Predictive Testing in JavaScript with Machine Learning

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This talk will cover how we can apply machine learning to software testing including in Javascript, to help reduce the number of tests that need to be run.

We can use predictive machine learning model to make an informed decision to rule out tests that are extremely unlikely to uncover an issue. This opens up a new, more efficient way of selecting tests.


Predictive testing in JavaScript with machine learning involves using AI to generate test cases automatically, select the most relevant tests for specific code changes, and achieve higher code coverage. This approach leverages historical data and machine learning algorithms to optimize the testing process, making it more efficient and effective.

Machine learning can improve software testing by automating test case generation, prioritizing the most relevant tests to run, and enhancing code coverage analysis. It can analyze historical testing data to predict and suggest the most effective tests for new code changes, thereby reducing the time and effort required in manual testing processes.

Real-world applications of AI in software testing include automated test case generation, integration with testing frameworks like Selenium for improved automation, and the use of AI tools like GitHub Copilot for code suggestions. AI helps in identifying critical tests, reducing redundant tests, and ensuring comprehensive code coverage.

While AI can significantly enhance testing efficiency by automating many aspects, it cannot fully replace manual testing. Human oversight is crucial for handling complex test scenarios, understanding user experiences, and making strategic decisions based on the context that AI might not fully grasp.

TensorFlow.JS plays a critical role in AI-based testing by allowing the integration of machine learning models directly into JavaScript applications. It enables the execution of models in the browser or on Node.js, facilitating on-the-fly test case generation and other AI-driven testing processes directly in JavaScript environments.

AI contributes to regression testing by analyzing past test cases and code changes to predict the likelihood of new changes causing failures. This allows testers to focus on high-risk areas more effectively, improving the quality of the software and efficiency of the testing process.

Integrating AI with JavaScript testing frameworks like Jest or Jasmine can help automate the generation of test cases, suggest relevant tests based on code changes, and improve regression testing. This integration enhances test efficiency, coverage, and accuracy, leading to higher quality applications.

Shivay Lamba
Shivay Lamba
18 min
19 Nov, 2021


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Video Summary and Transcription

This Talk explores the benefits of introducing machine learning to software testing, including automating test case generation and achieving close to 100% code coverage. AI is being used to automate test generation, improve regression testing, and make predictions in automation testing. Machine learning enables predictive testing by selecting tests that are more likely to uncover issues in code changes. AI-based tools are being used to generate automated tests, improve code coverage, and intelligently select tests. Companies are relying on dedicated testers and using historical code changes and test cases to generate specific test cases for relevant code changes.

1. Introduction to Predictive Testing in JavaScript

Short description:

Hello, everyone! Welcome to TestJS Summit 2021. I'm Shivaay, and I'll be presenting on predictive testing in JavaScript with machine learning. Let's get started!

Hello, everyone, welcome to TestJS Summit 2021, and I'm Shivaay, who is going to be presenting a topic on predictive testing in JavaScript with machine learning. So a very quick introduction about myself, I'm Shivaay and I'm currently a TensorFlow.JS Working Group member. I'm a Google Server Code mentor at TensorFlow and this is my third GitNation conference talk this year. Previously, I've also given a talk at Node.js conference and also React Advanced this year. So really excited to be presenting yet another talk at GitNation, specifically at TestJS Summit. So without wasting any further time, let's get started.

2. Introducing Machine Learning to Software Testing

Short description:

Machine learning is being used in various industries, including software development. However, software testing has not fully utilized AI and machine learning. This talk discusses the benefits of introducing machine learning to software testing. AI can automate test case generation, determine which tests are most important, and achieve close to 100% code coverage. AI can also improve automation testing frameworks like Selenium by identifying and resolving issues.

Now, first one, machine learning is really everywhere today. There is no doubt in that particular fact. You can see machine learning being used in healthcare, education, but also when it comes to things within software development itself. Machine learning today is being used to do a lot of different things. For example, we have seen how GitHub Copilot is being used today to auto-generate or auto-suggest new code. It's also being used in MLOps, in different forms of operations in DevOps to improve the DevOps cycles. And that sort of makes it really important to also use it in other areas where we traditionally might not think that it might be able to be used. So that's what makes machine learning really powerful today. And that's why, why not just think about introducing machine learning to software testing?

Software testing has traditionally been all about being able to write test cases, being able to sort of understand fundamentally within the entire software engineering lifecycle that how can we actually make our softwares more and more productive and make them error free. So what that means is that ideally what happens if you have a software tester or a QA analyst, they'll be going through the entire code and writing unit test cases. And of course, we have the entire pipeline of how the testing actually starts off, where first we write some code, then we prepare the unit tests, we have integration tests. And based on this, once the test cases are passed and our code passes through all these different test cases from both the unit and the integration test, then we finally put our code into production. We also use things such as regression testing to be able to see how is new code actually impacting the code that has been written prior to or let's say, some of the older code bases and how this code is actually getting affected. So all of these different processes involve basically either you can use manual testing or you also have a lot of different automation testing tools as well for example like Selenium. And these traditionally haven't really used machine learning. It has more to do with actually writing these test cases if you're doing manual testing or even if you're using automation testing tools such as Selenium to be able to configure them so that they are able to go through your application. And generally, the software testing has not really seen a lot of use of AI but this talk specifically will talk about how we can introduce and what are the benefits of actually adding machine learning or AI to software testing.

So, write about some of the great scenarios where AI could be actually used in testing. So the first one is the automated test case generation. So a lot of time what happens is that we spend a lot of time in actually creating test cases. Now that could be behavior driven programming or behavior driven development where we're creating the test cases before writing the code itself or let's say we have written a particular function and we write a unit test case for it. How can we actually use AI to generate test cases on fly by just evaluating the code by going through the code? Where an AI model just understands whatever code has been written, whatever code changes have been made to the code and then automatically generate test cases without any manual intervention? Then, essentially, being able to find out which particular tests to actually run that are more important that will essentially save time and sort of the entire process of the software testing time where we are only running the most important test cases. I'll also be coming into more deeper discussions specifically on the second point and then how we can actually use machine learning to not only test frontend based UI testing specifically on, say, JavaScript, but also how we can use machine learning to actually test out backend APIs. That's also one of the fields where today a lot of AI-based software testing tools are being worked on. And then how can we achieve 100% code coverage with the help of AI? Because code coverage is a really important topic to be used whenever we are evaluating any type of code base, whenever, let's say, we are creating a new build or we are testing out new deployments, new changes that have been made. If you're able to achieve even 90% or 95% code coverage, that itself is considered to be a really great point. But how can we achieve close to 100% code coverage with the help of AI? And that is something that AI can actually help with, because of the fact that we are able to evaluate the code with the help of AI and we are able to generate automated tests, we are able to run the most important tests that are really important for that particular code change, and that will actually help to just understand all the different nuances of the code that are there, including the code changes and how the new changes have actually impacted your older code. All of that can be considered while trying to do code coverage with the help of AI. And then even within the automation testing framework, how can we actually use AI, or you know, let's say, with respect to Selenium, so that whenever you're doing any kind of an automated testing, AI can actually help improve it by looking specifically at the issues that might arise, and we are like using a manual, we are using basically automation testing to look specifically for those particular issues and try to be able to resolve them. So, those are some of the scenarios today where AI is actually being used in software testing.


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