Consistent UX at Scale: Lessons Learned When I Wore the DesignOps Hat

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The need for Design Systems comes with the need for scale, efficiency, and consistency in design. Those have been one of the major talking points in the design—and front-end—community for the past years. Some love it; some are more skeptical. In this session, I'm gathering the common denominators I've noticed while working on Design Systems across small, medium, and huge companies, with an eye on points like consistency, themeability, accessibility, the path to deliver designs to actual code, and their adoption.

Matheus Albuquerque
Matheus Albuquerque
31 min
02 Dec, 2022


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Video Summary and Transcription

Today's Talk covers the challenges of implementing accessibility in design systems and the importance of using existing libraries. It also emphasizes the use of design tokens and code generation to ensure consistency across different code bases. The Talk explores automation, webhooks, and type safety in design systems, as well as the importance of measuring adoption and building accessibility. Finally, it suggests establishing a DesignOps team to encourage collaboration between designers and developers.

1. Introduction

Short description:

Hello everyone, welcome here. Today we're going to be talking about consistent UX and how to scale that and things, lessons learned that worked across different scales of products and companies. This is me, I'm Mateus Obkerke. You can find me everywhere as YT Combinator, including on Twitter.

Hello everyone, welcome here. I personally find it great to be here, back to all those conferences. I missed it so much, especially React Berlin.

As you probably know, today we're going to be here, talking about consistent UX and how to scale that and things, lessons learned that worked across different scales of products and companies. This is me, I'm Mateus Obkerke. You can find me everywhere as YT Combinator, including on Twitter. I work at Medaglia and I also volunteer at TechLabs Berlin.

We basically are mentoring people, learning programming and that kind of stuff. All the links for this session are available here, so if you scan the QR code, everything is here including networks and stuff. I do have a disclaimer. It's a lot of interesting topics that we have to fit them in half an hour. So, if anything feels like it deserves a proper follow up discussion, just feel free to reach. Throughout the conference, in the after party, everything.

2. Introduction to Design System Challenges

Short description:

Today, I'm going to be talking about three topics: accessibility, the delivery process of a design system, and understanding the adoption of your design system within your company.

I'd like to start a question. How many of you have worked on a design system? Either as an engineer, as a developer, or designer. Cool! A lot of raisers! So, you know that is definitely something that is not easiest, not a trivial system. Building and scaling that. That's why I'm here today. I'm here to talk about some challenges. Some results of a lot of people working together. The common denominators, as I mentioned, that worked across different companies, etc. It's also a lot about moving across the spectrum of designing and engineering. So, it's a lot about hearing from designers, collecting their feedback about the process, and that kind of stuff. Because we don't have like an hour or hours to discuss, we have to focus on something. So, today, I'm going to be talking about these three topics. Accessibility, the delivery process of a design system, and understanding a little bit about the adoption of your design system within your company. And then we're going to draw some conclusions on top of that.

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