Angular Momentum

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In this talk you'll learn all about the renaissance Angular has been going through! First, we'll look into how the framework embraced fine-grained reactivity with signals to boost its runtime performance by orders of magnitude.

After that we'll dive into applying a similar fine-grained approach to code loading to make everything load faster. At the end, you'll learn about the tooling you can leverage to land all this in your apps!

Minko Gechev
Minko Gechev
22 min
01 Jun, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription

Angular has experienced significant growth and is the second most popular framework after React. The latest release of Angular, called Angular Ivy, went through a major refactoring in 2021. Angular's reactivity model has been improved with the introduction of signals, which enable better integration with RxJS and support advanced reactivity patterns. Angular has made optimizations for performance, including improvements in load speed and lazy loading. The Angular team acknowledges the innovations in other frameworks and highlights the impact of introducing TypeScript in enabling the project's success.

Available in Español: Momento Angular

1. Introduction to Angular

Short description:

Hello, everyone. My name is Miko Getriev. I lead products for Angular at Google. In this talk, I'm going to share everything that has been going on for Angular over the past year and a half. The Angular community has been calling this the Angular momentum. Angular grew close to seven times in the past five years and is the second most popular framework after React.

Hello, everyone. My name is Miko Getriev. I lead products for Angular at Google. Unfortunately, I couldn't join you in person last week in Amsterdam because I got COVID. But in this talk, I'm going to still share with you everything that has been going on for Angular over the past year and a half.

In fact, the framework experienced a lot of advancements. The Angular community has been calling this the Angular momentum. I also realize that most of the folks at Just Nation are not Angular developers. There are many frameworks out there. And I realize that every framework and every community has its own narrative. That is why I'll just ask you to try to be as unbiased as possible, and let me tell you everything that has been going on for Angular.

If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments below or reach out to me on Twitter at mgedgiv. Over the past about five years, Angular grew close to seven times. That's all the statistics from the public node registry. Given that the majority of Angular developers rely on private registries, the projected number is way higher. And the state of JavaScript showed that Angular is the second most popular framework in the survey right after React, and the survey by Stack Overflow confirmed this data.

2. Angular Adoption and Popularity

Short description:

But even if Angular is widely adopted, does it mean that it is very actively developed? Looking at the Angular repository on GitHub, the project received over 16,000 pull requests over the past five years. The coolness factor of every technology in the JavaScript community drops by half for every month it has existed. Is Angular hip? I honestly have no idea. I still consider Rick Astley to be cool. The framework went through a major refactoring, which we completed in 2021. It was called Angular Ivy.

All right. But even if Angular is widely adopted, does it mean that it is very actively developed? Well, looking at the Angular repository on GitHub, the project received over 16,000 pull requests over the past five years. If you're not using Angular on a day-to-day basis, you might still not be completely convinced. And the answer for your feelings is likely hidden behind this logo. Which looks very suspiciously similar to the Angular logo. But is it? This is one of the reasons why there is such a misunderstanding of the Angular framework adoption and popularity. But more about this, we're going to talk in a little bit.

So, before that, based on all these surveys and public trends, it seems that Angular is doing pretty well. But we all know that the JavaScript ecosystem is moving super fast. Since we created Angular, the number of frameworks doubled or tripled. This growth of the space is great. Because everyone brings new insights. Which leads to innovation. But also, well, there is some skewed perspective. The coolness factor of every technology in the JavaScript community drops by half for every month it has existed.

So, I guess there is a question. Is Angular hip? I honestly have no idea. I definitely don't consider myself the authority if something is hip or not. I still consider Rick Astley to be cool. And also, between 2014 and 2021, before I changed roles at Google, I had an almost perfect GitHub streak for these 7 years. As you can see, I was partying really hard in college, getting emotional thinking about algorithms and data structures, and I was using every single opportunity to write some code. Do you know how when you go to a new place, a lot of people take selfies of themselves, right? Well, because I wanted to capture different experiences to make sure that I'm taking pictures from different places I visited, I created a post-commit hook for Git, which was taking a selfie of myself together with a very sentimental commit message for each individual time I push code and to the hash sum. Well, clearly, I can't say whether Angular 6 HIP or not. Making it HIP is also outside of my control and also outside of the control of our team. But there are a few things we can do. We can make sure that Angular is performant, powerful, and stable. The framework went through a major refactoring, which we completed in 2021. It unblocked us to make a lot of improvements and drive a major momentum. Many of you might have heard about this refactoring. It was called Angular Ivy.

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