Domain Driven Design with Vue Applications

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Introduction to Domain Driven Design

  • - What is DDD?
  • - Key principles of DDD
  • - Benefits of using DDD in web application development

Domain Modeling in Vue 3 Applications

  • - How to design and implement domain models in Vue 3
  • - Strategies for integrating domain logic with Vue's reactive data model and component-based architecture

Best Practices for Implementing DDD in Vue 3

  • - Strategies for organizing code in a way that follows DDD principles
  • - Techniques for reducing coupling between domain and application logic
  • - Tips for testing and debugging domain logic in Vue 3 applications
Abdulrasaq Mustapha
Abdulrasaq Mustapha
14 min
15 May, 2023


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  • Kirk Bushell
    Kirk Bushell
    Where's the domain modeling in vue 3? Where's the domain logic stuff when working with vue reactive data model? Just another video/page stating "DDD" by introducing a folder structure... Bollocks.
  • Baraka
    any link to the code??

Video Summary and Transcription

Welcome to this talk on domain-driven design in Vue.js application. Today we are going to look into domain-driven design, its benefits and how it works with Vue.js domain-driven design versus the MVVM model. Vue.js thrives in domain-driven design, a design approach that models software to match a domain. DDD emphasizes understanding business logic and creating a domain that reflects the language and concepts. Integrating DDD in Vue.js offers benefits such as effective modeling of complex business domains, structured code reflecting domain logic, and easier onboarding and ownership.

1. Introduction to Domain-driven Design in Vue.js

Short description:

Welcome to this talk on domain-driven design in Vue.js application. Today we are going to look into domain-driven design, its benefits and how it works with Vue.js domain-driven design versus the MVVM model. We're also going to take a quick look into a simple code based on structure of a Vue.js application written in a domain-driven design pattern. There are various design patterns that we know exist in the software development cycle.

Welcome to this talk on domain-driven design in Vue.js application. My name is Abdurazak Mostafa, also known as Geekmarrers. I'm a frontend engineer at Papershift. I'm a content creator on YouTube where I post videos on coding tutorials, productivity carriers and many others. You can also find me on GitHub as Geekmarrers.

Today we are going to look into domain-driven design, its benefits and how it works with Vue.js domain-driven design versus the MVVM model. We're also going to take a quick look into a simple code based on structure of a Vue.js application written in a domain-driven design pattern.

There are various design patterns that we know exist in the software development cycle. We have the object-oriented design, we have the MVC, we have the DDD, and the MVVM, and many others. When we look at the OOD, which is the object-oriented design, which is a process of creating a software system or application, utilizing object-oriented paradigm, the MVC, which is the model Vue controllers, is a design pattern used for developing user interfaces that divide the related program logic into three connected elements, which are the Vue models and the controller, the MVVM, which is the models Vue Vue model, which is kind of like the pattern for Vue.js, the pattern for Vue.js applications by default, which is a pattern that helps cleanly separate an application, business, and presentation logic from its user interface.

2. Introduction to DDD in Vue.js

Short description:

Vue.js thrives in domain-driven design, a design approach that models software to match a domain. DDD emphasizes understanding business logic and creating a domain that reflects the language and concepts. Compared to MVVM, DDD follows a domain-focused approach, resulting in cleaner and more maintainable code. Integrating DDD in Vue.js offers benefits such as effective modeling of complex business domains, structured code reflecting domain logic, and easier onboarding and ownership. Use cases for DDD in Vue.js include e-commerce, financial, and healthcare applications. A simple codebase example demonstrates how DDD can be implemented in a Vue.js application.

We all know that this is one of the things that Vue.js thrives in. The main discourse of the day is domain-driven design, which is a design approach that focuses on modeling softwares to match a domain according to input from domain experts. With these, we are going to explain further more in the slides.

When we look at DDD, which is Domain Driven Design, it's an approach to software development, that emphasizes understanding business logic and modeling the problem domain. The goal is to create a domain that accurately reflects the language, concepts, and relationship within the domain, and this in turn helps the team to better understand complex business entities, leading to improved software design and writing maintainable codes.

When we look at the domain-driven design structure in comparison to the default MVVM, the MVVM splits the folder structure by relationship to functional aspects of the code base such as the router, the store, the pages, components, assets, and many more custom folders we want to add to our application. Well, the DDD approach follows a domain rather than a loose MVVM, meaning that our application is actually disintegrated to the core domains of our applications. And these domain folders, this domain may contain folders, and these folders are like the core models in which our applications are using, so you could have a payments domain, you could have like a products domain, you could have orders domain, you could have user profile domain, and lots of features depending on the models or domain of which applications we are building.

When we look at default folder structure for default MVVM, which is basically what you'd get when you scaffold the Vue.js application, the assets, components, routers, stores, views. With this, if you're building a larger application, you might struggle when the application gets big and yet if you build by this default structure, it might be difficult to maintain at a long run. Right? And this is one of the things where domain-driven design thrive. And that is because for each of our domains or for each of our models, it's gonna have its own component. It's gonna have its own store. It's gonna have its own router. It's gonna have its own pages and its own tests and many other custom features that we might want to add to our various domains. And with this, it's cleaner and more easier to maintain in the long run.

So the benefit of integrating domain-driven design to our VGS application is because it's a more effective modeling of complex business domain. It's more structured and organized code base that reflects the domain logic. It's more maintainable, scalable, and flexible in developing software applications. It's more effective in building user interfaces. I think one of the beautiful things about DDD is that it's for easy onboarding and ownership of products domained by the engineers within the team.

So what are the use cases for DDD with VGS application? This pattern can be used to build e-commerce applications with complex products and inventory management system, financial applications with complex data models and regulatory requirements. It can also be used on healthcare applications with complex patient data and pervasing concerns, and lots of other complex business domains that we can incorporate the DDD pattern into our software.

So let's take a quick look into a simple codebase or a simple structure of how DDD can be implemented into a VGS application. I'm going to start with this, with this simple application, and when we take a look at our folder structure here, we would find that it's unlike the regular pattern of which VGS application have, which is going to have like, by default we should see the routes, we should see the store, we should see the components and many others. Because this application has been converted or the DDD approach has been implemented into this simple application, where we have on our source, we have an app, we have a folder called the core, which is like the model of the application and it's like the top layer of our application, and on that route we're going to have our modules, our modules which are the core part or the core domains of our application. And this simple example comes with just two domains which is the, or two modules, which is just the blog module and the product module, and we'll find here that for each model is that it has its own API, its own components, its own constants, its own pages, its own routes and its own store. And with this, it's quite easier for us to view the application tailored to a particular domain and also ensuring that the business logic and business requirement are met. And one of the beautiful things is that when we look at our entry file, which is the main.js, would find a beautiful import function, which is the autoload route, which basically looks at all the domains we have, all the models we have in our application, gets the route, and we can then add those routes to our application on a larger scale.

And when we take a look at this on So I'm just gonna take a look at this, we'll look at the product domain, I will look at the blog.

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