React Code Reviews in Open Source: Ensuring Quality and Collaboration

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In this lightning talk, we will explore the significance of code reviews in open source projects, specifically within the React ecosystem. We'll discuss the benefits of code reviews for maintaining code quality, encouraging collaboration, and upholding project standards. By emphasizing effective feedback, respectful communication, and the use of relevant tools, participants will gain practical insights on conducting

impactful React code reviews. Join me to learn how code reviews can enhance the development process, encourage knowledge sharing, and contribute to the success of open source projects in the React community.


Open source software refers to a development approach where the software code is openly available to the public, allowing anyone to use, modify, and contribute to it.

Open source projects foster accessibility and inclusivity, promote collaborative development, and encourage rapid innovation. They also ensure transparency and trust as the code is open for anyone to review.

Code review is a collaborative process where one or more developers evaluate the source code written by another developer, providing feedback and suggestions for improvements.

The code review process in open source involves the submission of code by a contributor, followed by a review request to maintainers. After evaluation, feedback is provided, discussions may take place, and upon approval, the code is merged into the repository.

Challenges in open source code reviews include language barriers, documentation updates, and review backlogs, which can complicate communication and slow down the review process.

Effective code reviews should have clear objectives, focus on the code rather than the person, utilize constructive feedback, and leverage code review tools to streamline the process.

Popular tools for code reviews include linters like ESLint for scanning code issues, and platforms like GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket that offer built-in code review features.

Success in open source code reviews can be measured by key metrics such as code review completion time. A higher number of developers actively participating in reviews can lead to shorter review times.

Patrick Odey
Patrick Odey
6 min
23 Oct, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

Open Source promotes accessibility, inclusivity, collaboration, innovation, transparency, and trust. Code reviews are a collaborative process in software development, with challenges including language barriers, documentation changes, and review backlog. Best practices for effective code reviews include clear objectives, focusing on the code, and using code review tools. Linters are important for scanning code issues, and measuring success in code reviews can be done using key metrics. React Code Reviews are crucial for the success of open-source projects.

1. Introduction to Open Source and Code Reviews

Short description:

Hi, I'm Patrick O'Day, a Developer Relations Engineer at Storyblock. Today, I'll be speaking on React Code Reveals in Open Source, Ensuring Quality and Collaboration. Open Source refers to making software code available to the public, promoting accessibility, inclusivity, collaboration, innovation, transparency, and trust.

Hi everybody, my name is Patrick O'Day, I'm a Developer Relations Engineer at Storyblock. I'm really excited to be speaking at the React Advanced London 2023. Today I'm going to be speaking on React Code Reveals in Open Source, Ensuring Quality and Collaboration.

If I get deep into this topic, we first of all have to understand what Open Source is. Simply put, Open Source refers to a software development approach where the code of a software is made available to the public. Basically when you have an open source software, it's free to use and people can choose to contribute to the software also.

Now, as a fun fact, React is an open source project. What are the significance of open source? Accessibility and inclusivity. Now, on an open source project, anyone can contribute irrespective of gender, race, or abilities. Collaborative development. In open source, we encourage collaboration, also rapid innovation. When you are coding or contributing to open source software, you always meet innovation and ideas from fellow contributors. We see transparency and trust. In open source contributions, there's always transparency, because you can actually look at the code and tell if there's any malicious code in there. So there's always trust and transparency.

2. Understanding Code Reviews and Best Practices

Short description:

Code review is a collaborative process in software development, where one or more developers evaluate the source code written by another developer. The challenges in open source code reviews include language barriers, documentation changes, and review backlog. Best practices for effective code reviews include having clear objectives, focusing on the code, and leveraging code review tools like linters.

Now, we talk about code reviews. What is code review? Code review is a collaborative process in software development, where one or more developers evaluates the source code written by another developer. Now, we are going to look at how code reviews work. The first step would be submission by the contributor. Now, when the contributor submits a particular code or a PR, there's always a request for review by the reviewer or the maintainer of that open source project. Now, this would undergo evaluation, which would now return feedback to the contributor. If necessary, there will be discussion, but after that, approval, if everything goes well, then the code or the commit is being merged into the actual repo.

Now, we are going to look at the challenges in open source code reviews. The first is language barriers. Now, this is really common because, in an open source project, you have different persons from different parts of the world with different languages contributing. So, communication might be an issue. Documentation. Different persons are committing to a particular open source project. So, since they are new features, there are always changes in the documentation. And this can be a hassle for the documentation team managing a particular open source project. Look at review backlog. This goes to the reviewers because there are many PRs that comes with a popular open source project. For example, we actually have a lot of PRs there that are being looked at by the reviewers, and this takes a lot of time and can be a hassle or pain.

Now, we look at best practices for effective code reviews. The first is having clear objectives. It's also good or it's important to define the goals and expectations of the code review such as finding bugs or improving the code quality in this particular sprint review. Review the code, not the person. This is very important because we have to focus on the code as a reviewer and not the author. We keep the feedback constructive and also respect and emphasize on improvements rather than criticism. We look at the use of code review tools. It's important to leverage code review tools that streamline the process making it easier to track changes and discussion. We will look at the tools in the next slide. As you can see from the GIF here, you already know because most of them are or all of them are popular. The first is linters. The most popular linter I know is ESLint.

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