GPU Accelerating Node.js Web Services and Visualization with RAPIDS

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The expansion of data size and complexity, broader adoption of ML, as well as the high expectations put on modern web apps all demand increasing compute power. Learn how the RAPIDS data science libraries can be used beyond notebooks, with GPU accelerated Node.js web services. From ETL to server side rendered streaming visualizations, the experimental Node RAPIDS project is developing a broad set of modules able to run across local desktops and multi-GPU cloud instances.


Rapids is an open-source GPU-accelerated data science platform that offers data science libraries and visualization tools. It includes libraries like cuDF for DataFrame operations and cuML for machine learning algorithms, primarily designed for Linux-based systems but accessible on Windows via WSL 2.

Node Rapids is an open-source project providing modular library bindings of Rapids in Node.js. It focuses on accelerating data science and visualization pipelines fully in JavaScript and TypeScript, enhancing the performance of web applications by utilizing GPU acceleration.

Node Rapids allows developers to use JavaScript for high-performance computing traditionally done in Python or C++. By integrating Rapids' GPU-accelerated libraries into Node.js, it enables faster data processing and advanced visualization capabilities directly within JavaScript environments.

Node Rapids supports high-performance, browser-like visualizations using libraries such as DataShader for server-side rendering of large datasets. It also integrates with WebGL to allow enhanced graphics rendering capabilities via OpenGL, making it suitable for interactive and complex visual data representations.

Node Rapids is comprised of several components including memory management with access to CUDA for GPU memory, data science libraries like cuDF and cuGraph, and a graphics column that leverages WebGL and OpenGL. It also supports GPU video encoding and streaming capabilities for dynamic data interaction.

Yes, Node Rapids can be used on Windows systems through the Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL 2). However, while compute functionalities are supported, rendering capabilities might be limited until further updates provide enhanced support.

Future plans for Node Rapids include improving the developer experience, making installation easier potentially via npm, expanding visualization applications, and striving for full support on Windows with WSL 2, including OpenGL capabilities.

Node Rapids bridges the gap between high-performance computing and web development by bringing powerful GPU-accelerated data science capabilities to JavaScript developers, without the need to learn new programming languages.

Allan Enemark
Allan Enemark
26 min
20 Jun, 2022


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Video Summary and Transcription

Welcome to GPU Accelerating Node.js Web Services and Visualization with Rapids. Rapids aims to bring high-performance data science capabilities to Node.js, providing a streamlined API to the Rapids platform without the need to learn a new language or environment. GPU acceleration in Node.js enables performance optimization and memory access without changing existing code. The demos showcase the power and speed of GPUs and rapids in ETL data processing, graph visualization, and point cloud interaction. Future plans include expanding the library, improving developer UX, and exploring native Windows support.

1. Introduction to GPU Acceleration and Node Rapids

Short description:

Welcome to GPU Accelerating Node.js Web Services and Visualization with Rapids. Rapids is an open-source GPU-accelerated data science platform, and Node Rapids is an open-source modular library of Rapids-inclusive bindings in Node.js. Our main goal is to accelerate data science and visualization pipelines fully in JavaScript and TypeScript, and bring GPU acceleration to a wider variety of NodeJS and JS utilities.

Hi, and welcome to GPU Accelerating Node.js Web Services and Visualization with Rapids. I'm Allan Ane-Mark, and I am the lead in the Rapids Viz team here at NVIDIA.

So, Rapids is an open-source GPU-accelerated data science platform, and then you can find more details at and, and Node Rapids, which is the project I'm going to be talking about, is an open-source modular library of Rapids-inclusive bindings in Node.js, as well as some other complementary methods for supporting high performance browser-like visualizations. It's currently in technical preview, but you can find more details about it at slash slash Node.

And really, our main goal in this framework is creating something that can accelerate data science and visualization pipelines fully in JavaScript and TypeScript, which is something that is traditionally done mostly in, say, Python. And our second goal is bringing GPU acceleration to a wider variety of NodeJS and JS utilities, since we feel like the general community is sort of getting not as much access to these high-performance tools as we'd like.

2. Introduction to Node Rapids

Short description:

Rapids provides data science libraries, machine learning algorithms, and visualization tools. It is traditionally used with Python and C++, but can also be used with Windows through WSL 2. In the Viz ecosystem, libraries like Cougraph and DataShader are used for creating dashboards and server-side rendering. Node Rapids aims to bring high-performance data science capabilities to Node.js, allowing developers to leverage existing JS vis libraries and accelerate their applications. It provides a streamlined API to the Rapids platform without the need to learn a new language or environment.

So what do you get with Rapids, which is traditionally Python and C++? You get these data science libraries, such as DataFrame Operations in CUDF, you get CUML, which is a lot of GPU accelerated machine learning algorithms, Cougraph, Forgraph stuff, Spatial, Signal, all the like, and more being developed continuously, and these are continuously getting improved. The caveat being these are mainly around Linux-based systems, so if you want to use Windows with them, you can. It has to be through WSL 2, however.

So what kind of libraries in the Viz ecosystem traditionally happen in Python? So we have our own Cougraph filter, which is a notebook-based cross-filtering tool where you can create these dashboards very quickly in a few lines of Python code, and then very quickly interact with hundreds of millions of rows of data in a pretty customizable way. And we make extensive use of one of the other great Viz libraries out there called DataShader, which is great at server-side rendering hundreds of millions of points. All this is GPU-accelerated. And really part of this great ecosystem of Viz and Analytics tools, which sort of lie on the spectrum between your back-end C, C++, Python that sort of transitions into just front-side JS. And really when it comes to the Data Science and Compute, then mainly analytic stuff, more on the performance side, it all sort of starts with the Python C++ side. And it sort of is like then translated into JavaScript for like interface stuff. You have some that are a little bit more in an intermediary, but really it sort of starts there and then ends up in JavaScript, or just stays in JavaScript. What we're sort of proposing is the inverse. We're going to start with the JS libraries and then bring them back to this more high-performing back-end in Node.js. So give them access to CUDA, and CUDF, Cugraph, all those sort of things.

So our experience with this is sort of started a while ago when we were making lots of demos for RAPIDS, and in this case we were making a great mortgage visualization where you have DECGL and React, and it all was kind of a very fast nice interface. It fits all kinds of different screens and all that, but the backend was a mess. We had multiple languages, multiple servers. It sort of became unsustainable, and we just basically each gave up, said, oh, well, let's just do it in Python and Notebooks. But deep down we were really kind of sad because there's all these great JS Viz libraries and the kind of custom abilities you get using them that we sort of were lacking, and it's a shame because now you kind of have this two continental divides, right? You have Python and C++ and you have JavaScript and TypeScript and this chasm between them where you're sort of separating the capabilities between them. So on one side you get direct access to hardware, you know, most of the HPC, high-performance computing, data science and compute libraries are in this space. Not the best usability because it's like a high learning curve, but this is the place to go for that high-performance stuff. On the other side you kind of have the JavaScript-TypeScript where you have your nice browser environment which is great for shareability and accessibility and compatibility, in my opinion a little bit more refined visualization and interface libraries, but again you don't get that performance because you're sort of bounded by the browser sandbox. So it's kind of a shame because you have, you know, data scientists and engineers and folks in front of those and they're kind of all siloed in their side but they can mutually benefit from each other's tooling and experience. So, hence Node Rapids, where we're hoping to give the Node.js dev community the streamlined API to a high-performance data science platform, Rapids, without the need to learn a new language or environment. So you can then leverage Rapids and Node.js features, you can accelerate the catalog of great JS vis libraries already out there without major refactoring, you can learn locally or through cloud instances and it's sort of well suited for accelerated vis apps, Node service apps, and again you help enable these two communities to more closely work together and vice versa. So, that's sort of the high ideals and what's the actual meat and bones of this thing? Well, here it is, Node Rapids. It's a very modular kind of library. So, it's a buffet style. You kind of pick and choose what you need for your use case. It's kind of organized in these main categories. The main being the memory management that gives you access to CUDA, so GPU memory.

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