Documenting components with stories

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Most documentation systems focus on text content of one form or another: WYSIWYG editors, markdown, code comments, and so forth. Storybook, the industry-standard component workshop, takes a very different approach, focusing instead on component examples, or stories.

In this demo, I will introduce an open format called Component Story Format (CSF).

I will show how CSF can be used used to create interactive docs in Storybook, including auto-generated DocsPage and freeform MDX documentation. Storybook Docs is a convenient way to build a living production design system.

I will then show how CSF stories can be used create novel forms of documentation, such as multiplayer collaborative docs, interactive design prototypes, and even behavioral documentation via tests.

Finally, I will present the current status and outline a roadmap of improvements that are on their way in the coming months.

Michael Shilman
Michael Shilman
18 min
01 Sep, 2021


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Video transcription, chapters and summary will be available later.

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