Next-Level JavaScript Error Tracking with Sentry

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Discover advanced techniques to track and resolve errors in JavaScript applications, using Sentry as a powerful ally. This session will explore the art of pinpointing issues before they hit users, streamlining your error-handling process, and enhancing application performance.

Ebenezer Don
Ebenezer Don
23 min
15 Feb, 2024


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Video Summary and Transcription

We're going to be talking about next level JavaScript error tracking with Sentry. Error tracking is the process of identifying, recording, and managing errors in a web application. Traditional JavaScript error tracking methods have disadvantages and lack context about the device and user. You can automate error tracking with Sentry, an open source error tracking tool that helps developers monitor and fix crashes in real time. Setting up Sentry is simple using the Sentry SDK and configuring with the DSN.

1. Introduction to Error Tracking

Short description:

We're going to be talking about next level JavaScript error tracking with Sentry. Error tracking is the process of identifying, recording, and managing errors in a web application. It involves discovering, diagnosing, and fixing bugs.

Hey everyone, it's so good to join you here today. We're going to be talking about next level JavaScript error tracking with Sentry. My name is Ebenezer Dunn and I'm a developer advocate at CodeGiant, a DevSecOps and an integrated development platform with built in best practices that helps your team deliver faster and more securely.

We're talking about our tracking, but what even is error tracking? And by the way, this is the third time I'm doing a recording of this particular talk for this particular conference, because I've tried the first time I tried after recording. I was like, yeah, I'm done. And I discovered my camera froze while recording. So second time the laptop and everything just went off while recording. And this is the third time and here's to hoping that everything goes smoothly this time. And I'm going to be trying to smile. So kind of frustrated.

What if it is error tracking? Now, it's a process of identifying, recording and managing errors that occur in a web application. So in our case, web application because we're using JavaScript for the web in this particular instance. But error tracking basically identify, recording and managing errors that occur in your application. So this is a process of error tracking. First of all, the discovery has to be there. So you have to discover the error and then you diagnose the error. So you don't just discover the error, like, oh, we found out that there was an error and everyone sits down. No, you have to diagnose the error. And when you diagnose the error, you know, like finding out what's actually causing the error. Why? Why is this error? What is this error? Where is this error? You know, diagnose the error and you don't clap and say, OK, now we discover the error. We know like everything about this error and let's go home. No, you have to fix the bugs. So you find the bugs. You fix the bugs. Is that important? That parts of the error tracking process. You don't just discover that nonsense. You go sit down. So you have to fix the bugs.

Now, components of error tracking. So this is like just a more broken down version of what we've already talked about.

2. Error Tracking Workflow

Short description:

Error detection, logging, notification, analysis, and resolution are essential components of the error tracking process. By tracking errors, you can reduce downtime and enhance user experience.

So the error detection process, same as error discovery, then you have to log the error. This is important. You don't just discover the error or detect the error and you're like, oh, yeah, we discover that error. No, it's important that you log this error. It's important that you store this error in a database or like in CodeGiant, for example, we use Clickhouse for logging. I'm not sure what Sentry uses, but like in the Sentry platform also, this is logged. So you don't just discover the error and then you throw it away.

So you have to log the error and you know, you have to you need a notification system so that you're not kept in the dark. Like you don't just stop at detecting that login. Sorry about that. You don't just stop at detecting and logging the error. So you have to be notified about this error to oh, there's an error. Yep. You need to be notified that there was an error. So we said that we're going to do with Sentry, you know, that comes with a notification system. So once a user encounters an error or once you encounter an error, once there's an error in your application, you get notified and that comes with all the error information. And then next after you're notified, you check out the error and then you analyze the error. You know, you find out what's causing the error, where, you know, and how and why. You know, so every all the details about the error is going to come with a Sentry configuration where we do that now. When there's an error, it comes with like browser information, user device information, IP address, everything you need to resolve. To analyze the error. And then again, you don't clap and go home. You have to resolve the error.

So in summary, you find a box, you fix a box. It's important to have error resolution as part of your error tracking process. So what are the benefits of error tracking? It reduces downtime. So if you're not tracking errors, you know when something is wrong, you know that your users are struggling, you know that your web application is struggling or your JavaScript application, you will know you're struggling. So and if you don't know it's going to keep happening and you're going to keep having downtime. So if you're tracking the errors, you can, you know, get information about this error, get to know about it, resolve the error and reduce downtime. It enhances user experience.

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