Bringing Your Web App to Native With Capacitor

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So, you have a killer web app you've built and want to take it from your web browser to the App Store. Sure, there are a lot of options here, but most will require you to maintain separate apps for each platform. You want your codebase to be as close as possible across Web, Android, and iOS. Thankfully, with Capacitor, you can take your existing web app and quickly create native iOS and Android apps for distribution on your favorite App Store!

Contents: This workshop is aimed at beginner developers that have an existing web application, or are interested in mobile development. We will go over:

- What is Capacitor

- How does it compare to other cross-platform solutions

- Using Capacitor to build a native application using your existing web code

- Tidying up our application for distribution on mobile app stores with naming conventions, icons, splash screens and more


Capacitor is used to bridge the gap between web and native applications, allowing developers to create web apps that can also run natively on iOS, Android, and other platforms. It enables access to native device features using JavaScript, simplifying the development process for cross-platform applications.

Capacitor enhances native app development by allowing developers to use web technologies and frameworks to build the application's UI and logic, while still accessing native device features. It abstracts the complexities of native development, making it easier to maintain and deploy across multiple platforms.

Yes, Capacitor is designed to integrate seamlessly with existing web apps, enabling them to be converted into native apps without extensive changes. Developers can continue using their preferred web technologies while leveraging Capacitor to access native functionalities.

Capacitor offers a unique approach by focusing on standard web technologies and minimalistic native code, providing a more stable and predictable development environment. Unlike other frameworks that may abstract too much, Capacitor allows direct access to native APIs, offering more control and flexibility.

Yes, Capacitor supports hot reloading, which allows developers to see changes instantly during development without restarting the entire application. This feature speeds up the development process and enhances productivity by allowing immediate feedback on changes.

Capacitor handles native platform differences by abstracting common functionalities into a unified API that works across all platforms, while also providing the flexibility to access platform-specific features directly when needed. This balance ensures that apps can leverage the best of both worlds.

Mike Hartington
Mike Hartington
111 min
22 May, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

Cross-platform development with Cordova paved the way for a vibrant ecosystem of plugins, but had limitations. React Native provides a core library for building apps, but rewriting an app to work in React Native can be challenging. Flutter may mislead developers into thinking they are creating truly native apps. Capacitor offers a solution that combines the benefits of a native app with access to native APIs while remaining pure web. Capacitor allows you to build a full native app that can access APIs through JavaScript.


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