Building the Vue 3 VDOM on Stage

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This talk is designed to show people what a virtual DOM is, and what it is used for. We'll see a bit the theory of it, then build a simplified version of the Vue 3 VDOM on stage from scratch - step by step! After the talk, people will have more familiarity with the black box that sometimes is "VDOM".


A Virtual DOM is a programming interface for HTML and XML documents that represents a document as a tree structure. It is a virtual representation of the actual DOM and can be manipulated via JavaScript. Virtual DOM is used by frameworks like Vue.js to optimize DOM manipulations by keeping a virtual copy in browser memory and synchronizing changes with the actual DOM.

The Virtual DOM decouples rendering logic from the actual DOM, making it easier to programmatically manipulate and inspect. This decoupling allows for performance optimizations, easier reuse in non-browser environments like native mobile apps or WebGL renderers, and simplifies the development process by handling DOM updates efficiently.

To build a virtual DOM, key components include a function to create virtual nodes (e.g., the 'H' function), mounting functions to attach nodes to the actual DOM, unmount functions to remove nodes, and patch functions to update the DOM efficiently when changes occur.

Vue.js uses the Virtual DOM to manage DOM manipulations. It creates a virtual representation of the DOM using JavaScript objects, which lives in the memory of the browser. Vue.js then synchronizes this virtual DOM with the actual DOM, allowing for efficient updates and re-rendering as needed without excessive performance overhead.

While Vue.js and other frameworks like React use Virtual DOM to improve performance and efficiency, some smaller frameworks like Petite Vue opt out of using Virtual DOM to reduce complexity and overhead. The choice to use Virtual DOM depends on the specific needs and goals of the project, balancing performance optimization with framework overhead.

In Vue.js, creating a virtual node involves defining its structure, including tags, properties, and children, using a function like the 'H' function. Mounting a virtual node then involves attaching this node to the actual DOM, which is handled by Vue.js's rendering system that updates the DOM based on changes to the virtual node's state.

Marc Backes
Marc Backes
31 min
15 May, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

Today we will build a virtual DOM, which is a programming interface for HTML and XML documents. The virtual DOM decouples rendering logic from the actual DOM, making it easier to manipulate and inspect. We will create our own virtual DOM by implementing functions to create, mount, unmount, and patch virtual nodes. We will also explore event handling, rendering lists of objects, and unmounting nodes. The virtual DOM in Vue 3 has a flatter hierarchy and may be replaced by direct DOM manipulation for better performance.

1. Introduction to Virtual DOM

Short description:

Today we are going to build a virtual DOM. Virtual DOM is a programming interface for HTML and XML documents. It represents a document as a tree, with nodes and children. It can be accessed and manipulated via JavaScript. We will build on the DOM of the official Vue.js website.

All right. So my talk might cut a little bit into the Q&A session, so that's why I'm just going right ahead with the presentation.

So today we are going to build a virtual DOM, but first we are going to look a little bit what it is.

So a little bit about myself first. My name is Mark, and this is where you can find me on Twitter. That's where I'm most active. So if after this you still have questions that I can't answer here or you just want to talk in general, just hit me up there. I'm DevRel Lead at WeAreDevelopers, where I help organize conferences such as our World Congress in July, which is super cool. I'm co-organizer of the Bellevue Chapter. It's the Belgian chapter of Vue.js. And I'm most recently a student pilot, which takes up all of my time which I don't spend working. So if there's any aviation geeks here, hit me up later, we can talk for hours about this stuff.

All right, so let's take a look at Virtual DOM. Well, what is it? Virtual DOM is a document object model. But what does it mean? So it's a programming interface for HTML and XML documents. And this represents a document as a tree. So you have a node and then you have one or more children. And then this could have one or more children. And until the end, there's nothing more to do than just render out whatever it is. It is to render out an image, text, whatever. And it can be accessed and manipulated via JavaScript. And this is how a DOM looks like. The DOM we all know and love. This is actually the DOM of No, I think. Yeah, sorry. Yeah, official Vue.js website. You can see here some containers, like the app and the VP app, which then have children and so on and so on. So this is what we are going to build on.

2. Understanding the Virtual DOM

Short description:

Virtual DOM is a virtual representation of the actual DOM. It decouples the rendering logic from the actual DOM, making it easier to manipulate and inspect. It can be used outside of the browser, such as in native mobile apps or WebGL renderers. In the virtual DOM, tags are represented as nodes, attributes as properties, and content as children. The H function in JavaScript can be used to create nodes with various structures.

Okay, so now we have a little bit of a picture of what is a DOM? Let's see what is a virtual DOM. And it's actually what the name suggests. It's a virtual representation of the actual DOM. So this could be, for example, JavaScript objects, which is exactly what we are going to do today. And this thing lives in the browser, or in the memory of the browser, and it is synchronized with the actual DOM. And this is what Vue.js uses under the hood, and also some other frameworks. But for example, Petite View doesn't use a virtual DOM, which is fine.

Now, you might ask yourself, OK, but some use it, some don't use it, but why should we use it, or why do we have a virtual DOM. Especially in the morning we heard Avenue say it has a lot of performance overhead, or some performance overhead. But let's take a look. So the great thing here is, it decouples the rendering logic from the actual DOM, and it's easier to programmatically manipulate and inspect the whole thing if we want to do something custom. It's also easier to reuse outside of the browser, for example, if you do a native mobile app, or, for example, a WebGL renderer. I heard Avenue once answer a question in an interview where he said that someone built a, based on the Vue 3 virtual DOM, a WebGL renderer, which is pretty cool.

All right, before we start building this thing, because we take a look at the actual DOM, what is it that we need to build here? So let's take a look at this very simple HTML markup, and what do we have here? So we have these things that we call tags, right? So we need to represent tags in our virtual DOM. So let's just write it down. We need tags. What else do we need here? These are attributes. It could also be a function, like an onClick event or something like that. So let's just call this properties, and then we have the last part, which is our content, but we're not going to call it content because it's a tree, so it's just the tree has children. We just call it children. But as you can see in this example, children isn't the most intuitive way of putting it because it could be just text, it could be just one item in there, or it could be various children. So in the last part it makes most sense to call it children, but this is how it's called.

Alright, so to create nodes we have this H function or Hyperscript, which means just JavaScript that produces HTML. So let's take a look at what we can create with this. So I represent here three different things we can do. Here you can see in the third parameter, or the third argument here, it's a text. So our virtual DOM, our DOM can have a text. What else can it have? It can have another virtual node which then has, in this case, another text. But it could be until, like, it can have as many children as necessary, or as you want. And then we have the third example, which is you have an array of these nodes.


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