Pixi Powerups!

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A look into Pixi.js coolest and lesser known features.

Including treats such as:

- Meshes

- Spine Animation

- Custom filters

- Render Textures and Image exporting

Showing example how it can make working with WebGL super easy and give your content that edge it needs to stand out!


A Pixie renderer is a component in Pixie used to handle the rendering process of graphics. To create a new Pixie renderer, you import the renderer from Pixie, set your desired width and height for the canvas, and then add the renderer's view to the DOM to start rendering your graphics.

To add a background in Pixie, you create a sprite object using a background image file (e.g., background.png). This sprite is then added to your scene to serve as the background.

The Pixie ticker object is used to handle animations by utilizing request animation frames. It allows you to add functions that will be called at a set frame rate (e.g., 60fps), enabling smooth animations and rendering within the Pixie environment.

In Pixie, you can animate fishes by creating sprite objects for each fish, setting their positions and speeds, and then using the ticker to update their positions based on their assigned speeds. This creates a dynamic scene where fishes move around realistically.

The Pixie Rope is a feature in Pixie that allows you to distort an image based on an array of points. It maps a texture onto these points, enabling the creation of dynamic and flexible visual effects, such as simulating movement or waves.

To implement Spine animations in Pixie, you first need to install the Pixie Spine plugin. Then, load the Spine animation data (e.g., a JSON file) using a loader, create a Spine object, set its position and animation, and add it to your scene.

Pixie filters are effects that can be applied to the scene or specific objects to alter their appearance, such as blurring or displacement effects. You create a filter, such as a blur or displacement filter, and assign it to the `filters` property of the scene or object.

To capture and download images, use a render texture to snapshot the scene or part of it. Then, use the renderer's extract module to convert this render texture into a canvas or image file. Finally, create a downloadable link for this image to enable users to save it.

Mat Groves
Mat Groves
30 min
09 Jun, 2021


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Video Summary and Transcription

Pixie is a powerful tool for creating scenes and effects in software development. It supports features like texture mapping, Spine animation, and filters for creating cool effects. The talk also covers the use of render textures to capture and download images, as well as the importance of communication and a positive attitude in software development. The speaker shares their journey into coding and discusses the potential for porting Unity games to JavaScript using technologies like web GL and web GPU.

Available in Español: ¡Potenciadores de Pixi!

1. Introduction to Pixie and Scene Creation

Short description:

Pixie power ups. Use Pixie to make nice effects and elevate your content. We'll create a scene using Pixie and explain the code and effects. It's like a budget Pokemon snap. Click on fishes to generate a Polaroid. Start by creating a new Pixie renderer. Set width, height, and add CSS for alignment. Create a stage, scene, and add them to the renderer. Use Pixie's ticker for animation frames. Build up the scene and explain the features. Make a background using a sprite object and texture.

Here are a few examples. Pixie power ups. These are cool features you can use in Pixie to make nice effects and elevate your content. We're going to do this today via example. We are going to make this scene using Pixie. I'm going to go through the code and explain what we're using and why to create the different effects.

This is basically like a budget Pokemon snap. You can click on the little fishes and it will generate a little Polaroid for you. Let's make this.

To start off with we're going to look at our code. Let's tidy this up. We'll go to index.ts. Here we go. To start off with we're going to create a new Pixie renderer. It's as straight forward as importing a renderer from Pixie. We get a new renderer, we set our width and height. It's just hard coded for ease today so we don't have to worry about resizing stuff. So, we create a renderer, then I just push a little bit of CSS in there that just makes this center aligned and scale nicely. Then we take the renderer's view which is basically the canvass element that Pixie's going to render into and we add that to the Dom.

Then we create a stage and a scene and we add the scene to the stage and their container a bit like a div element or a, you know, node in their Dom tree. Then we use Pixie's ticker object which is basically a nice easy way of using request animation frames. So we just add a function to this ticker and it means it's going to get called 60fps. And then what we do every frame is we just go renderer, render my stage and we end up with this. Well, not quite this. We end up with this, a lovely black screen. So let's go through and build up this scene and as we talk a bit about, as we hit features I'll give a little explanation on how they work.

So the first thing we want to do is we want to make a background. So if I just go in here, super straight forward. We just create a sprite object which is like Pixie's most basic thing. Here's a texture and then you can just put that texture in your scene and move it around and align it and stuff.

2. Adding Background, Fishes, and Foreground

Short description:

Add a background to the scene and create a lovely basic background. Then, create an array of fishes and loop through them to create fish sprites. Set the position, speed, and flip the fish based on its speed. Add the fish to the scene and push it to the fishes array. Use the ticker to move the fish and wrap around when reaching the edge. Add a foreground to the scene. Now we have a scene with a background, fishes, and foreground.

So we're not going to do anything. We're going to just other than just create one using this background PNG and then we're going to take our scene and we're going to add the background to the scene. And let's look at what that looks like. There we go. A lovely basic background.

Next we're going to add some fishes. So here is our making fishes function. So the first thing we do is we create an empty array of fishes. So this is where we're going to store a reference to all of our little fish. Then we're going to loop through 20 times and do sprite from and then we're going to use a fish asset. And basically the designer gave me seven fish assets so this will just basically use a different sprite up to seven. So it goes fish 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and then loop around again. Once we've got a fish sprite we just set the anchor to be 0.5, 0.5, which just basically means that the center of this sprite object is going to be in the zero rather than the top left, which is the default. Next we set our position of our fishes, so we go this fish is gonna be an x-coordinate random width, so somewhere randomly in the width and then random height, minus 300 so that we don't end up, he doesn't end up going, the fishes don't end up being underground. We then assign a random speed, like plus and minus speed and then we flip the fish depending on his speed. So if it's going that way we scale it minus 1 and if it's going that way we just keep scale as 1. Then we take our fish, we add it to the scene and we push our fish to our fishes array. Now let's see how, what we get. We should get this. So every time I refresh I get some lovely little fishes, just moving around.

So next thing I'm gonna do is use the ticker again like we did before for rendering, but we're gonna use it to move our fish. So all we do is we go, loop through all of our fish, here's a fish, and we go, right, fish, add its speed. So it's just gonna move in the direction that it was assigned here. When we get to the edge, we just use a modular which means that it will just wrap around, so when it gets to one side it will wrap around to the other and vice versa. And let's run it now, there we go, we've got some swimming fish. Obviously the cool thing about Pixi is it's quite performance, so you can actually have quite a lot of fish and it's always gonna stay nice and smooth. That's a bit too many for us, we'll go back to 20 I think.

All right, so next thing we wanna do is add a foreground. So again, just like the background, really straightforward, add it to the scene. Oh, there we go, so now we've got background, fishes and foreground.

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