Biome, Toolchain of the Web

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Biome wants to provide an all-in-one experience for web developers while maintaining performance and quality. Emanuele, lead maintainer of the Biome project, will walk through Biome’s tools:

- A formatter with 97% compatibility with Prettier of JavaScript, JSX, TypeScript and TSX files.

- A linter that offers informative and descriptive diagnostics, with modern lint rules exclusive to Biome and others inspired by the most famous ESlint plugins.

- An opinionated import sorting. An excellent tool offered by Biome Analyser.

- First-class support for editors that support LSP. What you get from the CLI, you get in your editor.

At the end, Emanuele will discuss the plans for 2024 and what the team would like to achieve this year.

19 min
04 Apr, 2024
Video transcription, chapters and summary available for users with access.

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