Bringing the Power of AI into your Editor with GitHub Copilot

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GitHub Copilot is an AI pair programmer tool that puts the collective knowledge of millions of developers right at your fingertips, directly in your IDE.

During the talk, Krzysztof, a core team member behind GitHub Copilot, will demo how Copilot works and discuss the design principles used while creating the project.

He will also dive into some of the project's technical details - how Copilot communicates with its AI, what ""queries"" it uses, how it processes responses, and how it integrates with various IDE to create characteristic Copilot's UX.


GitHub Copilot is a software development productivity tool that functions like an advanced autocomplete, suggesting not only single words but entire blocks of code based on the context of your work. It is powered by the Codex AI model developed by OpenAI.

GitHub Copilot suggests code snippets directly in the editor as you type, adapting to the context and coding style of your project. It can improve coding productivity by suggesting 35% of the newly written code, potentially saving hours of coding time.

While GitHub Copilot was initially available for free during its technical preview, it is planned to become a paid product. However, it will remain free for students and verified open source contributors.

Yes, GitHub Copilot supports multiple code editors. While Visual Studio Code is the primary platform, it also supports all IDEs in the IntelliJ suite, Neovim, and Visual Studio, among others.

Currently, GitHub Copilot focuses on suggesting new code. Although it does not suggest code removal as of now, future enhancements to AI-driven development tooling may include such features.

No, using GitHub Copilot is not considered cheating. It is a tool designed to assist developers by improving productivity and efficiency, much like how other IDE features and tools are intended to aid in software development.

Yes, GitHub Copilot adapts to your personal coding style by analyzing the code in your currently open files and tabs. This personalized approach helps tailor suggestions more closely to your coding preferences.

GitHub Copilot generates suggestions based on a general model and does not share your private code. Changes made to suggestions are analyzed for overall effectiveness, but specific edits are not used to train the model directly.

Krzysztof Cieślak
Krzysztof Cieślak
29 min
16 Jun, 2022


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Video Summary and Transcription

GitHub Copilot is a software development productivity tool that suggests whole blocks of code based on the collective knowledge of software developers. It has been in technical preview for a year and is used by thousands of developers. Copilot's success has grown over time, and it now supports multiple editors and programming languages. The AI model used in Copilot, called Codex, operates on natural language and doesn't require special encoding. Copilot will become a paid product in the summer but will remain free for students and verified open source contributors.

1. Introduction to GitHub Copilot

Short description:

GitHub Copilot is a software development productivity tool that suggests whole blocks of code based on the collective knowledge of software developers. It uses an AI model trained on billions of lines of publicly available code. The suggestions adapt to the coding style and context, providing a unique user experience. GitHub Copilot has been in technical preview for a year, with thousands of developers using it. 35% of newly written code in files with Copilot enabled is suggested by Copilot, making the development process more productive.

Thank you for listening. Hello, everyone. First of all, I'm really, really glad that you are all here. It's been the last two years were difficult, of course, so thank you all for being here.

Yeah, my name is Krzysztof, and I have some fancy title at GitHub. It doesn't really matter. I've been working for the last year and a half on a project called GitHub Copilot. Hopefully, many of you have heard about GitHub Copilot. It has been a hyped topic on the Internet and the social media, but if you haven't, let me quickly introduce you to GitHub Copilot.

So what it is? Basically, it's a software development productivity tool. You can think about it as a bit more powerful autocomplete. However, unlike traditional autocomplete systems, it's not powered by the semantic information or static code analysis, or anything like that. Instead, it's using codex AI model developed by OpenAI that has been trained on collective knowledge of us all, software developers, in the form of billions of lines of code publicly available on the internet. Thanks to that, GitHub Copilot is not limited to suggesting only single words, like variable names or function names, like in the case of traditional autocomplete systems. Instead, we can try to suggest whole blocks of code, multiline blocks of code, that tries to adapt to the current context, tries to figure out what is your next step, what you're planning to do. Those snippets, those suggestions adapt to the coding style, to using other files, other functions from your project, and much more. And because of that, we had to come up with a bit different user experience for those suggestions. using traditional auto complete widget, which is a list of functions, instead we designed this user experience of having this inline, virtual text that's displayed directly in the editor, and I will talk a bit more about that in a moment.

However if you haven't seen GitHub Copilot yet, I do have a quick video for you to demo it, and I'll be talking while this video is playing. As you can see this grey text thingy, those are suggestions that are suggested by GitHub Copilot. They are updated as you type in your editor, so you don't need to make any additional action to get those suggestions, you just type in your editor code as you would normally code, and we just try to suggest something useful for you that's hopefully helpful. In this particular demo, there are only single-line completions, but we can also suggest multi-line completions in some cases. So, you probably want to ask me, yes, this looks cool at the demo, but is it actually useful and does it actually produce any value to the users, improves your productivity? So, as it was mentioned in the introduction, Copilot has been in technical preview for almost a year. We've released it in late June last year, so it's literally one year right now, and it has been used by thousands and thousands of software developers around the world. I cannot, of course, share any specific numbers on that, however, there is one number that I can share, and this is this number. So, for the users that have Copilot enabled on their file, we see that 35 per cent of the newly written code in this file has been suggested by the GitHub Copilot. I mean, of course, software development is not just typing the code, but imagine if you type code by a couple of hours every day, if that process is 35 per cent more productive, that means that you have maybe two hours more of your time back. That's really amazing. This number has been growing steadily for last year. We haven't started with this number.

2. Technical Details and Success of Copilot

Short description:

We started with a much lower number and it has been growing. Our estimations are high in the next couple of years. When I joined the team, we had a simple architecture using a Visual Studio code extension and communicating directly with AI codecs hosted by Open AI. Copilot has become a successful product with a lot of hype on the internet.

We started with a much lower number. It has been growing given the improvements that we've done to the project for over last year. Also, we are sure that we can bring this number way higher. Our estimations are high in the next couple of years.

So, that was marketing. And now let's go into technical details because I'm a software developer. I'm not really trying to sell you a product. I'm here to talk about what we do. And also, as a note, I'm not a data scientist. I'm not an AI guy. I'm working on this project because I have been a developer tooling expert. I have a lot of experience with Visual Studio code extensions and other developer tools. So, that's my role in the team. So, I'm not going to go too deep into AI or how it works. I just don't really understand that. And that's fine. I imagine that most of us are not AI experts or data scientists. We are just software engineers that try to build useful stuff for our customers.

So, when I joined the team and when Copilot started as a project, we were using really simple architecture. We had Visual Studio code extension written in TypeScript, and then we were just communicating directly with AI codecs hosted on by Open AI. You can do that in your projects right now. You need to access to Open AI for access to the preview or beta program, whatever it's called. And then just send HTTP request to it, and it will respond. Actually, this is the architecture that we started our technical preview with around a year ago. There were some additional calls to the for authentication, but that's boring stuff. In principle, it was as simple as that.

And then, Copilot has become a fairly successful product. There has been a lot of hype on the internet about the product, and people, most common question that people were asking, hey, can I use Copilot in IntelliJ? Can I use Copilot in NeoVim? Can I use Copilot in Visual Studio? Okay. Yeah. No one asked that.


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