Improving Developer Happiness with Preview.js

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A look into Preview.js, an open-source extension for Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ and WebStorm that lets you preview individual React components instantly, updated as you type.


A Developer Happiness Engineer is a software engineer focused on improving the efficiency and satisfaction of other developers. This includes tasks like refactoring code, fixing tests, speeding up continuous integration processes, and developing tools to enhance productivity.

Preview JS is a tool designed to enhance developer experience by providing live previews of React, Vue, and Solid components directly within an IDE. It allows developers to see instant updates to UI components as they adjust code, without needing to save or reload pages.

While Preview JS provides instant previews and feedback within an IDE, Storybook serves as a more comprehensive UI component library that documents different states of UI components. Both tools can be used together to improve component development and documentation.

VIT is a modern alternative to Webpack that simplifies setup and accelerates feedback by updating files within milliseconds of changes. It enhances developer productivity by reducing build and load times significantly.

User experience in food delivery apps can be improved by making it clear when menu items are temporarily unavailable rather than completely missing. This avoids confusion and ensures users understand that their favorite items may return to the menu.

Mocking data can be complex depending on the application's requirements and the specific use case. It often involves setting up appropriate responses for different data states, which can be time-consuming and prone to errors if not managed correctly.

To set up Preview JS, ensure you are using a compatible IDE like Visual Studio Code or IntelliJ. You may need to configure a wrapper component to include global CSS and manage context or state to properly display components within Preview JS.

Yes, Preview JS is designed to handle complex components, including those with props. It dynamically generates valid values for props to provide accurate previews, enhancing the development process for more intricate components.

François Wouts
François Wouts
21 min
21 Jun, 2022


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Video Summary and Transcription

Francois, a developer happiness engineer, discusses the challenges of slow builds and their impact on productivity. He explores the implementation of showing unavailable menu items in a food delivery app and demonstrates the use of Storybook for component design. Francois introduces Preview.js, a tool for previewing React, Vue, and Solid components, and explains how it simplifies the development process. He also highlights the benefits of using PrivyJS with Storybook and VIT for faster and more efficient development.

1. Introduction to Developer Happiness Engineering

Short description:

Hi, I'm Francois, a developer happiness engineer. I work on refactoring, fixing tests, and creating tools to make engineers faster. Today, I'll talk about Preview JS and the challenges of slow builds and its impact on productivity.

Hi, my name is Francois. I'm a developer happiness engineer from Sydney, Australia. You might be wondering, what is a developer happiness engineer? What it means is that I'm a regular software engineer who likes to work on refactoring stuff or fixing flaky tests, or making CI faster, but sometimes it's also about creating new tools to make other engineers faster.

So one of these tools is called Preview JS, and I'm going to be talking about that now. You might be familiar with this XKCD comic. I think it was thrown quite a while ago, but it's still somewhat relevant today. I'll give you a few seconds to read through it.

So this, I think, was especially relevant back in the days of a lot of programmers using C++ or some other really, really slow language, where you had to wait for five minutes, maybe 10 minutes, maybe even an hour for your code to recompile. It's not that relevant today for JavaScript, or is it? It's actually not that uncommon these days to work on a large codebase that uses maybe an old version of Webpack or a misconfigured version of Webpack, that takes a couple of minutes to run the build. Maybe even worse, maybe you have to wait 30 seconds every single time you make a change to the file, which is, if you think about it, when you add that up over a day every single time you want to see the impact of a code change you made, that's quite a while just spent And not only is it waiting, but also breaks your flow, so you're usually going to switch context, going to start doing something else and then you go back and it's just, you kind of lost track of what you were trying to do or whatever was in your mind is just kind of not there anymore. And it's not very good for productivity or for engineering happiness.

2. Handling Unavailable Menu Items

Short description:

Let's take the example of a food delivery app called Humbry. Users have provided feedback that they are surprised when the menu doesn't contain expected items. Currently, if an item is unavailable, it is completely removed from the menu. However, the app designers have received a feature request to show unavailable items but make it clear that they are not available. The first way to implement this is by running the app locally.

So let's take this example, this is a food delivery app that I called Humbry and it's really just for the purpose of this presentation. So here we have a bunch of restaurants and let's say I feel like some French crepes, so I'm going to say crepes.

Okay, there's a restaurant called Crêperie François and I'm going to go there and check out. Okay. So there are some really yummy things, caramelized banana and chocolate. That sounds good. Fresh and candied orange. Okay. That sounds good. Okay. That sounds good. Okay. That too. Okay. I'm going to get everything, maybe two of each. Cool. Great. This is pretty much what you would expect from a delivery food app. And we're in the early days of releasing that to users.

And the first piece of feedback that we get is that some users are surprised that sometimes the menu doesn't contain the items that they expected. So that's because sometimes if an item is unavailable, right now the API just removes it from the menu. So let's say this restaurant ran out of chicken. This first item, Kung Pao chicken, will actually be missing entirely. Which surprises users, because they're like, well, did this restaurant remove this from the menu forever? Should I just completely boycott this restaurant because they removed my favorite item? No, that's not the case. It's just unavailable today. And really that's our responsibility as designers of this app, to make it clear.

So instead, we get a feature request from our product manager, which says, now we should still show unavailable menu items, but just make it clear that they're not available. So you know how here we have this counter, instead of this counter, we'll just say, unavailable today, right? This should be a lot less confusing for users. Of course, the first way that we can implement this is by just running the app locally. Right? So we're going to go to our terminal, run Yarn Dev, and wait a little bit.

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