April 16, 2020
React Summit Remote Edition

React Summit Remote Edition 2020

The biggest React conference in the cloud

AHA Programming
32 min
AHA Programming
Top Content
Are you the kind of programmer who prefers to never see the same code in two places, or do you make liberal use of copy/paste? Many developers swear the Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) philosophy while others prefer to Write Everything Twice (WET). But which of these produces more maintainable codebases? I've seen both of these approaches lay waste to codebases and I have a new ideology I would like to propose to you: Avoid Hasty Abstractions (AHA). In this keynote, we'll talk about abstraction and how you can improve a codebase applying and creating abstractions more thoughtfully as well as how to get yourself out of a mess of over or under-abstraction.
React Query: It’s Time to Break up with your "Global State”!
30 min
React Query: It’s Time to Break up with your "Global State”!
Top Content
An increasing amount of data in our React applications is coming from remote and asynchronous sources and, even worse, continues to masquerade as "global state". In this talk, you'll get the lowdown on why most of your "global state" isn't really state at all and how React Query can help you fetch, cache and manage your asynchronous data with a fraction of the effort and code that you're used to.
The 1.0 is a Lie
22 min
The 1.0 is a Lie
Whenever there's a conversation about working on React Native, versioning and release cycle usually arise as one of the pain points. But why is that the case? How complicated is it to create a new release of React Native? Surely it looks similar to the release process you are using... or not! During this talk I'll walk you through the many steps and complexities involved in publishing a new version or React Native, and I'll challenge one fundamental idea – that 1.0 is the solution to all problems. I hope you're ready, it's going to be wild!
ML on the Edge
7 min
ML on the Edge
The world is filled with billions of small, connected, intelligent and compute-efficient smart-phones. What if we can tap into this power and do more on the edge? It turns out, ML fits perfectly here. Let us explore the MLKit library to bake in intelligence into react-native applications. 

Styles and Theming with Restyle in React Native
8 min
Styles and Theming with Restyle in React Native
Top Content
Haris is talking about the newly open-sourced library Restyle (https://github.com/Shopify/restyle); how it addresses many problems and pain points developers experience when managing evolving styles and theme support (gotta have dark mode!) in a React Native app.
End Your Development Nightmares with envinfo and Solidarity
7 min
End Your Development Nightmares with envinfo and Solidarity
In a world where perpetually confused developers can't quite get their React Native development environments working, new libraries emerge from the ashes of lost productivity: envinfo and Solidarity. Escape the complexity and be part of the wave of teams embracing change to save their projects from themselves. 

How I Went from Being Skeptical about Relay to Falling in Love with It
27 min
How I Went from Being Skeptical about Relay to Falling in Love with It
GraphQL integration (and API/data fetching in general) becomes quite repetitive and complex as our app scales. New features need to be built that are sort of similar to features that already existed, but what bits they can reuse is not clear (eg: pagination). New members join the team and we’d like them to work on their UI components without worrying about the data fetching logic of the rest of the component tree. Relay takes an opinionated stance to solve some of these problems that are worth understanding and learning from. In this talk, I'm going to motivate the core features in Relay from the ground-up. I'll do hands-on demos to explain the common challenges GraphQL clients run into, how one would fix them without Relay and then fix them with Relay. I'll also touch upon how Relay works and its design briefly and how Relay’s design goal is not just being a high-performance GraphQL client, but also increasing developer productivity and happiness.
Controlling Apps with Your Mind and AI
25 min
Controlling Apps with Your Mind and AI
What is the future of user interactions? Will we continue using web and mobile or will we switch into VR and AR completely? What is our UX today on web and mobile and how it will change when the digital world will bridge into new dimensions. Would we still use keyboard and mouse or gestures or will we use something else? In this talk we will get a glimpse into the future where we will control apps with our thoughts. Literally. It’s not a thought experiment, but a journey into our brainwaves with consumer EEG headset. We will explore how we can use them and AI to create futuristic experiences, which will lay a foundation stone to our future interactions with the digital world.

Scalable React Development for Large Projects
35 min
Scalable React Development for Large Projects
Scaling React development across multiple teams can be incredibly difficult. Teams need to share core functionality while staying autonomous. Changes need to propagate through many projects while being tested. Nx is an open-source toolkit that allows organizations to scale development more easily than before! Nx makes setting up Cypress, Prettier, Storybook, Next.js, and Gats faster than ever. You can also develop full-stack using Node frameworks like Apollo and Nest.js and share code between frontend and backend. In this talk you’ll learn how large organizations like Facebook, Microsoft, and Google are able to successfully scale across multiple teams, business units, and products.

Designing with Code in Mind
30 min
Designing with Code in Mind
For years I've been a designer who codes and I believe that designing with code or with a coding mindset can help your team to be more productive. In this talk, I'm exploring this concept and showing my daily workflow that can probably help to bridge the gap between devs and designers.
Going Live from your Browser without WebRTC
13 min
Going Live from your Browser without WebRTC
When developers think about broadcasting live from the browser, the immediate assumption is to use WebRTC. While WebRTC is amazing technology, server-side implementations are...lacking right now. We'll talk about a (totally hacky) way to get video from the browser via technology you're using today.
Button vs Div: What's the Big Deal Anyway?
12 min
Button vs Div: What's the Big Deal Anyway?
Accessibility advocates often say "use the platform," but why? In this lightning talk, I'll be showing you implementation differences between the behavior of native HTML elements and their DIV counterparts.
GraphQL Mesh – Query Anything, Run Anywhere
15 min
GraphQL Mesh – Query Anything, Run Anywhere
In this talk I will demonstrate the new GraphQL Mesh library that was recently announced. GraphQL Mesh changes a lot of the traditional ideas about GraphQL and its relationship with other API protocols.It can automatically generate a GraphQL API from openapi/Swagger, gRPC, SOAP, oData and others without changing the source and merge them all schemas into a single schema - Schema Stitching for any source!In this talk I will share some of the original ideas behind it and my opinions on how the future looks for API consumption and exposure.
Bringing Ionic (and Web Components) to React
12 min
Bringing Ionic (and Web Components) to React
Ionic is a framework for building fast and powerful mobile, desktop, and web apps with web technology. Traditionally, Ionic has been built on top of one framework: Angular. But recently, Ionic added support for React, and aims to bring the same great development experience to the React ecosystem. In this talk, we’ll look at how an Ionic React app works and how this changes the React ecosystem (surprise, it's because of Web Components).