Who’s Faster at Building an Energy Generation Data Visualisation Platform: ChatGPT or a Developer?

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Gear up for a speed competition, it's ChatGPT versus yours truly, racing to build a data visualisation platform from scratch at top speed. Who will win? We’ll be taking on the challenge of reconstructing an energy generation visualisation platform, drawing inspiration from the likes of GridWatch and the Energy Dashboard.

Chloe Caron
Chloe Caron
28 min
14 Jun, 2024


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Video Summary and Transcription

Today's Talk discusses the competition between a developer and ChatGPT in building a data visualization platform. Generative AI is widely used, but ChatGPT is not a direct replacement for developers. Prompt engineering enhances ChatGPT's performance. The future of AI is promising, with open source models and proactive AI agents on the rise. Leveraging prompt engineering and dedicated LLM tools can improve code generation and automation.

1. Introduction

Short description:

Today, I'm going to be talking about who's faster at building a data visualization platform. People often ask me if ChatGPT can do it, and I used to say no. But I started doubting myself, so I did a little experiment.

So hi, everyone. So like the kind of talk title says, today I'm going to be talking about basically who's faster at building a data visualization platform. So this is a question I got quite a lot whenever I'm working on something, either from clients or from friends or even people working in the same industry when they always ask me, did you try just asking ChatGPT? Can't ChatGPT do this? And it's one of those things where on the spot, immediately I'm always like, no. No, no, no. ChatGPT can't do these things. And at one point I started doubting myself. So hence why I kind of did a little experiment.

2. About Me and Generative AI

Short description:

I'm a tech lead developer turned data engineer. I've lived in six countries and moved eight times before 18. Generative AI is used by 56% of U.S. workers, but only 9% use it daily. 55% believe generative AI matches the output of experienced human workers. ChatGPT had 180 million users in March 2024, becoming popular in just five days. Developers are among its most frequent users.

A little bit about me. I'm going to keep it super short. So yes, as mentioned, I'm a tech lead developer, and recently I've been moving over into data engineering. And a little fun fact is I've lived in six countries and moved eight times before turning 18. No, my parents are not diplomats. That's usually the automatic question I get.

Okay. So a bit of stats about generative AI and how it's used in the workplace. All of the stats you're kind of going to see are from the U.S. The U.S. does a lot of surveys. It's kind of great when you want to show some statistics in a presentation. But in general, about 56% of U.S. workers have said they use generative AI for their work tasks. Only about 9% of those use it on a daily basis. But it's still becoming quite an important point of discussion. On the flip side of things, around 55% have said the quality of generative AI matches the output of experienced human workers. So those two statistics look very close together. They're not necessarily the same people who answered both questions in the positive. And you're going to see why from the results. I'm kind of spoiling it. But yes, you'll see that a little later on.

Okay. So ChatGPT caused a wave of interest in 2024. In March 2024, it had about 180 million users. Which is quite an impressive number. And like you can see, it kind of took only about five days to reach 1 million users. So it became very popular very fast. We developers are definitely one of those who use it most. Because it's used...