The Wind and the Waves: The formation of Framework Waves from the Epicenter

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What do you do when you're a framework that's survived and innovated in two JavaScript Framework Waves, and see the new wave cresting in the distance? You innovate. In this talk, we explore the JavaScript Framework landscape, and some of the major competitive features we've seen. We'll explore what Angular is introducing today and where we're headed in the future.

Sarah Drasner
Sarah Drasner
20 min
20 Jun, 2022


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Video Summary and Transcription

Our understanding of innovation is wrong. Innovations are not introduced by a single point of light. The story of who invented the computer is not linear. Many steps forward led to the development of the computer. Angular has shaped and influenced multiple JavaScript waves, and Angular v14 simplifies development with standalone components.

1. The Complex History of Computer Innovation

Short description:

Our understanding of innovation is wrong. Innovations are not introduced by a single point of light. The story of who invented the computer is not linear. Many steps forward led to the development of the computer. Several inventions and individuals contributed to the modern computer, including ENIAC, Colossus, Aiken's Mark I, the Z3 and Z4, Turing's theory, Claude Shannon's information theory, Jacquard's Loom, Babbage's calculators, Edda Lovelace's concepts, the computer chip, the prototype of the modern computer, and Ethernet. Innovation is a system, interconnected and driven by various spectrums of innovation.

Our collective understanding of innovation is wrong. It may seem at first like problems are solved and innovations are introduced by a single point of light, a lone person having a eureka moment. However, we can see that for any major innovation, this is just not the case.

For instance, let's take the story of who invented the computer. It may at first seem linear, like a single event and a single implementation was the start. However, it was not one, but many steps forward. Maybe under certain definitions it was ENIAC, widely regarded as the first electronic, general purpose digital computer. There were other computers that had all these features, but the ENIAC had them all in one package. That said, it wasn't binary. Colossus was also regarded as the first programmable digital computer, although it was programmed by switches and plugs, not a stored program. Binary being pretty important, maybe you want to trace it back to Aiken's Mark I, which had binary principles, but wasn't electronic. Each storage location, set of switches, and registers were assigned a unique index number. These numbers were represented in binary on the control tape. However, the Z3 and Z4 were the first programmable computer. Atzinosoff and Berry designed the first digital electronic computer, the first time a computer was able to store information on its main memory, but none of those would have been possible without Turing's evolving theory, writing his uncomputable numbers, where he defines what we now know as a Turing machine. But also Claude Shannon laid the foundations of information theory. His theories laid the groundwork for all electronic communication networks, but also EDVAC, Manchester Baby, the Franzi Mark I, and IBM all brought new developments to bear, all of which influenced important pieces of what make up a computer.

But none of this would have been possible without Jacquard's Loom, which was a set of cards to produce a pattern in a weave in a cloth, way back. Or Babbage, who created two mechanical calculators, one was the Difference Engine, and the other was the Unfinished Analytical Machine. Or Edda Lovelace, who invented the concepts of modern computers, including software and subroutines. She thought about how computers could handle any subjects, not just numbers, and that data could be represented in digital form and published the first computer program. But then this really does depend on your definition of a computer, whether you mean modern computer or not, because what would computers be without the computer chip? Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce unveiled the integrated circuit known as the first computer chip. Or what about when the prototype of the modern computer was shown in a research center for augmented human intellect, including a mouse and a GUI? And really, what would modern computing be without the development of Ethernet, for connecting multiple computers and other hardware? As Matt Ridley says in How Innovation Works, the innovation of a computer can no longer be pinpointed into a single product than one can pinpoint the moment a child becomes an adult. For even one of these pieces, we can see that they're interconnected and not just on a linear time scale, but also connected by what spectrum of innovation it pushed forward the most. And thus, we see that innovation is a system, a series of interconnected frequencies. Innovation is connections. Innovation is a network.

2. The Formation of Framework Waves

Short description:

Innovation is not a singular eureka moment. Today, we're going to talk about the formation of framework waves from the epicenter. Angular has shaped and influenced multiple JavaScript waves. The first versions of Angular drew inspiration from Rails and JQuery, leading to the emergence of other frameworks like Ember, Handlebars, Backbone, and Knockout.

Yet many talk about innovation as a light bulb turning on, on an aha moment that strikes only the most brilliant of creators. But even the light bulb was invented simultaneously by 21 different people in different parts of the world. Edison might've gotten that final patent over the line, but the innovation of the light bulb was slow, cumulative, and inevitable. Innovation is not a singular eureka moment.

So what does it take to make an entirely new and useful thing out of things that already exist? How do we create a seismic shift out of things that were here before? We often talk about the waves of JavaScript frameworks, that single moment in time where a framework hits massive relevance. But we don't talk about what makes up a wave. Waves are not created on their own. They're created by a force of nature, the wind. And so today, as we talk about innovation in the industry, we're going to talk about the wind and the waves.

I'm Sarah Drasner, and today we're going to talk about the formation of framework waves from the epicenter. So who am I to talk about this stuff anyway? Back in the day I was a React developer. I keynoted React Rally in 2016 among some other conferences, and then eventually found Vue and became enamored with it, eventually becoming a Vue core team member. In September of last year, I took a director of engineering job at Google, including but not limited to the JavaScript and TypeScript languages, web testing, including Karma, and a few frameworks, one of which is Angular. I don't personally run the Angular team. You can think of me more like Angular's grandma. And although I'm going to focus a lot on Angular today, know that what I'm telling you, know that I can tell you the same story from the perspective of focus of a number frameworks, as the point is that we all do learn from one another. However, what I think is unique and intriguing about Angular is how well it survived. It's shaped and influenced multiple JavaScript waves in ways that I think few fully realize. And in turn, learns and grows and is continuing to grow from those around it. So basically, when I see other frameworks thriving, I feel very happy for them, too.

Which leads me to, how did we all get here? And how did Angular play a part? In order to see where it's going, it's helpful to learn from the past and where we came from. But I'll warn you, this is a contentious area, and people might not always agree on some of these points. Remember how I said that innovation was more like a network or a system than a single aha moment? And remember how I said that Angular and others have stood the test of time? Well, none of these frameworks were made from thin air. The first versions of Angular and AngularJS was one of the most modern JS frameworks, and it drew inspiration from its predecessors, Rails and JQuery. Neither of which I'd really categorize as a modern JS framework, as we know today. From there, we have Ember, also in this first wave, drawing inspiration from Rails as well. Handlebars, which Yehuda Katz worked on previously. And AngularJS spa capabilities. Then we have Backbone, learning also from Angular, but also MVP approaches. And Knockout, which learned from Handlebars in jQuery, introducing important concepts, such as in computed properties.

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