Mobile Device Testing for Cross-Platform Apps

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Testing your React Native, Capacitor, or other cross-platform apps on mobile devices is a critical but complex step of deployment. If you’re used to web testing, navigating the options for iOS and Android can be daunting. This session will cover virtual & real device options, native build types for test deployments, how to deliver apps to testers, and even how to run automated tests against real devices.


Mobile device testing for cross-platform apps involves verifying functionality, performance, and user experience across multiple mobile operating systems (like iOS and Android) and platforms (including web) using a single codebase. This ensures that the application delivers a consistent experience regardless of the device or platform.

Cross-platform mobile app development faces challenges such as varying development and deployment processes across platforms, platform-specific test cases, and the need for expertise in nuances between different operating systems like Android and iOS. These factors can complicate testing and deployment, requiring specialized knowledge and strategies.

Mobile applications can be tested using virtual devices like emulators and simulators, which are provided with Android Studio and Xcode respectively. Real device testing, which offers higher fidelity of user experience, involves running tests on actual hardware but requires device registration and can be more complex and resource-intensive.

Virtual device testing uses software-based emulators and simulators to mimic real devices and is useful for initial testing phases. Real device testing involves testing on actual hardware, providing more accurate insights into user experience and performance but at a higher complexity and cost.

For Android, the primary build types are debug and release, while iOS requires several types including simulator, development, ad hoc, app store, and enterprise builds. Each build type serves different purposes, from testing to distribution, and involves specific configurations like code signing.

Manual testers can receive test versions of apps through various methods, such as downloading binaries from centralized storage like Google Drive or using platform-specific distribution tools like TestFlight for iOS and Google Play's internal testing tracks for Android.

Automated testing in mobile app development offers efficiency and consistency, enabling developers to perform repetitive tests accurately and quickly. It supports both virtual and real device testing, helping to catch bugs early and reduce manual testing efforts, ultimately speeding up the development process.

Yes, automated testing can be integrated into the CI/CD pipeline for mobile apps. Tools like Fastlane and mobile CI/CD platforms like Bitrise or AppFlow can automate various tasks including testing, building, and deploying mobile applications, streamlining the development and maintenance processes.

Cecelia Martinez
Cecelia Martinez
28 min
07 Dec, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

This Talk discusses cross-platform mobile testing, including the challenges it presents and the types of devices and builds that can be used for testing. It explores manual testing, automated testing, and the use of tools like Appium and SOS Labs for running tests on real devices. The Talk also touches on PWA automation, the choice between mobile apps and PWAs, and different testing approaches and performance considerations.

1. Introduction to Cross-platform Mobile Testing

Short description:

This is mobile device testing for cross-platform apps. I am Cecilia Martinez, a developer advocate for AppFlow, a mobile CICD platform built by Ionic. Cross-platform apps are built with one code base and deployed to iOS, Android, and the web. Frameworks like React Native, Ionic with Capacitor, Flutter, .NET MAUI, and Kotlin Multiplatform enable this. The result is a faster development process and a consistent experience for developers and users.

So, yes, this is mobile device testing for cross-platform apps. As you probably have heard by now, I am Cecilia Martinez. I'm a developer advocate for AppFlow, which is a mobile CICD platform built by Ionic.

So, you're probably more familiar with Ionic or Capacitor than you are with AppFlow. But you can learn more about mobile deployments, mobile building, by following me on Twitter or GitHub at Cecilia Creates. Or feel free to contact me on LinkedIn as well at just slash in slash my name.

So, when we talk about cross-platform, what we're talking about specifically is apps that you build with one code base, but that you deploy anywhere. So, iOS, Android, and then also to the web. So, there's a lot of frameworks that you can use to do this. If you're thinking in the kind of the web ecosystem and web-based frameworks, the ones that are going to come to mind are React Native and then Ionic paired with Capacitor. But you can also use tools like Flutter, which is based in Dart, .NET MAUI, or Kotlin Multiplatform. But the idea is that you build ones to deploy anywhere. And this gives you not only a faster development process, but a more consistent developer and user experience across platforms.

2. Challenges of Cross-platform Mobile Testing

Short description:

Cross-platform development erases the problem of separate teams working on iOS and Android apps individually. However, it comes with its own challenges. The deployment processes for web, iOS, and Android are different, and testing native builds on real devices requires platform-specific expertise. Testing is crucial for mobile apps as deployments are high risk and users are picky. Therefore, thorough testing is necessary to ensure a positive user experience.

You've often seen something where, you know, the iOS version of the app has a feature that isn't available yet on Android, or maybe there's, you know, certain apps that are only on iOS. And that's because typically you may see separate teams working on those apps individually. With cross-platform, you erase that kind of problem. But cross-platform is not without its own challenges. So, while the dev processes are the same, the deployment processes are not. You have very, very different build, testing, and deployment processes across web, iOS, and Android. This creates really specific challenges when it comes to testing these applications, especially when you're testing the actual native builds on real devices. You have platform-specific test cases that you have to consider as well. So, even if you write the code the same, it will actually engage with the device differently, and you have to consider that. And that requires some expertise of each platform. So, if you are a web developer and you are building cross-platform for the first time, and it's the first time that you're dealing with mobile applications, you have to learn the nuances between Android and iOS to be able to effectively test those applications. And testing is really important for mobile applications. Deployments are high risk. They take a lot longer. You have to go through the app stores and deal with that approval process. So, the apps need to be very well tested before they are installed on a user's device. Users are also very picky about their mobile applications. They encounter one bug and they uninstall, or they never use it again. So, it's important that you are able to test these applications appropriately.

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