Security Controls in the JavaScript Supply Chain

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The omnipresence of open-source software and low-barrier of entry on npmjs are serving as a catalyst for supply chain security incidents that are continuously impacting JavaScript developers. What can we do to protect ourselves?

Liran Tal
Liran Tal
28 min
16 Jun, 2022


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Video Summary and Transcription

This talk discusses the security challenges in the JavaScript ecosystem, including supply chain security, lock file tampering, and arbitrary command execution. It highlights the risks of blind upgrades and hidden comments in code. The talk also covers dependency confusion attacks and the importance of establishing a threat model for node applications.

1. Introduction to JavaScript Ecosystem Security

Short description:

Thank you for joining me today. I'm Yaron Tal, a developer advocate at Snyk. I will share real-world stories about the role of developers in the security ecosystem and the state of security in the JavaScript ecosystem. When you do an npm install, it's okay to feel concerned. I will provide security controls to mitigate the risks. Installing an average npm package involves trusting numerous maintainers and dependencies. This concern is not new and has been discussed for decades, as demonstrated by Ken Thompson's essay on trusting trust.

And now... Well, thank you, everyone, for joining me today. My name is Yaron Tal, and I'm a developer advocate at Snyk. And I'm going to talk about several stories happening in the JavaScript ecosystem, in which I'm involved in several parts through my work at Snyk, trying to help developers, you know, me and yourself, all of us, build secure software, ship it, whether it's your CI or IDE or whatever.

It's a really great way to just interact and engage developers. But through that work, I also do a lot of things with a community, which is through the OS security project, or maybe through things like the node foundation security, triage vulnerabilities, and a lot of work around open source. And that kind of like, helps me get a clear picture of what is going on, where things are going.

So, with that said, today, I would like to share with you some real-world stories and tell you how developers like yourselves play a very fundamental and key role in the security ecosystem and even in security incidents that have been happening recently. Also, what is the current state of affairs with the security and the supply chain security of open source and JavaScript ecosystem.

Now, I realize that this is probably, everyone kind of like relates to this in a very emotional state, right, when you go and do an npm install. Yes? So, I'm here to tell you that this is okay. You are filling something that every one of us fills before we do an npm install, and this whole talk will basically be about why you feel that way, but also give you some preventive measures, some security controls that you can have and add tomorrow in your team to be able to mitigate the risks around things that happen there.

So, that filling that you have if you can relate to that MIM is basically very based on some foundational scientific research. One of those cases a couple of years ago have shown us how when we install the average npm package, we put a lot of trust out there into maintainers. And third-party dependency that we're bringing in. Installing the average npm package just by that, you're probably trusting about 79 third-party dependencies and 79 and then 39 maintainers. That's a lot. That means there's going to be probably a lot of noise and potentially pain to maybe also remediate some of this. But this is the truth of the things.

And I'm also here to tell you that this isn't a new concern. In fact, this whole thing about where do we put our trust as developers and how much should we trust? What should we trust exactly? Is something that's been talked about almost 40 years ago. This person called Ken Thompson, he's an award-winning Turing award developer, and he had actually went on to create this essay called Reflections on Trusting Trust. I highly recommend reading it, but just giving you the gist of what it actually means.

So this person went off and said, I want to show you what it means to trust people. And then he added a back door to the Unix login program. But of course people review codes, right? On open source. So then he went on and continued this chain of adding the back door to the compiler that then compiles the login program and then it will inject it. But well, people also review the compiler codes. Well, how do you compile compilers? You need one entry point to begin with. And so he actually went on and added that back door.

2. Insights on Open Source and Supply Chain Security

Short description:

That's Rojan thing that he wanted to show us as an experiment how this works. Added this to the compiler that then compiles the Unix login program. It reveals why trust is important and how much further we need to go. Open Source is great and using it is a productivity tool. We need to understand the gift of Open Source and the supply chain security story. It's not just about NPM dependencies, but also the entire software building process and integration points.

That's Rojan thing that he wanted to show us as an experiment how this works. Added this to the compiler that then compiles the Unix login program. So if you review the Unix login program and if you review the compiler, at that point you will not see it anymore. Because you still need a binary compiler to then compile all of those. And that is where things are happening. That is where the back door is inserted.

A very interesting insight in revealing how software kind of like has traits and how it spawns them on to other specific programs that it gets generated out of. And so I highly recommend reading this. But it shows us like why trust is important and how much further we need to go in order to put that trust somewhere.

So still Open Source is great. And we can't deny the fact that to build software today, we need to use Open Source software even when maybe the program that we build is not Open Source itself, maybe half of it or whatever. But that's kind of like the reality. And of course, why not? Why not use Open Source software, right? Because essentially what we really want is not to reinvent the wheel. We want to use work that great people have done, and then we can take that work and use it to practice. And this is a great productivity tool.

So by now, I'm pretty sure we're hitting that two million mark on NPM. So I don't know. Amazing to us, to all of you here, helping us promote Open Source software. But at the same time, we kind of need to understand and recognize this gift that we're given, that Open Source has been given to the world, and what it actually means. So all of those packages, they are essentially the supply. This is part of the supply chain security story. And it is relatively an easy thing to think for us, that all those supply chain securities may be NPM dependencies. But it's not really just that. In fact, if we go back all the way to the basics of how software is being built, we can see that we have several connection points along the way. So you're a developer, you're building something, maybe pushing it to GitHub. That's basically your source control, then there's a build getting triggered, then there's some output out of that. Maybe that's essentially a package or maybe that's getting thrown onto some CDN or whatever. And you're using some open source through the build process. So all of that is essentially how we're building software. But here are the integration points of what supply chain security means at the very basic level.

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