Getting Comfortable with Angular and UI

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A workshop for UI and Angular beginners alike. Let's pull down the Tour of Heroes app (written John Papa and found throughout the Angular docs) and give it a UI upgrade! All you will need is a laptop and your favorite data set (mine, of course, will be ponies.)


The skeleton component in Angular is used as a loading indicator for certain items or components within an application. It displays a placeholder preview of the content before the actual data is loaded, improving the user experience by indicating that content is being loaded.

The Kendo UI Bottom Navigation component can be customized by overriding the default styles for background color, active state, and hover state. This involves selecting the navigation element in your CSS and specifying new values for these styles, allowing you to match the navigation appearance to your application's design theme.

The 'ngif' directive in Angular is used to conditionally include or exclude a block of HTML elements from the DOM based on the truthiness of the expression provided. It helps in controlling the visibility of elements based on certain conditions, thus enabling dynamic rendering of the content.

Responsive design adjustments in Angular can be handled by using CSS media queries to apply different styles based on the screen size or orientation. This allows elements like navigation bars to adapt to different devices, ensuring a consistent and usable interface across all platforms.

Kendo UI components provide a range of pre-built, highly customizable UI elements that can be easily integrated into Angular projects. They offer advanced functionality with minimal coding, ensuring consistency and responsiveness across your application while significantly speeding up the development process.

Routes in an Angular application can be managed programmatically by using the Angular Router. It allows you to define paths that correspond to different components in your application. Navigation between these paths can be controlled programmatically using methods like 'navigate' or 'navigateByUrl', which enable dynamic and conditional routing.

Alyssa Nicoll
Alyssa Nicoll
149 min
18 Jun, 2021


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Video transcription, chapters and summary available for users with access.

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