How to Build UI's for Smart Contracts

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There are many journeys we can take into becoming a web3 developer. Not all journeys require learning a completely new language and becoming a smart contract developer. In this workshop we will learn how to build our own React UI on top of any existing smart contracts on the Polygon Proof of Stake Blockchain. We will explore a basic overview of blockchains and learn about the advantages of building on Polygon. We will also gain an understanding of what Smart Contracts are, learn how to find existing ones, and learn tools that help us interact with them from a React application.


Web3 introduces the concept of the internet for the individual, supported by blockchain technologies with native payments and data owned by the user. It represents an evolution from Web2, focusing on user data ownership and decentralized applications.

Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. They operate on blockchain technology, ensuring transparency and security. Each block in the blockchain contains data that is linked and secured using cryptography, forming an immutable ledger.

An Application Binary Interface (ABI) is essentially a list of the methods and structures used to interact with a binary contract, such as a smart contract on a blockchain. It enables the conversion of human-readable commands into a format that can be interpreted by the blockchain.

Polygon offers solutions for Ethereum scaling and infrastructure development, making transactions faster and cheaper. It supports EVM-compatible blockchains, allowing developers to deploy platforms efficiently with lower transaction fees.

Developers can interact with smart contracts using libraries such as ethers.js, which allow them to connect to a blockchain network, send transactions, and interact with contracts directly from their applications.

Gas fees are payments made by users to compensate for the computing energy required to process and validate transactions on the blockchain network. These fees help maintain network security and efficiency.

Ensuring smart contract security involves thorough testing, audits, and following best security practices in development. Using established frameworks and tools can also help in identifying vulnerabilities before deployment.

Tools like Third Web offer SDKs for building and managing smart contracts using low or no-code solutions. These tools provide a more accessible entry point for developers new to blockchain technology.

Rahat Chowdhury
Rahat Chowdhury
134 min
04 Jul, 2022


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