A New Kind of Abstraction

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Developers often look at abstractions as being ""the closer to the metal, the better,"" meaning that as abstractions become further removed from the lowest possible level, the more you give up in terms of performance and features. But abstractions work as a spectrum also. We'll look at how we can adjust our view of abstractions and what kind of examples we can use to better understand that abstractions have less to do with programming and more to do with where we deploy.


Escape hatches allow developers to revert to lower-level code when needed, providing flexibility and control for performance optimization by accessing underlying functionalities directly.

In programming, abstractions help simplify working with low-level concepts like APIs or programming languages, making it more productive and safer by reducing user errors and fragility in code.

Developers often build additional layers of abstraction over a programming language or API, introducing helper functions and utilities to make the language easier and safer to use, without creating a new language or library.

Adding multiple layers of abstractions can lead to increased code size, which may result in bloating the project with unnecessary functions and code, potentially impacting performance.

Abstractions must consider the specific requirements and limitations of each runtime environment, ensuring that code can operate effectively across different platforms without complex build systems.

Cross-platform development can face issues such as feature limitations in webviews or unavailable APIs in native contexts, making it easier to move from web to native than vice versa.

Ionic focuses on creating abstractions that enable code to run efficiently both on the web and native platforms, helping developers find a balance that leverages the strengths of each platform.

Developers should consider the code footprint of the abstractions, the platforms on which the code needs to run, and the amount of work required to adapt the code across different devices and environments.

Mike Hartington
Mike Hartington
8 min
20 Oct, 2021


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Video Summary and Transcription

Abstractions simplify working with low-level concepts like APIs or languages, allowing developers to build on top of them and add helper functions. However, there are tradeoffs, such as increased code size. Abstractions operate on a spectrum, with different runtimes like Node, Dino, and the browser at opposite ends. Code that runs in Dino can likely run in the browser, and code that runs in Node can also run in the browser.

Available in Español: Un Nuevo Tipo de Abstracción

1. Introduction to Abstractions

Short description:

Hi. I'm Mike Hardington, a developer advocate at Ioniq. Today, I want to talk about abstractions. Abstractions simplify working with low-level concepts like APIs or languages. Developers often build on top of them to add helper functions. Some people build additional abstractions with more features and safety. However, there are tradeoffs, such as increased code size. Abstractions can also provide an escape hatch, allowing you to drop down to a lower level if needed. Abstractions operate on a spectrum, and you've likely encountered them more often than you think.

Hi. My name is Mike Hardington. I'm a developer advocate at a company called Ioniq. And I want to talk about abstractions today.

Now, typically, when people talk about abstractions, they normally mean this first kind. Where we have a low level concept, whether it's an API or a language itself. And working with it can be either cumbersome or lead to a lot of potential errors. In the form of user error or code that is very fragile and easy to break.

Now, to make working with this language or this API a lot simpler, what developers have often done is just build something on top of it that allows you to safely work within that run time or within that language. And be a little bit more productive. We're not necessarily creating a whole new language or a whole new library. We're just adding some helper functions. We can kind of think of this like a utilities concept.

Now, while most people find this very helpful, some people decide that this isn't enough. They want more. And so they build another abstraction on top of that. This one including more features, more safety, perhaps new concepts that are abstracting away the lower level concepts, and then so on and so forth. We have this whole entire concept of a hierarchy where there's an abstraction that is n degrees removed from the lower level, whether it's one degree above, one, two degrees, or even five.

Now, with abstractions there also comes some tradeoff. We also have to think about the impact on overall size. The further abstract you are from a given target, chances are you are also going to increase the final code output. You could be including more functions and more code into your project by using the wrong abstraction and bloat your project up pretty quickly. Something also worth considering is whether or not the abstraction also gives you an escape hatch. Now, languages like Python and Lua are built on top of C. They abstract away a lot of the inner workings that C offers but also give you an exit hook so that way if you need to drop down to C, you can do that. You can think of other libraries out there on the web that also offer similar escape hatch. They may build on top of something like Canvas and abstract away a lot of the complexity that Canvas has, but if you need to for performance reasons, you can just kind of hop out of that and get into the native layer of Canvas.

Now these are the traditional kinds of abstractions that I think most people are familiar with. Abstractions also operate on another vector. They can also be thought of as a spectrum, and this is something that once you realize how this relates to the code you work with, you'll see that you've dealt with this more often than you think of.

2. Thinking about Spectrum Abstractions

Short description:

When we think about spectrum abstractions, we consider where our code will run. Traditionally, we thought about node or the browser, but now we have runtimes like Dino. Each has its tradeoffs. Code that runs in node or Dino is at opposite ends of the spectrum. They are so different that code may not run on both without extra effort. However, if code runs in Dino, it can likely run in the browser, and if it runs in node, it can also run in the browser. These are the spectrums we deal with.

When we think about spectrum abstractions, you can think about the code that you write and where is that code going to run. The traditional example of is this code going to run in node or in the browser can now be updated to is this code going to run in node, the browser, or runtimes like Dino. All of these have different tradeoffs, and when we think about code that runs in node or code that runs in Dino, they are on opposite ends of the spectrum. They are so different from one another that without having to work real hard to make sure that that code, without having to work real hard and set up complex build systems, code may not be able to run on one or the other. Where if you have code that can run in Dino, chances are you can figure out a way to get it to run in the browser, and if you have code that runs in node, you can figure out a way to get it to run in the browser, as well. These are the kind of spectrums that we deal with.

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