Web Fortified: Best Practices for Web App Security

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In today's world, prioritizing your application's security is crucial. All the data stored in it should be kept safe and protected, just like the inhabitants of a fortress that rely on high walls for their defense. However, history and movies have shown that even the most robust walls can't withstand an attack if weak points can be exploited. This is also true for VueJS applications.

Join me for a concise, practical session on fortifying your Vue.js apps against security threats and implementing best practices.

Ramona Schwering
Ramona Schwering
22 min
17 Jun, 2024


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Video Summary and Transcription

This Talk, titled 'Fortify or App Fortified', discusses the concept of treating your application as a fortress to protect it from outside threats. It highlights the importance of web application security and the risks associated with broken access control, injection, and cryptographic values. The Talk also emphasizes the need to apply best practices and use frameworks' security features. Additionally, it addresses the security concerns related to user-provided URLs, style injection, and JavaScript injections. The summary concludes by emphasizing the importance of keeping dependencies updated and following best practices to ensure project security.

1. Introduction to Web Security and Fortresses

Short description:

Hello, everyone. I'm so glad to be here at JS Nation this year and talk about web security and how to keep your app as a fortress. My name is Ramona Schwering, a developer advocate at Auth0 and a Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies. This talk is called Fortify or App Fortified. Try to see your app as a fortress. Let's explore the concept of fortresses through movies, like Lord of the Rings, where a fortress called Helms Deep serves as a refuge. However, even with a disclaimer of never being conquered, a weak point was exploited.

Hello, everyone. I'm so glad to be here at JS Nation this year and talk about one topic, which is really close to my heart. It's web security and how to stay safe in the world of dangerous enemies, attackers, you name it, because there are lots of dangers out there in the web.

And yeah, I want to show you how to keep your app as a fortress. But before that, real quick, my name is Ramona, Ramona Schwering. I'm working as a developer advocate at Auth0. And besides that, I'm a Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies and a Cypress Ambassador. So you might already have met me before talking about testing, but there are more and other really important topics to talk about, and it's security for this time.

Okay, so this talk is called Fortify or App Fortified. Try to see your app as a fortress. And if you think about fortresses, what do they do normally? Well, even if it's like a building you see in environment, if you travel or in movies, they protect something precious. And yeah, movies are actually the place where I saw fortresses a lot. And this little screen here has been taken from a movie I really enjoy. It's called Lord of the Rings. You might have heard about it. It's about a journey of a hobbit who needs to destroy a certain ring. And it's a trilogy. So there are three films, and especially the second one, the second part, I really enjoyed a lot, no matter if it was a book or the movie, like the one called Two Towers. And there's a fortress called Helms Deep in it. And it is meant as a refuge. So it's meant to protect all of Ulthuan, which are the people of Rohan, so like a region or country in the furthest meaning, I think. They should be protected from the assault of the Zaruman forces. And they had a disclaimer that it was never conquered. Well, never conquered, 100% security. I guess we heard it before at some point, right? Well, back to the fortress. You can guess, it didn't hold true. At least a part of the fortress didn't hold. And of course, as it's in movies, it's almost a cliche. It's again the Kilmaryr the Sear, which was a weak point. Hello, Devstar? It was the same as that was too.

2. The Importance of Protecting Your Application

Short description:

There's no fortress which is secure all the time. Your application's protection can be regarded as a fortress, where you want to protect everything inside against outside threats. We should always be doubtful and really, really careful.

So they have a cover being a weak point. And if you regard the books, they didn't even need it, as there's a gutter to take. And this led them to basically have the big first wall being blown off. And they almost have been overwhelmed. So yeah, there's no fortress which is secure all the time.

Why do I tell you that? So your application's protection can be regarded as a fortress, where you want to protect everything what's inside against outside threats. May it be data, may it be the features which you would like to have paid users or anything precious. And there's lots of precious things inside of a web application, right? So yeah, we should regard our application as a fortress.

And no matter if we are at Lord of the Rings, either in movie or media, or in the real world, the world is changing a lot. More vulnerabilities are coming up. So we should always be doubtful. Like Theodin is. That if we say a fortress or an application has never been fallen or attacked or hacked, we should be doubtful and really, really careful. Even if it was a late lesson for Theodin. We should never feel too safe.

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