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Josh Justice
Josh Justice
Test Double, USA
Josh Justice has worked as a developer since 2004 across frontend, mobile, and backend platforms. As a consultant he collaborates with teams to help them deliver great apps by optimizing their tech stack and development practices. He also writes, speaks, and livestreams about React and React Native, testing, and software design.
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
131 min
Introduction to React Native Testing Library
Are you satisfied with your test suites? If you said no, you’re not alone—most developers aren’t. And testing in React Native is harder than on most platforms. How can you write JavaScript tests when the JS and native code are so intertwined? And what in the world are you supposed to do about that persistent act() warning? Faced with these challenges, some teams are never able to make any progress testing their React Native app, and others end up with tests that don’t seem to help and only take extra time to maintain.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. React Native Testing Library (RNTL) is a great library for component testing, and with the right mental model you can use it to implement tests that are low-cost and high-value. In this three-hour workshop you’ll learn the tools, techniques, and principles you need to implement tests that will help you ship your React Native app with confidence. You’ll walk away with a clear vision for the goal of your component tests and with techniques that will help you address any obstacle that gets in the way of that will know:- The different kinds React Native tests, and where component tests fit in- A mental model for thinking about the inputs and outputs of the components you test- Options for selecting text, image, and native code elements to verify and interact with them- The value of mocks and why they shouldn’t be avoided- The challenges with asynchrony in RNTL tests and how to handle them- Options for handling native functions and components in your JavaScript tests
Prerequisites:- Familiarity with building applications with React Native- Basic experience writing automated tests with Jest or another unit testing framework- You do not need any experience with React Native Testing Library- Machine setup: Node 16.x or 18.x, Yarn, be able to successfully create and run a new Expo app following the instructions on
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
22 min
Type-Safe Style Systems: The Future of CSS
Most CSS developers today write visual styles in terms of what you literally see: exact color values, size numbers, and so on. But what if you could write styles as a function of how they fit into your design system? And what if you could get type safety in specifying and using those values, including in responsive props?

This talk will dive into some of the key features and flaws in many design system builders today such as Chakra UI and Tailwind. We'll establish what the best next steps for design systems should be with type-safe TypeScript APIs and performance both for prebuilt pages and at runtime.
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
131 min
Designing Effective Tests with React Testing Library
React Testing Library is a great framework for React component tests because there are a lot of questions it answers for you, so you don’t need to worry about those questions. But that doesn’t mean testing is easy. There are still a lot of questions you have to figure out for yourself: How many component tests should you write vs end-to-end tests or lower-level unit tests? How can you test a certain line of code that is tricky to test? And what in the world are you supposed to do about that persistent act() warning?
In this three-hour workshop we’ll introduce React Testing Library along with a mental model for how to think about designing your component tests. This mental model will help you see how to test each bit of logic, whether or not to mock dependencies, and will help improve the design of your components. You’ll walk away with the tools, techniques, and principles you need to implement low-cost, high-value component tests.
Prerequisites:- Familiarity with building applications with React- Basic experience writing automated tests with Jest or another unit testing framework- You do not need any experience with React Testing Library- Machine setup: Node LTS, Yarn
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
151 min
Designing Effective Tests With React Testing Library
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Featured Workshop
React Testing Library is a great framework for React component tests because there are a lot of questions it answers for you, so you don’t need to worry about those questions. But that doesn’t mean testing is easy. There are still a lot of questions you have to figure out for yourself: How many component tests should you write vs end-to-end tests or lower-level unit tests? How can you test a certain line of code that is tricky to test? And what in the world are you supposed to do about that persistent act() warning?
In this three-hour workshop we’ll introduce React Testing Library along with a mental model for how to think about designing your component tests. This mental model will help you see how to test each bit of logic, whether or not to mock dependencies, and will help improve the design of your components. You’ll walk away with the tools, techniques, and principles you need to implement low-cost, high-value component tests.
Table of contents- The different kinds of React application tests, and where component tests fit in- A mental model for thinking about the inputs and outputs of the components you test- Options for selecting DOM elements to verify and interact with them- The value of mocks and why they shouldn’t be avoided- The challenges with asynchrony in RTL tests and how to handle them
Prerequisites- Familiarity with building applications with React- Basic experience writing automated tests with Jest or another unit testing framework- You do not need any experience with React Testing Library- Machine setup: Node LTS, Yarn
Node Congress 2024Node Congress 2024
83 min
Deep TypeScript Tips & Tricks
TypeScript has a powerful type system with all sorts of fancy features for representing wild and wacky JavaScript states. But the syntax to do so isn't always straightforward, and the error messages aren't always precise in telling you what's wrong. Let's dive into how many of TypeScript's more powerful features really work, what kinds of real-world problems they solve, and how to wrestle the type system into submission so you can write truly excellent TypeScript code.
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
21 min
Statically Detecting React App Bugs with TypeScript and ESLint
There are amazing tools out there providing you with excellent type safety. But when you get to the client-side fetching, things go wild. Even if you have perfectly typed backed, you lose the type information during the client-side communication. Yes, you can use GraphQL or protobuf and generate types, but... what if I told you there's an easier way? A way that lets you develop your apps smoother than with REST or GraphQL? How? RPC! Say hi to maximum productivity with fantastic developer experience.
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
25 min
Lessons Learned While Learning Live
Talking in front of an audience = scary. Learning something new = scary.
Let’s talk about doing scary learning something new, WHILE being in front of an audience!
One year and 100+ videos streamed, learning TypeScript the way I learn, has helped it click in a snowball effect helping other topics ranging from Python to APIs make more sense.
In this talk, the audience will walk away with an understanding of figuring out how you learn as an individual is a lifelong gift you never knew you needed. 
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
32 min
Gateway to React: The Story
A behind the scenes look at the design and development of the all-new React docs at The new launched this year introducing new methodologies like challenges and interactive sandboxes and subtle inclusivity features, like "international tone" and culturally agnostic examples. Not only have the new docs changed how people learn React, they've inspired how we think about developer education as a community. In this talk, you will learn how the React team and some ambitious community members made the "React docs rock" for a generation of front end developers and how these new patterns and established techniques can be applied in your favorite projects.
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
9 min
Building Pixel-Perfect UI Components Using CSS Variables
CSS variables have become so sophisticated in recent years that they now enable us to do things that aren't possible with JavaScript. In this lightning talk, I'll explain how MUI's engineers are leveraging the power of CSS variables in our new React component library, Joy UI, to deliver components that automatically adapt their style and structure to the context in which they're rendered.
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
20 min
Stories and Strategies from Converting to TypeScript
TypeScript is great, but migrating an existing app to it can be a pain. Codecademy took multiple existing React apps and converted them to TypeScript. We'll cover how to make those kinds of conversions successful from both cultural and technical standpoints.
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
22 min
Power Fixing React Performance Woes
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Next.js and other wrapping React frameworks provide great power in building larger applications. But with great power comes great performance responsibility - and if you don’t pay attention, it’s easy to add multiple seconds of loading penalty on all of your pages. Eek! Let’s walk through a case study of how a few hours of performance debugging improved both load and parse times for the Centered app by several hundred percent each. We’ll learn not just why those performance problems happen, but how to diagnose and fix them. Hooray, performance! ⚡️
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
46 min
Confessions from an Impostor
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You know what impostor syndrome is, right!? Most all of us have felt that nagging feeling that we're faking it and that we're sure to be found out by all the experts around us at any moment.But before you go assuming this talk is the same ol' song and dance full of platitudes that encourage you to ignore that syndrome, let me clue you in on a little secret: there's no experts around you. Impostorism is not a syndrome at all, it's a pragmatic mindset and perspective, one we should all embrace and be proud of. In fact, it's vital to us getting our jobs done.
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
21 min
GraphQL + Apollo + Next.js: A Lovely Trio
Modern frontend applications want to efficiently query data on page load and navigate, format the data with TypeScript, and cache data between repeat requests. Setting that all up on your own is a chore... but with Apollo and Next.js, you can set up your client to auto-generate TypeScript types, cache query results intelligently, and generally be a breeze to work with.
Vue.js London 2023Vue.js London 2023
24 min
Patterns for Large Scale Vue.js Applications
What is the best way to structure a Vue.js application so that it can scale to meet all your users' needs? There are multiple patterns established by the Vue community and the programming community at large that can be adopted in order to make your codebases more predictable, maintainable, and extendable.
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
81 min
Introducing FlashList: Let's build a performant React Native list all together
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In this workshop you’ll learn why we created FlashList at Shopify and how you can use it in your code today. We will show you how to take a list that is not performant in FlatList and make it performant using FlashList with minimum effort. We will use tools like Flipper, our own benchmarking code, and teach you how the FlashList API can cover more complex use cases and still keep a top-notch performance.You will know:- Quick presentation about what FlashList, why we built, etc.- Migrating from FlatList to FlashList- Teaching how to write a performant list- Utilizing the tools provided by FlashList library (mainly the useBenchmark hook)- Using the Flipper plugins (flame graph, our lists profiler, UI & JS FPS profiler, etc.)- Optimizing performance of FlashList by using more advanced props like `getType`- 5-6 sample tasks where we’ll uncover and fix issues together- Q&A with Shopify team
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
155 min
Building for Web & Mobile with Expo
We know that React is for the web and React Native is for Android and iOS. But have you heard of react-native-web—for writing an app for Android, iOS, and the web in one codebase? Just like React Native abstracts away the details of iOS and Android, React Native Web extracts away the details of the browser as well. This opens up the possibility of even more code sharing across platforms.
In this workshop you’ll walk through setting up the skeleton for a React Native Web app that works great and looks awesome. You can use the resulting codebase as a foundation to build whatever app you like on top of it, using the React paradigms and many JavaScript libraries you’re used to. You might be surprised how many types of app don’t really require a separate mobile and web codebase!
What's included1. Setting up drawer and stack navigators with React Navigation, including responsiveness2. Configuring React Navigation with URLs3. Setting up React Native Paper including styling the React Navigation drawer and headers4. Setting up a custom color theme that supports dark mode5. Configuring favicons/app icons and metadata6. What to do when you can’t or don’t want to provide the same functionality on web and mobile
Prerequisites- Familiarity with building applications with either React or React Native. You do not need to know both.- Machine setup: Node LTS, Yarn, be able to successfully create and run a new Expo app following the instructions on
Remix Conf Europe 2022Remix Conf Europe 2022
19 min
React Remixed
React and the JavaScript ecosystem seems to be constantly changing. Wherever we look, there are new libraries and frameworks. These new tools always lead to learning concepts that are often non-transferable knowledge.
What if I told you that by learning standard web APIs, relearning the web, and getting a bunch of transferable knowledge, you can also start using a fantastic new addition to the React ecosystem: Remix!