Building Friendly User Experiences in Web3

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This talk will be centered around improving user experiences in web3 by abstracting away blockchain interactions.


Web 3 refers to the third generation of internet services for websites and applications which focuses on utilizing a decentralized network environment. It involves decentralization, cryptography, and consensus algorithms to ensure data integrity across a distributed network, aiming to enhance user control over data and assets.

The current state of Web 3 UX is often seen as complex and unfriendly for users due to issues like complicated wallet setups, high transaction costs (gas fees), and the technical knowledge required to interact securely and efficiently within the ecosystem.

Account abstraction simplifies user interactions by handling aspects like transaction validation and gas fees internally. This allows for operations like transaction signing to be more user-friendly, potentially eliminating the need for users to manage private keys or understand the underlying blockchain technology deeply.

Ethereum's transition from proof of work to proof of stake, known as the merge, drastically reduces the energy consumption of the network by approximately 99.9%. This shift makes Ethereum significantly more energy-efficient.

Layer 2 solutions are secondary frameworks or protocols built atop an existing blockchain, primarily to enhance scalability and efficiency. They help in reducing transaction costs (gas fees), speeding up processing times, and can significantly decrease the energy used per transaction.

Practical applications of Web 3 technologies include creating censorship-resistant platforms, enhancing financial inclusivity through decentralized finance (DeFi), and enabling self-sovereign identities through decentralized and verifiable credentials without compromising personal data privacy.

Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into lines of code. They automatically enforce and execute the terms of agreements based on predefined rules, facilitating trusted transactions and agreements without the need for a central authority.

Gas fees in Web 3 refer to the payments made by users to compensate for the computing energy required to process and validate transactions on a blockchain network. These fees can vary based on network demand and the complexity of the transaction.

Rahat Chowdhury
Rahat Chowdhury
32 min
13 Nov, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

Web 3 is about decentralization, using blockchain, cryptography, and consensus algorithms. It allows users to have more control over their data and assets. The current state of Web 3 is complex and frustrating, but efforts are being made to improve usability. Layer 2 chains and account abstraction are improving scalability and user experience. Web 3 provides financial solutions for all and enables transactions in restrictive environments.

1. Introduction to Web 3

Short description:

Thank you for coming to my talk about web 3. I'm Rahat, head of developer relations at Biconomy. We're improving on-chain UX. I work in the Ethereum ecosystem. Web 3 is about decentralization, using blockchain, cryptography, and consensus algorithms.

Thank you for coming to my talk, building friendly user experiences in web 3. Talk to you a little bit about web 3 in general. Give you an introduction if you haven't heard too much about it or maybe clearing up some misconceptions about it or steering you away from the scammy part of it, hopefully.

So my name is Rahat, I'm head of developer relations for a company called Biconomy. So we do we're basically trying to improve on what we call on-chain UX, because right now it kind of sucks to use web 3. There's terrible experiences around using it, so we're trying to do some stuff to make that a little bit easier. Previously been a front-end engineer, Solidity freelance engineer, a few other things.

One thing I like to actually put into my intro slides, whenever I'm at a non-web 3 conference is aside from Twitter or X or whatever you want to call it, there's a couple other social platforms I use. These two are actually protocols, Lens and Farcaster. Both are web 3 protocols. There are different apps built around those protocols that you can use to have like a Twitter-like social experience. There's like Instagram-style apps built on top of Lens. I mainly use Farcaster right now. That's where I hang out with the rest of my fellow web 3D gens. And that little, tiny, pixelated thing there is a customized NFT. I will not speak about NFTs anymore after this. Cool.

I'm going to just acknowledge a little bit of bias just specifically about my experience in web 3. I work specifically in the Ethereum ecosystem. There are different chains, different ecosystems in the web 3 space with differing opinions around what it means to actually be decentralized, et cetera. I'm going to be speaking from my experience working in Ethereum. Ethereum is essentially where most of web 3 lives right now. Most at least somewhat usable applications are on Ethereum. That may change in the coming couple of years. I think it probably will, but that's just where I'm going to be speaking from. So if you have experience in web 3 before, have been in other ecosystems, you may find some things that you disagree with me upon.

First of all, what is web 3? There's three kind of things that I like to talk about when I bring up web 3 in general. First is decentralization, the internet, just like moving away from centralized servers to a distributed network of peers. Think about let's say we each have a node or a computer, node is just a fancy word for that has a copy of the same database across all these different nodes, that's what a blockchain essentially is, it's just copies of the same database across several different computers all around the world. On the blockchain, on these databases, we use cryptography and consensus algorithms.

2. Cryptography and Consensus Algorithms

Short description:

Cryptography is used to hash and keep certain types of data on chain. Consensus algorithms determine legit data. Nodes in the network verify the data's authenticity.

Cryptography is used just to hash and keep certain types of data on chain. Consensus algorithms are used to figure out what data is actually legit. So kind of like one way to think about it is like we have, I don't know, A through Z peer nodes. Node A decides oh, I'm going to have this malicious bit of data here that is not real, it's not true. But nodes B through Z are like no, wait, we have the same copy of this database, this is not real. And that's like a very simplified, abridged version of a consensus algorithm. I'm not going to go into the deeper kind of stuff, we can definitely chat more afterwards if you want to on that.

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