TresJS, a declarative way of creating 3D scenes from Vue components

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Meet TresJS ▲ ■ ●, a declarative way of bringing the magic of ThreeJS using everyday Vue Components and composables. Think of it as React-three-fiber or Lunchbox but without the need of a custom renderer. It just works.

Are you ready to add a new dimension to your Vue Apps?


Alvaro Saborido is originally from Venezuela and currently serves as a Dev Rel Engineer at StudyBlock. He is based in Barcelona, Spain, and actively creates content on Alvaro.Dev labs.

Troy.js is a custom renderer that allows the creation of 3GS scenes using Vue components and composites. Key features include up-to-date compatibility with the latest 3GS, lightweight design, TypeScript support, and optimized performance for web applications.

Developers can begin using Troy.js by adding it to their project with the command 'pnpm add 3GS core'. As a pure dependency, they also need to install the '3' package separately, ensuring it's not part of the initial bundle.

Alvaro was motivated by the need to create a 3D ecosystem specifically for the Vue community, enabling the creation of 3GS scenes within Vue applications without the complexities typically associated with 3D development.

Yes, Troy.js can be used with older versions of Three.js provided that these versions are manually installed. However, it is designed to work seamlessly with the latest version of Three.js by default.

Troy.js can be used for product customization interfaces, such as allowing users to customize colors and materials of products like shoes or cars. It also supports immersive, interactive 3D experiences for storytelling and brand engagement in web applications.

Alvaro Saburido
Alvaro Saburido
27 min
12 May, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

The speaker discovered 3D with 3GS and was inspired to create a 3D ecosystem for the Vue community using Troy.js. The process of setting up a 3D scene and objects in Tress was explained, along with creating and configuring 3D objects. The talk also covered animating objects with Tress and the 'Cientos' package, as well as the future of Tress.js and its compatibility with older versions of Three. The speaker expressed gratitude to sponsors and contributors and highlighted the potential for product customization with Tress.js.

1. Introduction to 3D with WebGL and View Components

Short description:

Hello, London. How's it going? I'm from Venezuela, so my Venezuelan accent will arise. I create a lot of content in Alvaro.Dev labs. I really wanted to learn how to create video games. I ended up being a telecommunications engineer and then being a front end development where I'm here right now, I'm super happy. But I left like 3D on the side, okay, I thought it was for people that were truly brilliant in genesis, like how they do that stuff, until I discovered 3GS, okay?

Hello, London. How's it going? So first of all, I will apologize by my really bad English. Unfortunately, I don't have a charming accent as Daniel Rowe or British accent, so sorry for murdering your language. I will try my best.

Okay, I'm from Venezuela, so my Venezuelan accent will arise. So how many of you have done 3D with WebGL or...okay. More than I expected, so what if I told you that this scene right here that is kind of a potion wizardy scene is entirely done with View Components and Composers? Okay.

So in the beginning, the name of my presentation today was going to be Trace.Yes a declarative way of doing 3D with Web Components. But I have been playing Whole World Legacy like crazy the last year and I thought to myself, well, let's change it. Okay. Boring naming, let's change that. And I come up, well, no, Chad GPT come up with this. Trace.Yes and the Chamber of View unlocking the mysteries of 3D rendering. So with that, I present myself. My name is Alvaro Saborido. I'm a dev rel engineer at StudyBlock. I'm from Barcelona, Spain, but originally from Venezuela. I create a lot of content in Alvaro.Dev labs. Some links if you want to follow, say hi, always welcome. Okay.

Yeah, that's actually me. I don't know what happened. But that's the boy who lives playing video games, because yeah, I was a kid that loved to play video games. And to be honest, that kid never grew up. This is me playing with my cat, Geralt. So what was my motivation when I was a kid? I really wanted to learn how to create video games. Okay, I was fascinated by that golden era of PS1 games like Crash Bandicoot, Spider the Dragon, and who will forget that good game of Hogwarts like Harry Potter with those amazing graphics. Look at that. HD right away, right?

So something to point here, I wanted to study that, but it was really expensive in Minnesota to be a game developer, so I ended up being a telecommunications engineer and then being a front end development where I'm here right now, I'm super happy. But I left like 3D on the side, okay, I thought it was for people that were truly brilliant in genesis, like how they do that stuff, until I discovered 3GS, okay? So 3GS is a library that leverages the WebGL part, okay, the difficult part, and make it available for JavaScript developers to code and make their scenes.

2. Introduction to Troy.js and its Benefits

Short description:

I found an amazing course by Bruno Simon that taught me how to create my own scenes in 3D. Then I discovered React 3Fiber, a library that allows you to create scenes with React components. But since I prefer Vue, I looked for a similar solution and found Troy.js, a custom render that allows you to create 3GS declaratively using Vue components. Troy.js is lightweight, up-to-date, and provides a great developer experience with TypeScript support. It's performant and works well with reactivity thanks to bit.

And I found out this amazing course by Bruno Simon, it's the one in the picture, to learn to do it. And six months after that I was learning, and I was able to create my own scenes.

Then I discovered React 3Fiber, and wait, before you say why you're talking about React in a Vue conference, right? I know. But React 3Fiber is an amazing library made by PoeMandress, which is an amazing studio, and they made something that blew my mind. They were basically able to create a scene with their React components. So instead of using plain JavaScript, they were able to use that. But there is a catch here, is that I will never use React. No, I'm joking. I use React but I prefer Vue, okay? Never!

So I was trying to find something that would work for Vue, okay? So I came up with this amazing library, Yes, this is probably the one you know because it was the first one to try to do a wrapper. So it was a manual wrapper that tried to replicate all the different components. And then I found Lunchbox, that is the other one, that is a custom render. And stay with that phrase, custom render, okay? But the thing was that Troy.js was really difficult to maintain. Because it was a manual wrapper and to be honest, 3GS is always a old, every week there is a new version. It's really difficult to keep up with the changes. So that's how Troy.js was born.

Okay, so what is Troy.js? It's basically a custom render that allows you to create the 3GS declaratively by using your favorite framework. Using view components and composites. The word is the Spanish word for tree. So it's 3GS. And it's based on the 3GS library and as well because the French war was already taken. So I came up with that. Why Troy.js? Look, why not using another one? I wanted to create something that was up to date with the latest 3GS with fewer to non-maintainers because also maintain a library like this is really time-consuming and a lot of effort, right? It's lightweight that you could install it and the performance of your web application or page is not affected. That was verbose and easy to use. That's really important for the developer experience. Of course, developer experience focus. We needed something that was enjoyable to do 3D. TypeScript support. Everyone that has worked with 3GS knows what I'm talking about. And that could be performant even with reactivity because 3GS is powered with bit. So bit makes it possible that all goes well.

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