Rogule: Tales From the Dungeon of a Web Based Rogulelike

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Rogule is an emoji based open source online roguelike game that started life as a 7DRL game jam entry. It has now grown to around 1,500 games per day. In this talk I'll cover the weird tech (ClojureScript), the motivation, game mechanics, and the future of Rogule.

Chris McCormick
Chris McCormick
19 min
28 Sep, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

Chris McCormick, an independent software developer, discusses his latest game Rogl, a minimalist online roguelike game. He shares the story of how Rogl gained popularity and emphasizes the importance of marketing and giving your creations a chance. McCormick highlights the value of frugality and underengineering, as well as the power of finding the best tech for efficiency. He explains why ClojureScript is the best tech for him and discusses deployment strategies using Piku. Overall, the talk emphasizes the importance of informing people about your project, prioritizing fast development, and user feedback.

1. Introduction to Rogl

Short description:

My name is Chris McCormick, an independent software developer. I've been making web-based games, and today I'm here to talk about my latest game, Rogl. It's a minimalist online roguelike game played in the browser. The game features turn-based strategic gameplay, grid-based movement, and permanent death of the player character.

My name is Chris McCormick, and I'm an independent software developer. I've been working freelance most of my life, and recently I've been building online micro businesses. I also like making games and procedurally generated music and music apps.

Today I'm here to talk about Rogl. The first computer program I ever wrote was a turn-based game of catch on the Apple IIe in 1980 something. I was about eight years old and I soon discovered I liked making games more than I liked playing them, so I kept making games. And today I make web-based games.

Rogl's my latest game and that's what I'm here to talk about today. It's a minimalist online roguelike game you play in your browser. You play an elf moving around a dungeon, hacking at monsters, picking up items, and you try to find a shrine so you can ascend. Everyone gets the same dungeon each day and you get one chance to be each day's dungeon. There have been about 350,000 roguelike games played since 2022 and about 1,000 to 2,000 games are played every day. If you search for the roguel hashtag on social media you'll probably see people sharing their games.

I've been playing roguelikes since the Intel 286 was a fast computer. The word roguelike comes from the game Rogue which was released in 1980. It's a dungeon crawl through procedurally generated levels with turn-based gameplay, grid-based movement and permanent death of the player character. These days many games have entered the roguelike genre and its meaning has become diluted. For me these features are what make roguelikes great and my game Roguel sticks with them. Turn-based strategic gameplay is particularly important. It gives you space to think and removes the stress of having to act for a calmer game experience.

2. The Story of Roguel

Short description:

Roguel is a different kind of roguelike game with emojis, fast gameplay, and a simple user experience. It started as a seven-day project inspired by Wordle and gained popularity after being shared on the web game subreddit, attracting 135,000 players. The first takeaway from this talk is that sometimes even good projects may not gain traction online, but it's still valid to build something you personally want.

There are a couple of things that make roguelike different from traditional roguelikes. The first obvious thing is the emojis and it's a fast game with most sessions lasting around one minute. Secondly it doesn't have any inventory management. All items you pick up are used automatically. Thirdly it only has one level and there's no descending deeper into the dungeon. The depth and complexity of roguelikes is exchanged for fast user friendly sessions. I think this, as well as being web-based, is what makes it accessible to wider audiences.

I also spent quite a lot of time making the user experience super simple. Roguel started life in a seven day roguelike jam in early 2022. I had been thinking about making an emoji-based roguelike for a while. Around that time I heard a great interview with the Wordle creator Josh Wardle. I started thinking about how to apply some of the principles from Wordle to a roguelike game. So I built the game in one week for 70 RL. And when it was done, I was fairly satisfied with what I'd built. It was fun to play, had a win condition, a lose condition, and a little social media shareable at the end of the game. After release I put the game online and it had about 30 regular players per day. People even shared the game logs so that was pretty nice.

Fast forward about 1 year during which I changed very little about Roguel. About 30 people a day were still playing it and not much else had happened. Then one day I discovered the web game subreddit. I thought this is pretty cool, I guess I'll post about Roguel there. So I put it up and I went to sleep. Over the next couple of days, 135,000 people played Roguel. It hit number 1 on Hacker News, the Github Twitter account re-tweeted it, it got written up in a popular Japanese online magazine, all of which was quite surprising. None of that would have happened if I hadn't shared it on reddit web games. So I think this is the first takeaway from my talk. All of us have had that experience of making something we think is pretty good and then we put it online and it seems like the world just doesn't really want it. Well there are 2 possible reasons why that happens. The first reason is if your thing sucks or it sucks for everybody except you, which is fine. Building something because you only want it is a perfectly valid reason to build something.

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