How to Use Gamification to Improve Quality on Your Project

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Building software is all about hitting the right spot between features and quality. But we rarely talk about how to measure quality. Let’s look at how a gamification system (points & leaderboard) within a GitHub action helped developers on my team care about quality!

Jonathan Wagner
Jonathan Wagner
13 min
20 Jun, 2022


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Video Summary and Transcription

Welcome to my talk on using gamification to improve quality. Code quality is crucial and involves maintaining technical debt, ensuring maintainability, and prioritizing delivery and quality. To improve code quality, create a new standard, automate enforcement, and motivate teams. Resolving merge conflicts by removing warnings and automating warning decrease and error reduction can prevent future issues. Strive for zero errors by finding a balance, enhancing tools, blocking pull requests with errors, and incentivizing developers.

1. Introduction to Talk

Short description:

Welcome to my talk on using gamification to improve quality. I'm Jonathan Wagner, an engineering manager at Theda UK. I've always struggled with finding the right balance between fast delivery and code quality.

Hi, everyone. Welcome to my talk on using gamification to improve quality. To quote about myself, I'm Jonathan Wagner. I'm an engineering manager at Theda UK and I've been working as a tech lead for the past four years on about 10 and more projects in production. I can tell you I've always struggled with finding the right balance between pushing for fast delivery and having a good code quality on my projects. I've seen both extremes, like project with 100% code coverage and project were just going to stretch production without testing anything. So, it's always been a struggle and I want to talk to you about all of this.

2. Understanding Code Quality

Short description:

Code quality is a crucial aspect of software engineering. It involves maintaining technical debt, ensuring maintainability, and prioritizing delivery and quality. It's important to address both quick fixes and root causes, prioritizing the quick fix first and then investing time in preventing future issues.

Something classic that people say in software engineering is that there are three hard things. You have caching validation, naming things and prioritizing code quality. What do I mean by code quality? Let's dive a bit more into this. It's everything that contains technical debt, maintainability, factoring and so on. So, it's finding the right balance between delivery and quality. But it's also deciding when to do the fix for the root cause versus the quick fix. Ideally you want to do both, but maybe in the right order. So, prioritize the quick fix and then invest time in looking to the root cause and preventing the issue from happening again. But that's the first question of prioritizing.

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