Generative Ai In Your App? What Can Possibly Go Wrong?

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Utilizing generative AI models can result in a lot of varied and even unexpected outputs, making them less deterministic and harder to test. When trying to integrate these models into your app, it can be challenging to ensure that you maintain a high level of quality from these AI outputs, and even ensure that their results don’t crash the flow of your app. Come relive my journey of discovery into how I was able to drastically improve results from OpenAi’s ChatGPT API, for use within my company’s product. In this talk I will share many tips that will help enable you to more effectively utilize the power of AI models like ChatGPT within your own apps, including testing strategies and how to avoid many of the issues I ran into.


GenreBI is used in applications to enhance product features, particularly in the context of writing tests and integrating AI into codebases. It helps in understanding and planning the flow of apps, managing dependencies, and improving the overall quality of the product.

Severity's mission is to make better decisions, focusing on improving decision-making processes within product teams, which include engineers and product managers.

Integrating OpenAI models into applications can be challenging due to the models' limitations. Understanding these limitations is crucial, as the models are very good at certain tasks but might perform poorly in others.

Before the official ChatGPT API was available, an experimental setup used Docker and Puppeteer on an EC2 instance to create a makeshift API. However, this setup faced issues like Captcha and automatic logouts, making it unreliable for production use.

Severity encountered difficulties with JSON parsing using OpenAI's API, as the AI would often return non-standard JSON formats. They experimented with different prompts and settings to improve JSON parsing accuracy.

Severity employs integration testing and contract testing to manage costs and improve testing efficiency. They also explore dynamic consumer-driven contract testing to handle the non-deterministic nature of AI responses.

The introduction of GPT-4 improved response accuracy from OpenAI's API to 80%, but challenges with JSON parsing and response consistency persisted, prompting further adjustments and tests.

Severity uses function calling APIs to increase control over AI responses, explores different data formats like markdown, and implements retry strategies to handle errors and inconsistencies in AI outputs.

Todd Fisher
Todd Fisher
29 min
07 Dec, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

Today's Talk discusses the application of GenreBI in apps, using Docker to make ChatGPT work on any machine, challenges with JSON responses, testing AI models, handling AI API and response issues, counting tokens and rate limits, discovering limitations and taking a reactive approach, reliability and challenges of AI APIs, and the use of GPT and AI Copilot in software development.

1. Introduction to GenreBI in Apps

Short description:

Today, I want to talk about GenreBI in our apps as a product feature. We'll discuss its application in codebases and the importance of quality. Understanding the flow of an app and its dependencies, specifically the limitations of OpenAI models, is crucial for better decision-making and overall product quality.

Awesome. So today I want to talk a bit about GenreBI in our apps as kind of a product feature. So a little bit different than the previous talk that Olga gave, which was pretty awesome, you use GenreBI to write tests. In this case, we want to talk a bit about kind of the other side of where GenreBI might be applied in your codebase, which essentially trickles into your test, right?

So with that said, I want to briefly kind of cover our, the company I currently work at, Severity, been here for about a year. We do a bunch of AI stuff. Our ultimate mission is to make better decisions, kind of from the human existential, let's make better decisions wherever we can. But of course, that's a big picture thing. So we really want to focus right now on making better decisions on product teams. So engineers, product people, that type of thing. So if that sounds at all interesting, go to this website. If not, that's fine too. That's more just context of, we've been working with this thing for about a year. And with that, there's of course a lot of kind of GenreBI stuff that we've been using. And so that's kind of just a bit of context here as far as what I'm about to share today, because really there's a lot of cool things you could do with AI, but there's a lot of weird stuff when you actually put AI into codebases and try to make things work from a product perspective.

So, with that said, quality is very important. There's a lot of aspects of quality in codebases out there. Testing is one aspect of many aspects. There's a lot of different ways we could test. We won't get into that because I think we all have some good kind of sense of what those things are. Unit, there's manual testing, automated testing, and a billion other things. Now, another important aspect of quality is this idea of kind of planning out or architecting the flow of an app. Understanding that, it's very key. Understanding how users will flow through your app, understanding where things may break down, that type of thing. So, I'm going to touch a bit on that as well today. And then this third one is understanding dependencies, specifically their behaviors and limitations. So, when you start using AI in your app as a product feature, you have to really understand those dependencies. In this specific case, the case study I'm sharing with you today with the very stuff is we're using the OpenAI models. And with that, it's very critical to understand that the OpenAI models are very good at certain things, but very bad at other things. And so, the better that we understand the limitations, the overarching the better quality we could give, because ultimately, at the end of the day, whether it be tests, whether it be designing things out, quality is really what we're trying to solve for. And so, with that said, this actually can apply to other LLMs, other models out there, but specifically, we have been using OpenAI, and so these examples will be in OpenAI format.

2. Using Docker to Make ChatGPT Work on Any Machine

Short description:

One of the features of Verity was the ability to create and generate documents. We also had an example code that demonstrated the usage of ChatGPT. However, there was no ChatGPT API for codebases, which was a big downside. To address this, we came up with the idea of using Docker to make it work on any machine. Let's explore this concept further.

So, with that said, one of the features of Verity that we built early on before ChatGPD came out was this idea of creating a document, generating or drafting a document, and that worked out pretty well. Let me just go to the next one.

So, example code here. I'll just kind of briefly cover this to see if this works good. Oh, look at that. Cool. Awesome. So, typical import of SDK stuff up here, and then we have a completions call. That's essentially how OpenAI will actually call the AI. And then in here we have this prompt right here. This is essentially what you would see in any ChatGPT type of thing, where you type in some sort of command, some sort of prompt. That is covered right here. So, with that said, we have this example here. And of course, if you ran that, you would have something like local host is my server, what's yours, to complete the roses are red, violets are blue. Sorry, I feel like this thing is in the way. Let me get up here more, and so forth, right? And so, like I said, so if you go to the playground in ChatGPT, kind of same idea there. So, those are kind of the two things that are the same there.

So, with that said, so if we rewind back to November of 2022, ChatGPT came out. It was a big rush. Everyone's like, so excited. Oh, ChatGPT, it's going to revolutionize the world, all that good stuff. And I think that for the most part they were right. And so, one downside though, with that announcement was there was no ChatGPT API for codebases to actually use cool AI stuff, at least not yet. And so, that was a big bummer. And so, you know, thinking about like this playground where you could type in any prompt and generate whatever the heck you want, we didn't have that in the codebase, right? And so, we had this cool idea. So, anyone ever use Docker in here? So, Docker is kind of a cool thought, right? And this is one of my favorite memes about Docker. It's like, well, it works on my machine. What if we figure out a way to make it work on not my machine? And so, let's actually take this. So, this is something that we tried. So, we have essentially the browser window.


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