Measuring and Improving React Native Performance

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The web has several tools to measure performance, but what about us, React Native devs? Have you ever added some optimization in your code (like a memo here and there) and wondered if it had a real impact on performance?

Presenting a Flipper plugin to measure React Native performance, with a concrete case of how we used it to bring our app performance to the top quality.

Bonus: a deep dive into React DevTools flame charts!


Mobile apps should aim to run at 60 frames per second (fps) to ensure a smooth performance, similar to the smoothness of a movie.

In React Native apps, most of the business logic runs on the JavaScript (JS) thread. It's crucial to ensure this thread isn't too busy, as it can block updates and make the app unresponsive, even if the app is running at 60 fps natively.

The React Native Performance Monitor displays UI and JS FPS, helping developers to identify performance bottlenecks. It also integrates with tools like the Flipper plugin to graphically display performance metrics and assist in benchmarking.

Effective performance measurement tips include testing on lower-end devices, making measurements as deterministic as possible by controlling variables like network and data, and using tools like ADB for automating tests.

React DevTools helps in analyzing performance issues by providing features like live profiling of component renders, which helps in identifying costly rendering operations and optimizing them for better performance.

Memoizing list items in a FlatList prevents unnecessary re-renders as you scroll, significantly improving performance by reducing the load on the JavaScript thread and maintaining smoother UI animations.

When using nested lists, such as a FlatList within another FlatList, it's important to memoize both parent and child list items to prevent excessive re-renders due to inherited context changes, which can degrade performance.

Alexandre Moureaux
Alexandre Moureaux
19 min
21 Jun, 2022


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Video Summary and Transcription

This Talk discusses mobile app performance and provides tips for performance analysis. It includes a performance test on the TF1 news app and demonstrates how to analyze JS performance with React DevTools. The Talk also explores optimizing rendering in React components, such as FlatList and nested lists with carousels. It concludes with strategies for optimizing the virtualized list and carousel to achieve better performance.

1. Introduction to Mobile App Performance

Short description:

Hi, everyone. I'm Alex, a tech lead at BAM. Let's talk about mobile app performance. Good performance means running at 60fps, drawing 60 images per second. In React Native apps, the JS thread can cause unresponsiveness. Use the React Native Performance Monitor and Flipper plugin for monitoring. Test on lower-end devices and make performance measures deterministic. Automate behavior to reproduce conditions.

Hi, everyone. Super excited to be talking to you at React Summit. I'm Alex. I'm a tech lead at BAM. We develop mobile apps in Kotlin, Flutter, and of course, React Native, and I just love the subject of mobile apps' performance, so let's dive in.

What does it mean for a mobile app to have good performance? Well, according to this video from Google, which will be available in slides, your apps should be able to run at 60fps, 60 frames per second. This means that your app should be able to draw 60 images per second when you scroll down, for example, to give an impression of smoothness to the user. It's basically like a movie. It's animated pictures, basically.

The question is what about React Native apps? Well, this also applies to React Native apps, but there is an added complexity, the JS thread. Because most of your logic will run on the JS, most of your business logic probably resides on the JS side of things, you need to make sure that it's not too busy. For example, here I have this app with a Click Me button. When I click it, the state updates. I've been clicked one, two, three times, but Kill.js is too expensive, so when I click it, the JS side of things is blocked. So, even if I click Click Me a lot of times after clicking Kill.js, nothing happens, and it's not before Kill.js has finished that the JS actually becomes responsive again, and you can see it update four to 12 times like that. So, it's very important to take a look at the JS side of things as well, because your app could be running natively at 60 FPS but be completely unresponsive. This is why React Native offers this view, the React Native Performance Monitor, displaying Ui and JS FPS, and this is why we created this Flipper plugin, to be able to display it in a graph. Also, as an added bonus, it gives you a nice score for you to be able to run performance benchmarks. But, chances are, this score could depend on a lot of factors, actually, so let me give you some general tips on performance measures.

The first one is this. You should test on a lower-end device. I mean, if you only test on a high-end device, chances are that you will miss most of the issues that your users are actually could be having. An iPhone 13 can actually run JavaScript or some calculation 10 times as fast as a Samsung Galaxy A21s, so, well, you know what to do. You should definitely test on a lower-end Android device. Second tip is this. You should make your measures as deterministic as possible. Performance measures are hardly deterministic, so you can make several iterations and average the result. You can also make sure to keep the same conditions as much as possible for every measure, for example, network, the data you were loading, et cetera. And, I mean, if you want to reproduce the same conditions, it's ideal to be able to automate the behavior you want to test. And for that, you don't necessarily need an end-to-end testing framework.

2. Tips for Performance Analysis

Short description:

To ensure accurate performance measures on the JS side, disable JSDev. Use React Devtools and JS Flame Graph for analysis. On the UI side, utilize Android Studio, Systrace Profiler, or Xcode Instrument.

You can just use ADB on Android, for example. Here, with ADB Shell Input Swipe, you can actually trigger a scroll on your app. Third tip is this. Disable JSDev if you want to have true performance measures on the JS side, you should disable this, because you might encounter an issue that you won't actually see in production. And the fourth tip is, well, you should find some issues when measuring. Just use the best analysis tools. On the JsThread, that would be React Devtools, or even running a JS Flame Graph with the Hermes profiler. And on the UI side, use native tools like Android Studio, Systrace Profiler, or Xcode Instrument on iOS.

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