It's Time to De-Fragment the Web

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Over the past few years, the number of web frameworks available to us has exploded. In some ways, the breadth of choice is a clear win for our ecosystem. However, for many of us, it also comes with harsh drawbacks: - Have you ever used a popular open-sourced component built for framework A, and wished it existed in framework B? What about a design system library? - Does your company have frontends built in different frameworks, and your web teams are frustrated about the wasted hours needed to achieve a consistent design system? - Does your team build SDKs for web frameworks, and must manually re-write them for each framework? The solution to all 3 of these problems exists today. To fully understand it, we must first examine today’s web frameworks, re-think what a component should look like, and introduce a new Intermediate Representation of our components. This is what we have done at when we created Mitosis, and we’re excited to share it with everyone.


Mitosis is an open-source project that allows developers to write components once and run them across various web frameworks. It aims to simplify the development process by generating compatible components for frameworks like React, Vue, Svelte, and more from a single source code.

Framework-agnostic component development is considered tedious because traditionally, developers need to rewrite the same component multiple times for different frameworks or use web components which have limitations, especially in server-side rendering contexts.

The main advantages of using Mitosis include reducing the need to rewrite components for different frameworks, facilitating easier maintenance, and supporting a wide range of web frameworks, thereby saving time and reducing potential errors.

Yes, Mitosis can handle server-side rendering. It generates framework-specific code that is optimized for server-side rendering across different platforms, addressing one of the common limitations of using standard web components.

Mitosis improves the development process by allowing companies to maintain a single source code for components that can be run on multiple frameworks. This reduces the complexity and resource overhead associated with maintaining parallel codebases for each framework, making it ideal for companies with diverse tech stacks.

As of the last update, most generators in Mitosis are in beta, with some in alpha. Despite this, many enterprise customers are successfully using SDKs built with Mitosis, and companies like Experian have started incorporating it into their UI design systems.

Contributors can join the Mitosis community on platforms like GitHub and Discord. The project is open for contributions ranging from adding new generators to improving existing features, with guides and support available for new contributors.

Sami Jaber
Sami Jaber
34 min
02 Dec, 2022


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Video Summary and Transcription

Today's Talk introduces Mitosis, an open source project that solves the problem of building framework agnostic components. It supports JSX and Svelte syntax and outputs human-readable code for various web frameworks. Mitosis is already being used by enterprise customers and can be easily integrated with React, Svelte, and other frameworks. It saves time, allows for easy handling of framework version migrations, and enables efficient unit and integration testing.

Available in Español: Es hora de desfragmentar la web

1. Introduction to Framework Agnostic Components

Short description:

Today, I will discuss the idea of framework agnostic components. Building these components can be tedious, and current solutions like writing them by hand or using web components have tradeoffs. That's why we've developed Mitosis, an open source project that solves this problem. I'll show you why building these components is tedious, why Mitosis is a good solution, and how it works better than expected.

Well, you guys have a lot of energy for a full day of talks. Thank you for sticking around for mine. Thank you to the React Day Berlin organizers for choosing my talk and for everyone else who's in the room today. I'm really, really excited about what I want to talk about, so let's just dive in.

What I'm going to be discussing today is the idea of framework agnostic components. Those to those who are unfamiliar with that idea is when you write a component that you want to render in different web frameworks. So a React app, a Quick app, a Svelte app, a Vue app. There are a lot of scenarios where you want to build such a component because of a business need or any other kind of need. Doing that today is really tedious. You effectively have one of two choices. You can either do it by hand, write that same component over and over by hand four, five, six times, which is obviously not great, or you can use web components, which is a standard that's been developed on top of web browsers. Both of those have tradeoffs that we at Builder we're unhappy with. This is why we've come up with a solution, which is Mitosis, an open source project that's already been available for a couple of years now, that solves this problem for us and hopefully for other people. So I'm going to try to convince you that building those components is tedious right now, and I'm going to try to convince you that Mitosis is a good solution for that. And towards the end, I'm going to try to really, really convince you that Mitosis works, because it is almost too crazy to work, but it does work better than you would expect.

2. Introduction to Sami Jaber and Buildr

Short description:

I'm Sami Jaber, a software engineer at Buildr and the primary contributor and maintainer of the SDKs. Buildr is a headless visual CMS that allows non-web developers to build web pages by dragging and dropping components. I also build the SDKs using Mitosis. Previously, I worked on Splash as a web developer.

Now, before we get into all of that, I just want to introduce myself briefly. My name is Sami Jaber, I'm a software engineer at Buildr. I'm the primary contributor and maintainer of the SDKs. So Buildr is a headless visual CMS, which means you can drag and drop your own components in a way that lets non-web developers build web pages, and what powers all of that is the SDKs, which need to be different for each web framework. And so I'm the contributor to those SDKs and I build them using Mitosis, which I'm also the primary contributor to. Before my time at Buildr, I was one of the web developers on Splash.


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