Negotiate Like Your Life Depends on It

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A lot of us when changing jobs or accepting a promotion feel overwhelmed by the offer and either don't ask for more or ask a percentage more than the offer. Let's talk about why that's not enough and how we can change our attitudes towards negotiation.


Negotiating salaries is crucial because it helps ensure that you are compensated fairly based on your skills, experiences, and market rates. It also helps to bridge the gender pay gap and improve financial security, enabling you to meet personal and professional goals.

The gender pay gap refers to the average difference in pay between men and women. It exists due to various factors including the underrepresentation of women in high-paying leadership roles and historical pay disparities that persist despite equal qualifications and roles.

To start a salary negotiation conversation, prepare by researching market rates for your role, reflect on your accomplishments, and determine your salary expectations. Begin the conversation positively, be honest, and clearly communicate your value and expectations.

When setting salary expectations, consider the market rate for your responsibilities, your professional experience, and personal financial needs. Establish a minimum acceptable salary (walkaway offer), a target salary (happy offer), and an aspirational salary (high offer) to guide your negotiations.

Common methods to minimize the gender pay gap include promoting more women into leadership roles, ensuring transparency in salary and promotion processes, and implementing unbiased recruitment practices, such as anonymized interviews.

Transparency in salary policies helps ensure all employees are paid fairly and equitably. It discourages discriminatory pay practices and encourages open conversations about salaries, which can help address and correct pay disparities.

Talking about money is often seen as impolite or private in many cultures. This taboo can lead to financial ignorance and prevent individuals from understanding their worth or negotiating better salaries, perpetuating income disparities.

Aside from salary, you can negotiate various perks such as paid time off, remote work options, training budgets, leadership training opportunities, and volunteer days. These perks can significantly enhance job satisfaction and personal well-being.

According to the Global Gender Gap Report, it is projected to take another 132 years to close the global gender gap, considering the current rate of progress in economic participation, education, health, and political empowerment.

Shivangi Das
Shivangi Das
22 min
09 Mar, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

The Talk discusses the importance of negotiation, particularly in relation to the gender pay gap and gender parity. It emphasizes the need to address global reasons for negotiation and the impact of inflation and the cost of living. The Talk also highlights the values to consider when negotiating and provides tips on preparing for negotiation, making offers, and discussing perks. Recommended reading and references on negotiation are also provided.

1. Introduction to Negotiation

Short description:

I'm going to talk about negotiation and why we need it. I'll discuss the importance of negotiating based on personal values, how to begin, and what else is up for discussion. I'll also address the gender pay gap and the lack of data for the LGBTQ community.

Hello and welcome to Tech Lead JS. I am Sivangi, and I'm going to talk about negotiation. Why we need it, where do we even start? Who am I? I'm a software engineer in BGSS. I have a bachelor's in computer science and a master's in machine learning and data science. That was mainly because I love science fiction.

I predominantly work with JavaScript and Python. I am an Indian expat living in Newcastle, United Kingdom. I love traveling the world and eating delicious food. I am very passionate about empowering women in tech. I believe representation matters. If you can see it, you can be it.

For the past few years, I have been learning and raising awareness about personal finance among my family and friends. This has been a good opportunity to increase more awareness about basically talking about money. So, today's agenda. We are going to talk about why we need to negotiate. We are going to talk about why you personally need to negotiate and that would be based on your values. We are going to talk about how to begin or where to begin, what to say and also what else is up for discussion, apart from money.

So, why negotiate? I come from a middle class Indian family. We were taught that in order to be happy, you need to be satisfied with what you have. In order to save more for the future, you need to live below your means. Even in current media, it's always about cutting down on coffee and like simple pleasures in life and not about making more money. It has taken a lot of work to unlearn that not having money sucks. I would love to share some of that in today's talk, plus we'll try to normalise talking about money and other perks and we will hopefully see that money does not corrupt.

Now before I start talking about gender pay gap, I want to acknowledge the lack of data for LGBTQ community. I ensure that all these reasons are still true for people in under-represented groups. So this is a report by the International Labour Organisation. On average, women globally are paid about 20% less than men. So we do need to talk about gender pay gap. First of all, it is illegal to pay men and women differently for the same job in most countries. Like in the US, we have the Equal Pay Act.

2. Gender Pay Gap and Gender Parity

Short description:

In the UK, there is a high gender pay gap, even in developed countries. Companies with more than 250 employees are required to submit a gender pay gap report, which often highlights the low ratio of women in high-paying leadership roles. Women are underrepresented in senior and middle management positions worldwide. The Department for Work and Pensions has achieved a zero gender pay gap and good representation of women. Their anonymized interview process may be correlated with these outcomes. The Global Gender Gap Report benchmarks gender parity across various dimensions and covers 146 countries.

In the UK, it's the Equality Act. But here we are. This is a graph showing the gender wage gap in different countries. This is from OECD, which is Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. So we can see that even in some first world developed countries, there is a gender pay gap. Also, it is very high.

Particularly in UK, all companies with more than 250 employees are required to submit a gender pay gap report, stating the mean and median difference in the pay and bonuses between men and women in their company. It also includes the ratio of employees at different bands. I did my days of science project on this data. So going through the reports, we found that most companies with a significant pay gap claim that the gap comes from the low ratio of women in high paying leadership roles. Now this reason is kind of also the solution, one of the solutions that could be there for gender pay gap. To minimize the gender pay gap.

Here is a chart showing the proportion of women in senior and middle management positions around the world. It shows that women all over the world are underrepresented in high profile jobs which tend to be better paid. All is not lost so there is one company that I do want to highlight. Let's see how seamlessly this is going to work. This is Department for Work and Pensions. I used to work here before BJSS. They have got their gender pay gap down to zero. Amazing feat. Their representation of women is really good in all quarters. They do have a bonus gap that they are still working on which is something. I would like to go back to my presentation. That was actually quite good. My point here is, DWP's first step of interviews is anonymized. There could be a correlation between them actively trying to be unbiased and the high proportion of women in all levels plus the zero pay gap. Not all correlations are causation but this one just might be. Also the gender parity.

So, their Global Gender Gap Report benchmarks the current state and evolution of gender parity across four key dimensions- economic participation and opportunity, educational attainment, health and survival, and political empowerment. These reports started in 2006 and they benchmarked 146 countries.

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