How to Measure Performance Effectively?

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Most of the people in our industry know what Lighthouse or Page Speed Insights are and use them regularly. Unfortunately, most of them have no idea how they work which leads to terrible misconceptions and misunderstandings, especially for non-tech business owners. In this talk, I want to help everyone make better use of these tools explaining how they work, what's their goal, and how to interpret the data to come to the right conclusions.


Viewstorefront is an open source tool that allows developers to build storefronts using any e-commerce stack. It provides solutions for common e-commerce challenges including orchestration, caching, and design systems.

You can learn more about Viewstorefront by visiting its repository on GitHub, where you can also contribute to the project as it is open source.

Google Lighthouse is a performance measurement tool introduced by Google in 2018 to simplify the complex process of web performance evaluation. It assesses a website's performance and provides a score between 1 and 100, with higher scores indicating better performance.

Core Web Vitals are a set of specific factors that Google considers important in a webpage's overall user experience. They include metrics like Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS), which measure loading performance, interactivity, and visual stability, respectively.

Lighthouse scores are calculated based on the performance of various metrics, each having a different weight based on their impact on user experience. Improvements in metrics like Total Blocking Time and Largest Contentful Paint can significantly boost the Lighthouse score.

Lab Data refers to performance data collected under controlled conditions to simulate user interaction, while Field Data (or Real User Monitoring data) is collected from real-world user interactions with the webpage, providing insights into actual user experiences.

PageSpeed Insights analyzes your webpage using both Lighthouse and the Chrome User Experience Report, providing lab data and field data to assess performance. Improvements suggested by this tool can help optimize your website's user experience and performance.

Core Web Vitals are significant for SEO as they directly affect mobile search rankings on Google. Websites with good performance metrics in terms of LCP, FID, and CLS are likely to receive a ranking boost.

Continuous performance measurement allows developers to detect and fix performance issues early, ensure a consistent user experience, and improve overall website quality. Tools like Lighthouse CI can automate this process by integrating with continuous integration workflows.

Filip Rakowski
Filip Rakowski
28 min
20 Oct, 2021


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Video Summary and Transcription

This Talk discusses the evolution of performance measurement tooling and the importance of performance in web development. It introduces Google Lighthouse as a tool that provides detailed information on webpage performance. The Talk emphasizes the significance of Core Web Vitals, including Largest Contentful Paint, First Input Delay, and Cumulative Layout Shift. It suggests hosting the Lighthouse environment locally and using Lighthouse CI for continuous performance measurement. The Talk also highlights the impact of Core Web Vitals on SEO and the importance of prioritizing field data over lab data.

1. Introduction to Performance Measurement Tooling

Short description:

Hello, everyone. My name is Filip Rakowski, the CEO and co-founder of Viewstorefront. Today, I will be talking about performance measurement tooling and how it has evolved over the years. In the past, optimizing performance was challenging, and only a small group of developers knew how to measure and optimize it. However, with the introduction of Google Lighthouse in 2018, performance measurement became more accessible. The rise of progressive web apps (PWAs) also emphasized the importance of speed in mobile browsing. Now, performance is widely recognized as a crucial aspect of web development.

Hello, everyone. My name is Filip Rakowski. I'm the CEO and co-founder of Viewstorefront. If you don't know what Viewstorefront is, let me quickly explain it. Viewstorefront is an open source tool allowing to build amazing storefronts with basically any e-commerce stack. So no matter what problems you could encounter while building e-commerce storefronts, we probably have a tool for that. So orchestration, caching, design systems, we have it all.

And you can learn more about the project, or give us a start, because we are open source, by checking our repository on GitHub. You could also know me from a very well-known series on ViewSchool, about optimizing Vue.js performance. And today I will be actually speaking about the topic, and to be more accurate and precise, I will be talking about performance measurement tooling. So there is a lot of misconceptions around the topic, because the way how the performance is being measured these days is definitely not straightforward to understand. Yet people use these tools and, without knowing exactly how they work, it's very easy to conclude false information from the output. So let's explore this topic in depth.

Believe me or not, but just four, five years ago, optimizing performance of web applications was something very exotic. Only a small group of developers really knew how to measure it, and only the chosen ones knew how to optimize. Even though we already had some great tools to measure the performance, most of us had no idea about their existence. And optimizing performance meant usually following a bunch of best practices for majority of us, maybe measuring the load event, but that's it generally. And only really big players and governments, they were taking proper care of that. And I think the reason of that was simple, I think it was just too hard for majority of developers to effectively measure performance. And also, there were no tools that were giving very simple-to-understand information.

Also the knowledge about the business impact of good or bad performance, it was not so common in the industry, and it was not so common for business owners. So everything has changed in 2018 when Google introduced Google Lighthouse. It was the first-ever performance measurement tool that aimed basically to simplify something that recently was complex and very, very hard to understand. At the same time, it started becoming obvious to everyone that, you know, the preferred way of consuming the web for majority of users is basically through mobile devices like tablets or smartphones, mostly the latter one. And this accelerated the popularity of a term, progressive web app, which was first introduced, I think in 2015. And PWA's goal was basically to bring a better mobile browsing experience to all users, despite their network connectivity or device capabilities. And one of the key characteristics promoted by PWAs was speed. Of course, all of that was followed by very aggressive evangelization by Google on events all around the world, YouTube, etc. But this is a good thing because performance is super important. And we were blind, now we see everything.

2. Google Lighthouse and Metric Scores

Short description:

Let's dive into Google Lighthouse, a performance measurement tool that provides detailed information on how well a webpage is performing. It assigns a score between 1 and 100, with scores below 50 considered bad and scores above 90 considered good. Each metric has a weight that reflects its impact on the overall user experience. Google uses real-world data from HTTP Archive to determine the range for good, medium, or bad scores.

So let's start today's talk with a very deep dive into Google Lighthouse. I am pretty sure that most of you used that tool at least once in your professional career. And it's hard to be surprised. This audit is available through browser extensions, external pages. It can also perform directly from the Chrome DevTools. Just click on the Audit tab, run the test on any website, and voila, it will give you a very detailed information on how well your page is performing against certain metrics, aiming to describe the real experience of your users as accurately as possible.

So Livehouse basically boils down performance of a website to a single number, between one and one hundred. So it could also be treated as a percentage, where its score below 50 is treated as a bad, and score above 90 is treated as good. I will come back to this topic, because it could be surprising that only 10% is treated as a good one. But, okay, going back to the topic. Where do these magical numbers come from? So it turns out that each metric has its own weight that corresponds to their impact on overall experience of end-user. And as you can see here, if we improve total bocking time, largest content will paint or cumulative layout shift, we will improve our Livehouse score much faster than optimizing other metrics. Of course, it is important to focus on all of them, as each is describing different piece that zooms up to overall experience of your users, but there are some metrics that are identified by Google as more important than others, in a sense that their impact on the user experience, the perceived user experience, is bigger. Of course, everything is subjective, but this is what the data says, so we have to believe.

OK, so we know how the Google Livehouse score is being calculated overall, but what we don't know is basically how the score of individual metrics is being calculated. What do I mean by this? So let's say we have a total blocking time. How do we know that one second is a good or bad result? From where? We know this. And Google is using a real-world data collected by HTTP Archive. And if you don't know what HTTP Archive is, I really, really encourage you to check it out, because it's just awesome. It contains a lot of useful information about the web in general and how it's being used from both real users and problems. And it can help you understand what is important and how your website performs against others in your or different fields. And I am warning you, some of the information you'll find there could be really, really depressing or at least surprising. For example, my favorite example, actually, you can learn that it's 2021 and the average amount of compressed, I repeat, compressed JavaScript data shipped by like a statistical website, it's almost 450 kilobytes on mobile. 450 kilobytes of compressed data on a mobile device. That's a few megabytes of uncompressed JavaScript. For mid or low end devices, if you result in a really, really, really bad experience and loading time, poof, it will allow you to make a coffee, come back and still wait until your website is ready. Really, like there's a lot of examples where you can see that some page is loading 13, 14, even 15 seconds on a mobile device. Would you wait that long? I don't think so. OK, going back to the main topic. Based on the data for each metric from HTTP Archive, Google is setting the range for good, medium or bad score.

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