Magic with Babel Macro

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The talk will cover all the possibilities Babel Macro opens up and also gives an overview of Abstract Syntax Tree.

Dhrubesh Deb Sharma
Dhrubesh Deb Sharma
20 min
25 Oct, 2021


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Video Summary and Transcription

Babel macros allow for code transformation without multiple plugins, providing a solution to the downsides of regular Babel plugins. Understanding AST is crucial for developers working with transpilers, and exploring its structure and representations can help derive code. Babel started as a transpiler but has evolved into a tool for live code transformation. Babel macros are supported in various React-based frameworks and can be used for track translation and CSS to React Native macros. However, macros have limitations, such as being synchronous and evaluated at compile time.

Available in Español: Magia con Babel Macro

1. Introduction to Babel Macros

Short description:

In this talk, I will introduce Babel macros and explain how they can be used to write plugins and build macros.

A very good morning, a very good afternoon, and a good evening, based on where you're joining. My name is Trubesh and today I'm going to give a talk on magic with Babel macros. So before we dig in into the topic, I want to also talk about why this topic, right? So I think Babel macros was introduced back in 2017, 2018. And it seemed to be a really fascinating thing because of the things you can do just by that, right? A lot of patterns emerged because of that and, yeah, but nowadays not a lot of folks talk about it. So I thought, you know, why not give it a shot and see if you folks are interested. So the aim of this talk is to give you an introduction about Babel macros so that you can go ahead and write your own plugin perhaps or build your own macros.

2. Introduction to Srivesh and AST

Short description:

In this part, Srivesh introduces himself and his background in software development. He also mentions his YouTube channel and podcast. Srivesh then moves on to discuss the importance of AST in transpilers and the need for developers to understand it. He shares his experience of researching the term and provides a simplified definition of AST as a tree representation of source code that conveys its structure.

So my name is Srivesh. I'm from India. I work at a startup called Organize. I majorly handle the frontend side of things. We are also actively hiring. If anyone is looking out, please reach out to I also run a YouTube channel called the Junior Developer. And I host a podcast in that called the Junior Developer Podcast. If you are interested in frontend technologies or tech in general or maybe if you're interested in how to have an impactful development career, you should perhaps check out the channel and you might find some of the videos quite interesting. Also on Twitter, you can find me as dee underscore Junior underscore dev.

So, that's essentially my introduction. Let's get to the talk. So, AST, right? AST is an amazing thing. It stands for abstract syntax T. It's an amazing thing. And I feel that every developer should essentially learn about it. Because it's a it's essentially one of the building blocks of the transpilers which use your plugins to transpile your code, right? And without knowing it, you might not be able to understand how your code is being transpiled.

So, when I heard about this term AST, right, I got really curious and I, of course, boosted up my laptop and tried Googling what is an AST. And the first thing was of Wikipedia. And this was the definition which was thrown at me. It says in computer science, an abstract syntax tree or just syntax tree, is a representation of the abstract syntactic structure of text written in a formal language. So, this did not really this was a pretty complex definition for me. And it did not really hit me what exactly AST is. So, I tried to find a better definition which is much simpler in understanding. And I stumbled upon this definition. It says an abstract syntax tree or AST is a tree representation of the source code of a computer program that conveys the structure of source code. So, what it means by that is essentially you can look at the AST and you can derive what code you're writing. But as I mean it's of course not as readable as the human code which we write. But it's the representation is purely for machine to understand how exactly the code is structured.

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