Biome, Toolchain of the Web

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Biome wants to provide an all-in-one experience for web developers while maintaining performance and quality. Emanuele, lead maintainer of the Biome project, will walk through Biome’s tools:

- A formatter with 97% compatibility with Prettier of JavaScript, JSX, TypeScript and TSX files.

- A linter that offers informative and descriptive diagnostics, with modern lint rules exclusive to Biome and others inspired by the most famous ESlint plugins.

- An opinionated import sorting. An excellent tool offered by Biome Analyser.

- First-class support for editors that support LSP. What you get from the CLI, you get in your editor.

At the end, Emanuele will discuss the plans for 2024 and what the team would like to achieve this year.

Emanuele Stoppa
Emanuele Stoppa
19 min
04 Apr, 2024


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Video Summary and Transcription

Biome is a toolchain for web projects that provides formatting and analysis. It offers high-quality diagnostics and is compatible with Prettier. Biome's analyzer includes over 200 unique lint roles and provides informative error messages. Pion, a part of Biome, aims to be fast and efficient, outperforming other tools. Biome is exploring type inference and plug-in support, and has plans to revamp its configuration in version two.

1. Introduction to Biome

Short description:

Today I'm going to talk about Biome, the toolchain of the web. Biome is a toolchain that wants to provide only one experience for your web projects. It offers Formatter and Analyzer, and aims to provide high-quality diagnostics. Biome is Prettier compatible and offers formatting for JavaScript, TypeScript, JSX, and TSX files. It also has the ability to format broken code as an opt-in feature.

Hello everyone. Today I'm going to talk about Biome, the toolchain of the web. Before going forward with the presentations, I will introduce who I am. My name is Emanuele Stoppa. I'm one of the core contributors of the Biome project and core contributor of the Astra project. I live in Ireland, I'm Italian, I like traveling, and I'm a avid console gamer currently playing Final Fantasy VII.

So let's go with Biome. So what's Biome? So Biome is a toolchain that wants to provide only one experience for your web projects. At the moment, Biome offers Formatter and Analyzer, and we're going to check what are those. Plus, as a mission, I must work and offer the same developer experience on the CLI and the LSP, so editors, and it wants to offer high quality diagnostics.

Now what's a modern toolchain? So well, last year I went to the GIA nation and I talked about the former Biome which was Rome and now Biome and Rome wanted to take all these tools that we wanted that you might have in your web projects and offer just one single toolchain and you use just theoretically, you just use that for everything. Although, well, I mean, let's be realistic. That is not possible at the moment. I mean like, sure, that's still the utopoistic mission, but I want to offer a different point of view of the modern toolchain. So as a modern toolchain, we want to actually own the key operations owned by the software. So parsing, diagnostics, formatting, the linter, and code suggestions, assists. So essentially the things that we actually care and around the toolchain. As a modern, we will also be informative, innovative, and want to offer features that you haven't seen before. So it's really interesting. I mean, let's see further what Biome can offer.

So let's talk about the formatter. So Biome formatter is actually Prettier compatible. It means that it formats as Prettier and we all know that Prettier offers a really nice opinionated formatting experience. Biome is 97 percent compatible by formatting JavaScript, TypeScript, JSX, and TSX files. And it also offers the same options that Prettier does, except for a few that we decided to remove because we feel they are old and not necessary anymore. And also something that Biome formatter does that Prettier can't is actually formatting broken code. Yes, exactly. That's what Biome formatter can do. It's an opt-in feature and it actually works. In this video, we have the while statement that is broken and misses a parenthesis.

2. Biome's Analyzer and Unique Roles

Short description:

You can opt in with Biome and have your formatting working out of the box. The analyzer offers linter and import sorting, with over 200 lint roles, some of which are unique to Biome. Biome also offers import sorting and follows rule pillars for informative and useful error messages.

You would use Prettier and you won't be able to do that. You can opt in with Biome and there you go, you have your formatting working just, you know, out of the box. This is one of the features that a modern toolchain such as Biome can provide.

Let's move forward with the analyzer. So the analyzer is quite a metty feature that offers things like linter and import sorting. So as a linter, Biome offers more than two hundred lint roles. Some of them are quite unique to Biome. Many of them are actually taken from ESLint and the most popular ESLint plugins. The analyzer also offers import sorting out of the box and the Biome lint roles are informative and teach you actually something. So let's see what it means.

So among all the other roles, I want to show you some exclusive Biome roles. You can't find in other linters and hopefully the other linters will adopt them. So, for example, use while or another really nice is no cost enum, which is quite quite nice and we'll see what it does. So I mean, it's not just we don't just copy paste what we have, but Biome offers something more than the existing tools have to offer. It offers also an import sorting, so import sorting Biome is just an assist role. It's just a rule different from a lint role, but still a rule that does essentially the import sorting. And we have our Biome has its own logic, which is explained in the documentation. And essentially it's a proof of how powerful is the infrastructure of Biome analyzer. And also it's informative. So internally we have this thing that we call a rule pillars. So when we create the role, we try to adhere to these pillars. And what are those? So a rule might essentially explain as a first rule explain the error to you like, okay, a rule is triggered. You actually want to know why it was triggered. But actually, we want to know the actual error. But then you also want to know why it was triggered. Like you can just say, okay, this is an error. You actually a rule should tell you why. So you know, and you learn from the actual rule. And then as a third pillar, a rule should always explain you what you should do. Okay, you get the error, you know why but now what do I do? So most of the times you get the code fix.


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