A Simple, Yet Powerful Approach to Clean Code!

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In this session, I'll use a demo to demonstrate how you can easily take ownership of your Code Quality with SonarCloud. You'll see how a simple, automated methodology ensures you and your Team to only commit Clean Code.

Clint Cameron
Clint Cameron
8 min
24 Mar, 2022


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Video Summary and Transcription

This Talk introduces the concept of CleanCode in DevOps workflows, highlighting the benefits of efficient and maintainable code. The use of SonarCloud and the Sonar Solution is showcased as an easy way to add clean code to the workflow, providing valuable insights and metrics. Analyzing pull requests and triaging issues is emphasized as a proactive approach to catching and correcting code issues before they reach the main branch.

1. Introduction to CleanCode in DevOps Workflows

Short description:

I'm going to demonstrate how easy it is to code smarter and harness the power of CleanCode in your DevOps workflows. A traditional workflow can waste a tremendous amount of developer time, with up to 42% spent on rework and remediating bad code. At Solar Source, we have a better way to add development, a clean code approach.

Hi, everyone. I'm Clint Cameron, Product Marketing Manager at Solar Source. And today, I'm going to demonstrate how easy it is to code smarter and harness the power of CleanCode in your DevOps workflows.

Now, let me first start with a traditional workflow and show how it can waste a tremendous amount of developer time. Code is written and pushed to the main branch. Auditors flag potential issues, and then devs return to the code to triage and separate real issues from false positives. The end result is that up to 42% of developer time can be spent on rework and remediating bad code.

At Solar Source, we have a better way to add development, a clean code approach. We put the developer in charge of the code quality and give them the tools to write only clean code. It's inefficient to push issues to your main branch or a feature branch only to revisit those issues later. Instead, let's find those issues as soon as they occur and eliminate them from even getting committed in the first place.

2. Adding Clean Code with SonarCloud

Short description:

The clean code approach means direct ownership of the code by the developer and the team, resulting in efficient, maintainable, and safe code that fosters innovation. Sonar Cloud and the Sonar Solution offer a free and easy way to add clean code to your workflow. By integrating with platforms like GitHub, Azure, Bitbucket, and GitLab, you can analyze your code and receive valuable insights and metrics. During the demo, we kick off an analysis, select a plan, and let SonarCloud handle the rest. Once the analysis is completed, we can identify reliability, security, and maintainability issues in the main branch.

OK, we can see that the clean code approach is more efficient. What exactly does that mean for you and your team? Well, direct ownership of the code by the developer and the team. It means efficient and maintainable code, code that's robust and reliable when executed. It means of course, code that's safe for your users and for your organization. And then finally code that fosters innovation and keeps developers happy.

OK, in a minute, I'm going to demonstrate how you can add clean code to your workflow using Sonar Cloud and the Sonar Solution. It's 100 percent free for public projects and you can analyze your code in minutes. Now, before I demonstrate, let me quickly walk you through the solution. In my demo, my project is housed in GitHub. We also have a tight integration with Azure, Bitbucket and GitLab. It all starts with a pull request, which kicks off an auto scan of your code. Now this auto scan can be easily integrated with your existing CI CD system. Now, from the analysis, we get back a set of code quality metrics and a clear indication of any issues. The analysis results are automatically synced back to GitHub. So you get valuable insights right where your team lives, eats and breathes. Now, on to the demo.

Alright, y'all, here's our code for our demonstration. First thing is to go ahead and kick off an analysis in sonarcloud.io. So we'll authenticate using our GitHub credentials. Navigate to create a new organization. That automatically gets pulled over, and we'll import that. We're gonna go ahead and select a free plan and get that project pulled in and that's it. SonarCloud will take care of the rest. It's going to prep for analysis and then fully run that analysis. Now, depending upon the size of your project, the number of lines of code containing your project, it could take a few minutes for that to run. I only have about seven minutes with y'all, so in the interest of time, let's pause and pick things back up once the analysis is done.

Alright, analysis completed. Let's take a look at it. We navigate to the main branch and see that we've got some reliability, security, and maintainability issues. That's great to get a baseline understanding of what's going on in your main branch.

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