Put Down the Javascript – Level Up with the Fundamentals of Web Development

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Seasoned and beginner alike, developers have a habit of jumping right into a framework or new technology that makes a lot of promises while also glazing over important fundamentals that without, tend to hold back a website or application’s potential. Without some basic knowledge of HTML, you might inadvertently exclude people from learning about your company through your website due to poor accessibility. Lacking an understanding or simply being afraid of CSS, you might be more prone to add unnecessary libraries on top of libraries that just add to the weight of the page, impacting how quickly your app can load. In this talk, we’ll go over some basic HTML and CSS strategies that can immediately be used right alongside of JavaScript including frameworks like React and Vue that will provide another range of benefits like better accessibility, simpler code, and ways you can improve SEO letting search engines like Google more easily figure out what your page is about.


Kolby Fayak is a developer advocate for Applitools and can be found actively engaging with the Dev community. He is known for his work in web development and is recognizable online by his unique name.

The fundamental skills for building a website include understanding and using HTML and CSS to create the structure and style of the site. Basic knowledge of JavaScript is also beneficial for adding interactivity.

Mark attended a bootcamp focused on JavaScript and popular frameworks like React, aiming to make him marketable in current tech trends. Luke chose a course that covered building websites using basic HTML, CSS, and some JavaScript without focusing on specific frameworks.

Luke performed better because he used basic HTML and CSS to efficiently create a website from a mockup, which allowed him to make significant progress and have accomplishments to discuss during the interview. Mark struggled with setting up React and ran out of time, which left him with little to showcase.

Developers can improve SEO by using semantic HTML tags to maintain a logical page outline, which helps search engines understand the hierarchy and content of the page. Properly using tags like title and alt in images also enhances content visibility in search engine results.

CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is used to control the layout and appearance of the elements on a web page. It allows developers to style their pages and adapt the design to different device screens and user preferences.

Keeping web development simple can help in reducing over-engineering, which often leads to less stress and better performance. Simple solutions using standard HTML and CSS can be more efficient and easier to maintain than complex JavaScript-heavy implementations.

Accessibility can be integrated into web design by using semantic HTML to enhance the usability for people with disabilities. This includes proper use of HTML tags and attributes that assistive technologies can leverage to navigate and interpret content effectively.

Colby Fayock
Colby Fayock
11 min
11 Jun, 2021


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Video Summary and Transcription

This Talk provides insights into web development fundamentals and the challenges faced in React setup. It emphasizes the importance of building a strong foundation with HTML and CSS, and highlights the significance of SEO and accessibility in website development. The Talk also discusses the value of HTML, lists, and simplicity in coding. Overall, it offers practical advice for developers to level up their skills in web development.

1. Introduction to Web Development

Short description:

Hey everyone, stop what you're doing and put down the JavaScript. We're going to talk about how you can level up with the fundamentals of web development. Mark found a one month bootcamp that will make you a JavaScript ninja. Luke found a course that takes a little bit longer, but he'll know how to build a whole website with just some HTML and CSS. Both of our friends decided to submit their resume for a job at 1Up Inc. They'll find out that their task is to take this mockup and transform it into a website. First up is Mark. This is easy for Mark. He just got out of a boot camp where he learned how to use React, and the job posting says that they want React.

♪♪ Hey everyone, stop what you're doing and put down the JavaScript. We're going to talk about how you can level up with the fundamentals of web development.

So, who am I? I'm Kolby Fayak. I'm the one hugging BB8 and Kylo Ren over there. I work with the Dev community as a developer advocate for Applitools. You can find me pretty much everywhere on the web by just googling my name, as I'm the only one in the world.

So we're going to start off with a story. Here we have our two friends, Mark and Luke. Both our friends are switching careers and giving coding a try. They're both trying to find a bootcamp to dive right in. Mark found a one month bootcamp that will make you a JavaScript ninja. They make sure to teach you the most popular frameworks available right now that will make you super marketable.

Luke took a little bit of a different route. He found a course that takes a little bit longer, but he'll know how to build a whole website with just some HTML and CSS. He'll also learn some JavaScript, but they didn't promise any specific JavaScript frameworks.

Both of our friends decided to submit their resume for a job at 1Up Inc. It's a junior front end dev position. They both get a callback for a code challenge. They'll find out that their task is to take this mockup and transform it into a website. They'll have about 45 minutes to do this, and then they'll talk about their work afterwards.

First up is Mark. This is easy for Mark. He just got out of a boot camp where he learned how to use React, and the job posting says that they want React. So that's perfect. It's pretty easy to spin up for a quick win.

Then we have Luke. He again decides to take a little bit of a different route. The website looks pretty simple, right? So he thinks he can do it with some plain old HTML and CSS.

So let's compare solutions. Mark didn't get super far.

2. Challenges with React Setup

Short description:

He only got the title. Luke seemed to get pretty far, and it's not perfect, but it's a good start. So what happened with Mark? Mark tried to get a React app going, but he forgot that he needs to configure a package manager. He spent so much time debugging that initial setup that he never had a lot of time to build the site. On the other hand, Luke started with some basic HTML and ended up with a lot more progress than Mark.

He only got the title. Luke seemed to get pretty far, and it's not perfect, but it's a good start. So what happened with Mark? Let's just say that Mark didn't have a great interview. First, Mark tried to get a React app going, but he forgot that he needs to configure a package manager in order to install React locally. Luckily, he was able to quickly look up an example on the React Docs to get moving. But step by step, he kept running into issues, like simply getting React to work inside of the browser. But once he had it working, he realized that he could add some styles to make it look right. But by the time he actually got started styling, he ran out of time. He spent so much time debugging that initial setup that he never had a lot of time to build the site. On the other hand, Luke broke out his favorite editor, just like Mark did, but instead of trying to deal with packages, he just started with some basic HTML. He used some semantic tags like a header and a nav, added a main tag, an image, and some text, added some styles to make it look right, and he was good to go. Luke ended up with a lot more progress than Mark, so of course Luke lands the job. He had something to talk about in those last 15 minutes. Mark didn't have much to talk about. He was stuck fumbling around with the start of the project with React.

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