Building custom storefronts on Shopify with Hydrogen

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Get hands-on with Hydrogen, a React-based framework powered by Shopify. In this workshop, we'll explore the framework and get a custom storefront up and running quickly. You'll learn how (and when) to leverage React Server Components and caching mechanisms to build fast, dynamic, custom storefronts.

Abe Haskins
Abe Haskins
Megan Majewski
Megan Majewski
71 min
01 Jul, 2022


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Video Summary and Transcription

This workshop introduces Shopify's Hydrogen, a React-based framework for building headless storefronts. Hydrogen offers fast client-side rendering, flexible caching, and a simplified development process. It uses file-based routing and allows for dynamic routes. The workshop covers querying the Storefront API with GraphiQL, using GraphQL queries in Hydrogen, and accessing product details. It also demonstrates the use of the product options provider, the cart provider, and the add to cart button. Hydrogen is recommended for larger merchants and provides scalability and flexibility for building e-commerce stores.

1. Introduction to Shopify's Hydrogen

Short description:

Welcome to the workshop on building headless storefronts using Shopify's Hydrogen. I'm Megan, a dev advocate at Shopify, and I'm excited to share this latest workshop with you. I'm Abe, another developer advocate, here to support Megan and answer any questions you may have. Let's get started!

So, let's dive right in. All right, cool. Well, welcome, everybody. As the title slide says, and I'm sure you know since you signed up for this workshop, we're gonna be going over building headless storefronts using Shopify's new tool called Hydrogen. We'll kind of get some hands-on coding today, but I'm super excited to be sharing with you this workshop because it's kind of the latest from Shopify and React.

I'm Megan. You can find me on Discord, Twitter, YouTube. I'm a dev advocate here at Shopify. So, I'm pretty active in the community. So, feel free to say, hi, if you kind of see me around. So, part of my team work focuses on kind of bringing you guys workshops like this one and highlighting some of the other cool things that Shopify is doing, as well as kind of hearing from you guys and understanding what you're interested in Shopify doing and seeing all the cool stuff that the community is building.

And I'm Abe. I'm also a developer advocate at Shopify. My job is mostly to let Megan do her job and then show up to actually give the talk and act like I did any of the work to prepare for it. Similarly, I flirt around on various socials. I do have a Twitter account and things like that, but I wouldn't recommend following me because I don't tweet anything interesting. But I'm around. You'll see me pop up in all sorts of different Shopify related resources. And, of course, you can always shoot me an email if you have any specific questions or thoughts either about the workshop or anything Shopify developer related in general. Always happy to chat or route your question to someone who has a better answer than I do.

2. Introduction to Hydrogen

Short description:

Today we'll be using Hydrogen to build a product page. Hydrogen is a framework that Shopify recently released, allowing you to put a head on top of the headless APIs. It's a React-based framework with utilities to simplify building an e-commerce store. Hydrogen powers personalized, dynamic e-commerce sites using React server components, streaming server-side rendering, and flexible cache policies.

Cool. So today we'll be using Hydrogen to build a product page. What you'll learn is some major features that Hydrogen has developed to help you ship and build fast. And by the end of the workshop, we'll get hands on, we'll do some coding. You'll check out some of the tools that Shopify has developed to help you rapidly build a custom storefront. And hopefully by the end, there'll be some time for Q&A. But if you have any questions, feel free to put them in the chat as we go through and we'll try to tag team and get through them there as well.

So let's get into it. Abe, you want to kick us off? Yeah. So, for anyone who's not familiar, Hydrogen is a framework that Shopify recently released. Basically, what it is, is a way for you to put a head on top of the headless APIs that Shopify offers. When a lot of people see Shopify, they think of people who go into our public interface and design a shop using the drag and drop interface and kind of pick a theme from the store, things like that, kind of just customizing off the shelf e-commerce experiences. But Hydrogen is a very different approach. We offer all these APIs that basically let you do everything that we can do with your store, you can do through an API. And then Hydrogen lets you build any UI you want on top of that. So we're going to get into it a bit here, but the important parts are, it's a React based framework. So it'll be familiar to anyone who's worked with React, with a bunch of cool helpers and utilities to help building a Shopify powered store. E-commerce in general is like super hard and you'll see here that, like, we've tried to pull together a bunch of utilities and helpers and things that are kind of like the common use cases for building a store. You know, you need like a cart, you need product pages, you need all these different little components, like different versions or variants that we'll talk about. So, you know, if you have a product that has different colors or things like that, all of this is pretty generic to e-commerce. And this is kind of the problem Hydrogen is hoping to solve. Simplify the problem, make building an e-commerce store easier, but still give you the absolute maximum amount of power you could need to do whatever crazy type of store you want to do.

Yeah, so as I was just saying, Hydrogen is built to power personalized, dynamic e-commerce sites. And to do this, we have three separate strategies that kind of work together. They are React server components, streaming, server-side rendering, which for me is a mouthful. So if I start slurring that, I apologize. That's what I mean. Streaming, server-side rendering and the final one is flexible cache policies. Let's talk details about each of these. So React server components. Maybe you heard about this with React 18. It's prominently featured in Hydrogen and it's like kind of the new up and coming React topic. It's not the same as server-side rendering. I know it's like a little bit confusing. I actually thought they were the same thing for a while until I started digging into Hydrogen and how we make use of it. But server components allow both the server and the client, meaning the browser, to collaborate together when rendering your React application. So if you think about your typical React application, this is like an element tree of React components that are including more React components, and it's all kind of loaded and done on the browser side. React server components make it possible for some of those components in the tree instead to be rendered by the server. And then you can push off some of the work to the server side and still have some client rendered components by the browser. This has a couple of advantages. The first one is, of course, your server has more direct access to your data sources, so things like your database, GraphQL, endpoints, or even your file system, things like that. The server can directly fetch the data that you need and it doesn't have to go through an API endpoint like your client side would normally have to. So this makes your app faster and also more secure because you don't have to go through that API layer. And if you have a lot of heavy code modules, so maybe, for example, you have like an expensive date formatting library or something like that, you can use that on your server component. So that means the library that you're using that might be a little big and bloated stays on your server, doesn't ever need to be transferred to your client. So you reduce your overall bundle size and also help the speediness of the loading. One thing to understand while we're kind of talking about this topic is server components, like we said, can fetch data and access the system or maybe your file system, but you cannot store state or have any context in these components. So if you need access to a state or context or anything like that, that's when you would have to bring in a client component because that work is obviously done on the browser. This next topic that we've included, the streaming server side, rendering server side, rendering is not itself a new component, but in react18. There's a new SSR API powered by suspense, and this really kind of unlocks a lot of cool features for server side rendering, so it eliminates data fetching waterfalls.


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