Privacy-First Architecture

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Local-first community created a fresh new architecture for our world dominated by cloud. In this talk, Andrey Sitnik, will advocate for local-first architecture, delve into its unique futures, and provide real-world production experience.

This talk is helpful for every engineer because it contains multiple steps to improve privacy. From simple first steps without rewriting the app to profound revisions utilizing local-first architecture- there’s something for everyone.

Andrey Sitnik
Andrey Sitnik
29 min
13 Jun, 2024


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Video Summary and Transcription

Building JavaScript Apps and Privacy: Understanding the importance of privacy in software development and the impact it can have on the world. Privacy concerns extend beyond targeted advertising and include data leaks and breaches. The connection of multiple pieces of data by data brokers poses a threat to privacy. The local first approach allows for data storage on local devices while still using a server for synchronization. Implementing local first requires a good database and APIs for data storage. Principles like end-to-end encryption and password protection bring benefits but also present challenges. Moving to privacy-focused analytics, using passkeys for encryption, and secure data sharing are ways to protect user privacy.

1. Building JavaScript Apps and Privacy

Short description:

Let's find out what it takes to build a JavaScript application with React and why we should care about improving user privacy. Open source was created in the 80s to enable users to control and change how their devices work. Cryptography and hacking ethics also have political implications. As software developers, we have always been driven by principles, not just salaries. Developing software can have a significant impact on the world, and principles matter more than materialistic questions.

And now, let's find out what it takes to build a JavaScript application with React. Hi, everyone. My name is Andrey Sitnik, and today I will talk about why and how we can improve as a developer users' privacy.

And I know what some of you think, like, come on, nobody has to worry about privacy. Like, we should keep code out of the politics. So, let's talk about this one. This topic. Who uses open source? Do you know that open source was created in the 80s not to have a free library to use without payment, but to be able to control everything which works on your device and to be able to change how it works. So, it was not about like free beer. It was about really own your device, to be an owner rather than a user. And it's pretty political for me.

Another example, like cryptography. Right now, everything has HTTPS in the beginning. And this S means secure encrypted. And encryption was created, the whole philosophy under this encryption. In the 90s, it was created by the idea that protocols and software, which are not available in the market right now, will change the world which we will live in the future. And that people definitely changed the world which we live today. Or like hacking ethics. It contains a very interesting rule to mistrust the authority. And to me, it's pretty political. So, software developer was always about principles, was always about principles. And it was about like new things to think about, salaries, Silicon value, et cetera. Because just a few like recently, whole society sees us as fighters against the system rather than, you know, people who are helping the system for high salaries in the Silicon value. Okay. But why I should care about the politics? First, because today, you can develop, you know, a software which controls the screen of the software. The software will control you. Like the software, it's really like change the world where we live in the future. Second, because materialist question could not answer the most important questions. Why? And this is why like salary doesn't, there is no salary which will be able to fill the hole in your soul. But like principles can.

2. Privacy Matters

Short description:

Privacy is important, and there are reasons to care about it. People often dismiss privacy as only being about targeted advertising, but it goes beyond that. Data brokers collect data from various applications and sell it to shady clients. Data leaks and breaches are also common, and even if your company doesn't work with data brokers, your data can still be exposed. A real-life example involves a food delivery service losing a year's worth of data, including personal information. While some may argue that storing only emails is not a big deal, privacy should still be a concern.

But there is many revolution. I can say that like only privacy is important. So, privacy does not mean that you should care about everything. It's okay to have sympathy for everything. But you know, pick two or three just special for you.

There is no reasons how I can explain why privacy is better. But I can explain my reasons. So, a lot of people think privacy is not important because privacy is just for better advertisement. You know, this Google just to show me a better ads. Data broker is a company which buy a data from the many, many different applications, combine them and sell to very shady clients. Four years ago, journalists found a very creepy case when data broker called Xmode collected data from the Quran app, Muslim dating app, Craiglist, many apps and sell to the U.S. military contractor. It's creepy shady to be honest. Okay. But like we don't work with data brokers. Why I should care if my company like doesn't work with them? You know, if you don't sell the data, it doesn't mean the data will not be available for everyone.

There is such things called data leaks or like data breaches. It's when hackers take the data from your servers and like sell it. There is a way, and right now it's more and more. And if you like, if you save any data to your server, in some moment it will be leaked in my opinion. There is a very interesting example. A few years ago, Yandex food deliveries like Russian Uber Eats, they lost data for the whole year about the deliveries. Whole year of all deliveries contain data with your first and last name, delivery address, delivery time and phone. And people even create a very nice application, map application, where you can, you know, Google and easily find some person in this data. Imagine what your relatives could find in this data. For instance, what if you told your grandma that you will not eat her pie because you are not hungry? But then she will go and find that just 30 minutes later you ordered some Chinese food. Okay. But like in my application, we don't have really private data. You know, we just store emails. So it's not a big deal.


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