Smoothly Inclusive Component Library Documentation

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Is your complex documentation setup a maintenance nightmare and chasing away potential contributors? In this talk, you will learn how to make your React component library documentation more user and contributor-friendly with Gats and MDX. Pair this with accessibility best practices, and your documentation will be inclusively smooth.


Kathleen McMahon is a principal engineer at CarGurus and an enthusiast of design systems, particularly component libraries. She has a background in leading tech for O'Reilly Media's Design System and is also known for participating in bike races.

Gatsby benefits documentation by allowing migration of main documentation pages seamlessly, providing similar configurations to Create React app through Webpack and Babel, and supporting MDX for enhanced Markdown documentation incorporating React components. It also improves accessibility and reduces the number of CLI commands needed.

MDX is a markdown format that allows you to write JSX directly in your markdown files and compile it into semantic HTML. This is crucial for documentation as it enhances accessibility, supports the use of React components within the docs, and provides better support for assistive technologies.

The Gatsby-plugin ecosystem enhanced documentation by supporting various functionalities such as PostCSS, compiling ES6 packages, recognizing MDX files, auto-linking headers for better screen reader support, creating pages from source folders, and managing filesystems for data files and component MDX files.

The previous documentation setup was fragmented between design system and docs repos, had complex syncing and script running requirements, and required markdown to be written in a specific format. This setup was cumbersome and unwelcoming for new contributors, often resulting in missing documentation sections.

MDX allowed for direct embedding of React components into documentation, facilitated the creation of dynamic examples such as editable code blocks, and streamlined the formatting and presentation of component properties and best practices, thereby making documentation more interactive and user-friendly.

Kathleen used Gatsby-plugin-post-css, Gatsby-plugin-compile-es6, Gatsby-plugin-mdx, Gatsby-remark-autolink-headers, Gatsby-plugin-page-creator, and Gatsby-plugin-filesystem. These plugins helped in managing styles, supporting MDX files, creating pages, and managing data more efficiently within the Gatsby framework.

The docs contribution process was improved by revising the structure and authoring approach, which included integrating all documentation into a single repository, simplifying the setup process, and using MDX to enable more dynamic and inclusive documentation practices.

Kathleen McMahon
Kathleen McMahon
18 min
17 Jun, 2021


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Video Summary and Transcription

This Talk discusses how Gatsby and MDX can improve component library documentation. The speaker shares their experience with a previous design system and the challenges they faced with documentation. They explain how Gatsby was chosen as a solution and the benefits it provided. The use of MDX is highlighted as a way to enhance component documentation. The addition of editable code blocks is also mentioned as a means to make the documentation more interactive and intuitive.

1. Introduction to Component Library Documentation

Short description:

Hello, my name is Kathleen McMahon and I'm here today to tell you how Gatsby and NDX make your component library documentation smoothly inclusive. Before we begin, let's get some details out of the way. My slide deck will be posted on Noticed including links to resources that I briefly touch upon. Before we dig into GaspianMDX, let's back up a bit so I can introduce myself a little bit better. I'm a principal engineer at CarGurus and I race bikes, very badly. Before CarGurus, I was a tech lead for the O'Reilly Media Design System. In our case, our focus was to extract the business logic out of our components and get the accessibility in. We fixed our colors, our components, our patterns, and rebooted our docs. Once that was done, we realized that part of our system was becoming a hindrance to our team and a barrier to entry for our contributors, our documentation. Our process was spread across two projects, the design system repo and the design system docs repo. Just getting started working with these repos was overwhelming for new contributors to say the least. The scripts were set up in such a way that you had to write your markdown in a very specific order for your component and your content to show up in the docs. So while our docs scripts were great for generating color swatches and details about which props were available in components, the process was not great for creating our component documentation which frustrated everyone. One mistake and if not whole chunks of documentation would be missing from the component pages. We had the freedom of using markdown yet we were not taking advantage of it.

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Hello, my name is Kathleen McMahon and I'm here today to tell you how Gatsby and NDX make your component library documentation smoothly inclusive. Before we begin, let's get some details out of the way. My slide deck will be posted on Noticed including links to resources that I briefly touch upon. The full URL will be available later today on Twitter. But for now, if you want to download, if you want to take a look, you can look at r-e-s-o-u-r-c-e-1-1 You can also find me at resource11 on Twitter, Instagram and GitHub.

Before we dig into GaspianMDX, let's back up a bit so I can introduce myself a little bit better. I'm a principal engineer at CarGurus and I race bikes, very badly. Mostly, you'll see me in costume racing two laps to your six at the back of the pack on a single-speed bike, mostly, unless something happens, like a pandemic kicking in our doors. Then, your racing season is postponed. So, while I'm an engineer and a super slow bike racer, I am a super fan of design systems, especially the component library parts. Before CarGurus, I was a tech lead for the O'Reilly Media Design System. While I was there, I learned a lot about streamlining component libraries and optimizing documentation. If you've never worked on a design system before, let's just say there are a lot of moving parts. And if your core team is small and you are rebooting your component library, you really have to choose your focus and rely on your contributors. In our case, our focus was to extract the business logic out of our components and get the accessibility in. We fixed our colors, our components, our patterns, and rebooted our docs. Once that was done, we realized that part of our system was becoming a hindrance to our team and a barrier to entry for our contributors, our documentation. Our process was spread across two projects, the design system repo and the design system docs repo. In the design system repo, the documentation content was stored in two locations while the docs repo held the site scaffolding and the docs layout components. To get up and running, you had to follow a detailed series of steps to sync, run scripts, grab files, parse information, generate data and render the docs into a React app. Ooh, that's a lot. Just getting started working with these repos was overwhelming for new contributors to say the least. But wait, there's more. The scripts were set up in such a way that you had to write your markdown in a very specific order for your component and your content to show up in the docs. Your button heading could be paired with an intro paragraph but only one paragraph. Same with the variance, only one paragraph and then a code block. Best practices had to be written as an unordered list, always, same with the related components section, always and an ordered list. So while our docs scripts were great for generating color swatches and details about which props were available in components, the process was not great for creating our component documentation which frustrated everyone. One mistake and if not whole chunks of documentation would be missing from the component pages. We had the freedom of using markdown yet we were not taking advantage of it.

2. Improving the Documentation Process with Gatsby

Short description:

This was a serious cognitive lift even for someone who was very familiar with the code base. We decided to review our process what wasn't working. One of our biggest issues, we chose to show one component variant at a time rather than all at once. This forced our users to access a select menu over and over again to compare component variants which increased the time they needed to look up information. It didn't make sense. So we decided it was time to make our docs contribution process more user-friendly in terms of structure and in terms of how we authored. We considered our options for making our docs better and decided upon Gatsby for a few reasons. One, Gatsby gave us a way to migrate all our main documentation pages right into the site without much fuss. Two, Gatsby provides a web pack and Babel config similar to Create React app, so we could start with a scaffolded project and extend as needed. And three, Gatsby supports MDX, so we could write component documentation using Markdown, import React components right into the file, and it just works even better. MDX compiles down into semantic HTML, which in turn gives the site improved accessibility. As a bonus, Gatsby, we streamed our stuff from two repos to one and reduced the amount of CLI commands dramatically. However, we needed to make some adjustments so Gatsby worked for our needs.

This was a serious cognitive lift even for someone who was very familiar with the code base. Now imagine, if you have a new contributor to your project, not exactly welcoming experience.

We decided to review our process what wasn't working. One of our biggest issues, we chose to show one component variant at a time rather than all at once. This forced our users to access a select menu over and over again to compare component variants which increased the time they needed to look up information. It didn't make sense. In retrospect, that decision was about as questionable as a recipe that combines Jell-O with shellfish.

So we decided it was time to make our docs contribution process more user-friendly in terms of structure and in terms of how we authored. Especially the component example pages. We wanted the users to have the confidence that whatever content they wrote on the docs page would make it into that docs page. If we made our docs more user-friendly, we'd have more contributors rather than fewer.

We considered our options for making our docs better and decided upon Gatsby for a few reasons. One, Gatsby gave us a way to migrate all our main documentation pages right into the site without much fuss. Two, Gatsby provides a web pack and Babel config similar to Create React app, so we could start with a scaffolded project and extend as needed. And three, Gatsby supports MDX, so we could write component documentation using Markdown, import React components right into the file, and it just works even better. MDX compiles down into semantic HTML, which in turn gives the site improved accessibility. Better support for users that rely on assistive technology to access the docs, if a design system's promoting inclusivity in general, and really should, it follows that inclusive docs make sense.

As a bonus, Gatsby, we streamed our stuff from two repos to one and reduced the amount of CLI commands dramatically. The default setup for Gatsby is great. However, we needed to make some adjustments so Gatsby worked for our needs. In the gatsby-config file, we added Gatsby-plugin-post-css to support post-css. Gatsby-plugin-compile-es6 packages to support our design system package. Gatsby-plugin-mdx, so the site would recognize MDX files. Gatsby-remark-autolink headers to generate auto links for page headings for better screen reader and keyboard support. Gatsby-plugin-page-creator to create pages from the source pages folder. And Gatsby-plugin-filesystem so we could pull in our data file and point Gatsby to the folder where all our component MDX files lived. In the Gatsby node file, we added a GraphQL query to find the component MDX content. And it create page action to routes and pages for the component docs. In the Gatsby browser file, we added things we wanted to apply throughout the site, like our global CSS styles and the wrap route element component. The wrap root element component acts as a wrapper around the site's root element and imports the MDX provider.

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