my GitHub. In there is the Vue TS demo, which is really what we're going to be ending up with. So that's the end product. But you can have that open to follow along. The second link is also in the repository. It is the PDF of the actual workshop, step by step, that we'll be running through. Now, this is really a beginner's step. It's more about setting up Rollbar, but we'll be using a Vue TypeScript application. So really beginner level, we just want to get the application up and running and get Rollbar installed as well. But feel free to use that PDF to go ahead and view the steps. The last link is at forward slash error push slash promo. When we get to the step to register your Rollbar account, please use that hyperlink. The reason for that is it does get you a $250 credit to your account for one year. So you can go ahead and use either Rollbar free account, or if you want to use a paid account, or even want to get this for your company, that gets you a nice little discount as well to get going on this product. So hopefully that helps get you started for the session.

2. Setting Up the Vue TypeScript Project

Short description:

Today, we'll be creating a view TypeScript project, setting up a Rollbar account, integrating the application with Rollbar, sending handled and unhandled errors, and customizing the payload and instrumentation. If you have the PDF open, you can go to the first step. Create a new Vue project using the command 'npm create vue-at-latest' and follow the prompts. Make sure you have read and write permissions for the project folder. If you encounter any issues, let me know.

Now, so what are we going to do today? So the first thing is we'll be running through a couple of steps. The step zero is we'll be creating a view TypeScript project. So that will be our first step. Then we'll be creating that Rollbar account with that hyperlink I gave you, the error push slash promo. Then we'll be integrating this application, so your application with Rollbar. Then we'll be sending a handled and unhandled error to Rollbar. And then at the end, we'll be looking at some ways to customize your payload and how you can instrument Rollbar in different ways for your application to get more relevant and more additional data into the system as well.

All right. So that will be what we'll be doing today. All right. So if you have the PDF open, I can put that to the side. For most of you, hopefully you're on a Mac or Windows machine, so it might be slightly different. I'm doing it on a Mac today. If you're doing it on a Windows machine, I do have a Windows machine next to me as well, so we can go ahead and run that as well. So if you do have a PDF open, you can go to the first step.

So what we're going to do first is we're going to go ahead and create a brand new Vue project. So for those of you it's npm create vue-at-latest. So if you start this command in your terminal window or command line on Windows, we'll go ahead and start the process to create our first project over here. Now what we'll get when we do this is we've got to give our project a name. Now, you can pick any name you really want. I'm going to go ahead and do the vue-ts-rollbar-demo. So a Vue TypeScript rollbar demo application. Next, do you want to do JavaScript or TypeScript? Now we're going to do TypeScript today, rollbar does work perfectly well with JavaScript. In fact, we're going to use the rollbar JavaScript SDK, in fact, to instrument this application. But again, for this example, today, we'll be using TypeScript. We're going to add JSX support as well. And yes, we want a single page application. Just say yes to all of these items. We won't be using all of them. But again, if you want to add some testing, you can as well. I'm just going to go ahead and do all of this. And you should end up with a screen like this.

Now what should have happened in the background over here, if we go to my computer, is we should have a brand new application created. If we go into my specific application over here, you see the Vue TS rollbar demo. Hopefully everybody has been able to go ahead and use that command line to go ahead and create that. And we'll just go up again. It is npm create vue at latest. I'm using the latest version of Vue over here. And of course, we're going to use Vite for TypeScript. So hopefully, you've got this up and running. Now, very important is the directory or folders we're working on, you need to read and write permission to them. So make sure you got your permissions all good there. I'm just going to go ahead and go into this specific folder right there. So there, we should have everything we want. Beautiful. All right. So if you're having a problem, let me know. But hopefully, everybody got over this one. This is pretty easy. The only thing that might be a problem is if you don't have some of the libraries installed.

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