React Server Components

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React Server Components are a newer way of working with React that is widely adopted in frameworks like Next.js. In this talk, we will look under the surface of how they work and are executed on the server side, and how they fit with server rendering and traditional React apps.


React server components are a way to render components exclusively on the server, optimizing the amount of JavaScript shipped to the client. They allow for server-side rendering of components that do not require client-side interactivity, thus reducing the overall bundle size and improving performance.

React server components improve performance by reducing the JavaScript bundle size shipped to the client. By handling more rendering on the server side, only necessary interactive elements are shipped to the client, which minimizes the amount of data and processing needed on the client side.

Yes, React server components can be integrated with frameworks like Next.js, which handles much of the complexity involved in server-side rendering and component management, providing a more streamlined implementation process.

Implementing React server components in production can be challenging due to the need for architectural changes, especially if transitioning from a different setup. Deployment complexities and managing server actions can also pose difficulties.

Server components offer several benefits over traditional client-side rendering including faster initial load times since the HTML is generated on the server, reduced client-side computation needs, and better handling of data fetching which can lead to an improved overall user experience.

Debugging React server components typically involves using development tools provided by frameworks like Next.js, which offer built-in error handling and debugging aids. Developers can also use node-based tools to monitor and debug server-side rendering processes.

Tejas Kumar
Tejas Kumar
27 min
08 Dec, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

React server components solve the problem of interrupting user interfaces caused by CPU-bound or network-bound web applications. They allow for read-only content to be rendered on the server and interactive elements to be shipped to the client, reducing code shipped and improving performance. Server-side rendering and server-side fetching improve the user experience by reducing delays and flash of unstyled content. Soft navigation with server components enables re-rendering without hard navigation, and using frameworks like Next.js helps with debugging and deployment challenges.

Available in Español: Componentes de Servidor React

1. Introduction to React Server Components

Short description:

This conference is extremely special to me because I live in Berlin. I've spoken at many conferences around the world, but in Berlin, this is number two. I'm here to talk about React server components in depth. How many of you are using React server components? That's why I'm here.

♪ Listen, I, okay, this is... Phew, man, I've never been introduced like that. Thank you, thank you, thank you, brother. That was tremendous. Look, this conference is extremely special to me because I live here. Berlin, I call it home. I've lived here for eight years and it's an absolute honor and privilege to be able to be here and talk to you today in my home city.

This year, I've spoken at somewhere upwards of 30 conferences all around the world, but in Berlin, this is number two. And it's extremely special to me to see all of you here from Belgium, from the Netherlands, all these places coming here, not just to watch me, but to celebrate React together, right? And that is a special thing. So I just want to really quick give it up for you for coming, for Git Nation. Amazing. Incredible.

I feel like I have an intro slide, but apparently I don't need it thanks to Nathaniel. My name is Tejas, pronounced like contagious. I'm not, don't worry. And over the years, I've worked in tech now for many, many years. 20 plus, I lost count. And over the years, I've had the privilege of working with and at a number of various teams that I'm really thankful for. And really, it comes out of that that I want to share these things with you today, okay? Today, I'm a consultant. I help developer-focused companies do DevRel. And if you need help with that, I'm happy to chat after. But that's not what we're here to talk about today. Today, we're here to talk about React server components. We're going to talk about it in some depth. We have 20 minutes, so we'll see how far we get. The last time I gave this talk, it was 45 minutes, even though it was in a 20-minute slot. And then the GitNation folks were like, never again. In fact, it was the last talk and it went over time, so now they're like, we'll give you the first talk, so you can't go over time. Anyway, how many of you are using React server components? Okay, that's, I'd say, 1% if that of the room, which is fine. I mean, it's new, and that's why I'm here.

2. Mechanism of React Server Components

Short description:

What I want to talk to you about is the mechanism of React server components. I'm not going to talk to you about how to use it. We'll cover server components from the theory side, look at the problems they solve, and how you can implement server component rendering-ish in practice. Let's get started talking about server components and how React enables web applications to react well and fast.

What I want to talk to you about is the mechanism of React server components. So I'm not going to talk to you about how to use it. The prevalent way of how to use it is to actually just use Next.js or a framework that handles the complexity for you. I think this is relatively straightforward. You can find it, Tobias from Marcelo is here, he'll probably talk to you about it, et cetera. What I want to teach you is the mechanism, how they work. Because I have a problem accepting high-level black box abstractions as an engineer.

Anyone, am I alone in this? Anyone else? Yeah, okay, most people. And so if you tell me, just use Next.js, and it's figured out for you, I'm like, okay, that's awesome, thank you, Next.js team, but how does it work so I understand the underlying mechanism? Okay? And so that's what we're here to talk about today.

In our time together, we will not cover two things. We're not going to cover the basics of React, I assume you know this. And if you don't, we can chat separately, but I have 20 minutes here. And we will not cover server actions because at the time of giving the talk, a lot of the React-specific stuff with server actions is in Canary, meaning it's pre-release, it's not production-ready. You can use server actions in Next.js, but again, I'm not ready to talk about that in a React capacity. What we will talk about is server components from the theory side. We'll look at the problems they solve, and then we'll look at how you can implement server component rendering-ish in practice. We'll look at the boundaries between server components, client components, what they mean and how they fit together.

Okay, with that, I have 15 minutes left. Wow. With that, let's get started talking about server components. Actually, let's zoom out a little bit and talk about React. I recently had the privilege of writing a book on React, and so I'm thinking, like, first principles style. React, by its name, is a piece of software that enables web applications to what? To React, to user interact. That's the whole point. And you might think, okay, so I click a button and React does stuff. Exactly. But it's not just about reacting. It's about reacting well. It's about reacting fast. It's about when some expensive CPU work is happening, right? You're rendering a big list, and then a user enters a keystroke in an input.


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