Patterns for Large Scale Vue.js Applications

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What is the best way to structure a Vue.js application so that it can scale to meet all your users' needs ? There are multiple patterns established the Vue community and the programming community at large that can be adopted in order to make your codebases more predictable, maintainable, and extendable.

Daniel Kelly
Daniel Kelly
25 min
21 Oct, 2021


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Video Summary and Transcription

Standards are crucial for achieving predictability and maintainability in a code base. The Vue.js community provides several sources of standards, including the Vue.js Style Guide and official libraries. Personal and team-wide standards can complement community-wide ones. Alternative component structures, like an almost flat structure, can work well for large apps. Adopting a standardized route naming convention can make routes more predictable. Miscellaneous tips include wrapping third-party libraries, creating SDKs for APIs, and auto-registering components globally. Thorough testing is important, and Vue School offers various services and courses for becoming an expert in Vue.js.

1. Introduction

Short description:

Hi, y'all. I'm Daniel Kelly, a teacher with Vue School. I've worked as a full stack developer with technologies like PHP in Laravel and JavaScript in Vue. I'm excited to share some tips and tricks with you today.

Hi, y'all. I'm really excited to be with you today and get to share a few things, a few tips, and tricks that I've picked up during my time as a developer. My name is Daniel Kelly, and I'm a teacher with Vue School. I've actually only been with Vue School for about six months now, but ever since I joined the team, I've really enjoyed the opportunity to get to contribute back to the Vue community that has really given me so much throughout my development career. Before I joined on at Vue School, I was a full stack developer, and I've worked with a number of technologies over the years such as PHP in Laravel and, of course, JavaScript in Vue. When I'm not coding, I spend my time as a husband and a father, and to be honest, I don't know what I wrestle with more, my children or my code. When you have three, there's a lot of that that goes on.

2. Achieving Predictability with Standards

Short description:

When it comes to building a scalable project, predictability is key. You want to be able to easily locate and address feature requests or bug reports in the code. Predictability also means knowing what tools and data are available at each location. Having a predictable code base is important because it eliminates confusion and saves time. While a code base can't be completely predictable or understood as a whole, predictability is about being able to focus on one piece at a time. Standards are the key to achieving predictability in a code base.

Anyways, that's enough about me. Let's get to what you really came here to hear about today. And that is what is the best way to structure a Vue.js application so that it is maintainable and scalable the more it grows?

Well, if I may be so bold, I'm going to try to answer that often asked question with a single word. And here it is, predictability. When it comes to building a scalable project, you want everything about it to be as absolutely predictable as possible. What does that mean on a practical level, though? Well, to me it's about the ability to go from a feature request or a bug report to the exact location or maybe a few multiple locations in the code where said feature or bug report can be addressed. Not only that, I think it's the ability to know what tools and what data you have access to at that location in the code.

Now, why is this important? Why is it important that we have predictable code bases? Well, if you're anything like me you've definitely felt like this before. You've opened up the code base in your editor, and you've been assigned a task and you think I don't even know where to start. I'm lost. I have no idea what I'm doing and yeah, I think we've all been there. Maybe it's because we're new to the team. Maybe it's because we're new to a project and maybe that's a little bit more understandable. But maybe it's even a project we've been working on for quite a while, and we just don't even know where to start. Well, that's the goal of a predictable code base is to alleviate this experience as much as humanly possible and with it is going to get rid of a lot of headaches and is going to eliminate a lot of frustration and get you up get back for you a lot of your time.

Now real quick. Let's let's just take a look at what I'm not saying. First of all, I'm not saying that your code base can be a hundred percent predictable. I'm not saying you won't ever have to do any digging to kind of find what you're looking for, right? That's simply not possible. I'm also not saying that your code base can be a hundred percent understood as a whole. In fact, most applications or at least a lot of very large applications are just simply too complex to be able to hold the whole thing in your head at one time. And therefore a code base being predictable isn't necessarily about being able to understand the whole thing at one time. To me predictability is really more about being able to predict where a certain piece in that code base fits in and really be able to only focus on that one piece at a time without having to think about the rest. In fact, I think that's a measure of a really good code base.

Alright. So how do we accomplish predictability? That's the question. Isn't it? Well, once again, if I may be so bold, I'm going to try to answer it in a single word. That word is standards. Why standards? Well, because really, this is how you make anything predictable, right? I can know with a pretty much 100 percent surety that when I go to change the sheets on my son's bed tonight, that the sheets I get out of the closet will fit because there is a standard sizing system and it's just made that way with a standard. Now I may be I may get the wrong size sheets out of the closet for my bed instead of his, but we've been there.

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